Orasema peraltai, Baker & Heraty, 2020

Baker, Austin J. & Heraty, John M., 2020, The New World ant parasitoid genus Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4888 (1), pp. 1-84 : 59-61

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Plazi (2020-11-30 09:58:53, last updated 2024-11-29 15:13:02)

scientific name

Orasema peraltai

sp. nov.

Orasema peraltai n. sp.


( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 )

Diagnosis. Distinguished from O. chrysozona by features given in the key.

Description. Female. Length 3.3–3.6 mm ( Fig. 31A View FIGURE 31 ). Color. Head and mesosoma bright green. Pedicel and anellus brown. Fore coxa yellow, mid and hind coxae iridescent green; femora yellow. Head ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 B–D). HW:HH = 0.8–1.0; IOD:EH = 1.0–1.2; MS:EH = 0.5–0.7; malar depression absent; supraclypeal area smooth. Palpal formula 3:2. Temples present, angulate. FL:HH = 0.9–1.1; F2L:F2W= 1.4–2.0, F2L:F3L = 1.4; clava subconical ( Fig. 31F View FIGURE 31 ). Mesosoma ( Fig. 31E, G, H View FIGURE 31 ). ML:MH = 1.7–2.1. Mesoscutal midlobe costate, sparsely setose. Axilla smooth; scutoscutellar sulcus narrow, regularly foveate; mesoscutellar disc slightly longer than broad, weakly costate-reticulate; frenal line irregularly foveate; smooth with scattered shallow depressions; axillular sulcus distinct and foveate. Callus areolate. HCL:HCW = 1.6–2.1; HFL:HFW = 4.0–4.8, with moderate cover of short setae. FWL:FWW = 2.3–2.6, FWL:ML = 1.8–2.1; postmarginal vein several times longer than stigmal vein. Hind wing costal cell with a broad bare area. Metasoma. PTL:PTW = 2.0–2.7, PTL:HCL = 0.9–1.2, rugose-reticulate. Ovipositor with subapical carina present; first (ventral) valvula with 6–8 small, narrowly separated teeth, second (dorsal) valvula with 8–10 annuli that are broadly separated dorsally, carinae coalescing.

Male. Unknown.

Hosts. Unknown.

Plant associates. Unknown.

Distribution ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 ). Argentina: CN, LR, SF, TM; Brazil: BA; Uruguay: CO. Collected in January–April.

Material Examined. Holotype. ARGENTINA. Tucumán: Las Tipas ( Trancas ), 1169m, 26 ° 38’9”S, 65 ° 24’58”W, 2-6.i.2009, E. Virla, malaise trap [♀, desposited in UCRC: UCRCENT00434580] GoogleMaps . Paratypes. AR-GENTINA. Corrientes: Hwy. 12, Arroyo Carumbe , 29 ° 30’18”S, 57 ° 52’48”W, 15.i.1989, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G. Wibmer [1♀, CASC: UCRCENT00417408] GoogleMaps . La Rioja: Santa Cruz , 1637m, 28°40’45”S, 66°57’52”W, 15 GoogleMaps -

31.iv.2007, C. Porter & P. Fidalgo, decid. for., malaise trap, H07-049 [1♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00161481]; Sta. V. Cruz, 28°35’8”S, 66°37’50”W, 15-31.iii.2003, D. Peralta, MT [1♀, IFML: UCRCENT00436715] ; 15.i.2007 [1♀, IFML:UCRCENT00436709]; 28.ii.2007 [5♀,IFML:UCRCENT00436703–05, MACN:UCRCENT00436896–97]; 31.i.2007 [6♀, IFML: UCRCENT00436707–08, MACN: UCRCENT00436899–900, UCRC: UCRCENT00169650, UCRCENT00169656]. Santa Fe: 8 km. N Recreo , 24m, 31 ° 25’2”S, 60 ° 44’42”W GoogleMaps , 31.i.1989, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & G. Wibmer [1♀, CASC: UCRCENT00417427]. Tucumán: btw Choromoto & Higuera, 900m, 26 ° 22’48”S, 65 ° 22’12”W GoogleMaps , 9.i.1996, M.J. Sharkey [2♀, CNC: UCRCENT00505442–43]. BRAZIL. Bahia: Chapada, 1347 m, 12 ° 52’46”S, 41 ° 24’13”W GoogleMaps , iv [2♀, USNM: UCRCENT00247814, UCRCENT00416666]. URUGUAY. Colonia: 1 km. E. R.21, km. 184, 33 ° 58’52”S, 58 ° 16’52”W GoogleMaps , 9.ii.1989, C.W. & L. O’Brien & G. Wibmer [6♀, CASC: UCRCENT00417415, UCRCENT00417417–21].

Etymology. Named in honor of Daniel Peralta, who candidly took care of the malaise trap where this species was collected for many years.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 29. Distribution map of species in the Orasema peraltai species group.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 31. Orasema peraltai. Holotype female (UCRCENT00434580): A, habitus, lateral; B, head, anterior; E, mesosoma, lateral; F, antenna; G, mesosoma, dorsal; H, propodeum, posterior. Paratype female (UCRCENT00161481): C, head, dorsal. Paratype female (UCRCENT00436704): D, head, posterior.


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