Chloroclystis, Hubner, 1825

Schmidt, Olga, 2023, Comparison of the structure and musculature of male terminalia in the genera Chloroclystis Hübner, Sigilliclystis Galsworthy, and Ziridava Walker (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae), Zootaxa 5278 (3), pp. 555-562 : 556

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5278.3.7

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Chloroclystis View in CoL View at ENA v-ata (Haworth)

( Figs 1–2 View FIGURES 1–2 )

The uncus is small, uniapical, broadened at the base, separated from the tegumen, and slightly shifted to its ventral side. The tegumen is rather long, not expanded apically but with the apex located slightly dorsad of the base of the uncus. The medium sized muscles m1 run from the medio-lateral part of the tegumen towards the uncus and are inserted in its base. The gnathos arms are much reduced, medially considerably disunited. The proximal area of the anal tube is connected to the gnathos. The muscles m2(10) are attached to the tegumen, close to the muscles m1, and run to the rather distal part of the subscaphium. The costa valvae is rather short, with a short suture at the small rounded basal process of the costa valvae. The muscles m3(2) run from the ventral part of the tegumen, dorsad and at a short distance from the muscles m4 to the basal process of the costa valvae, close to the short suture. The transtilla is rather broad, complex, and mainly membranous, arising from the base of the costa valvae dorsad of the labides and incorporating X-shaped sclerotised plates. The muscles m4, appearing like two inseparable bundles, run from the ventral corner of the tegumen, close to the vinculum, to the medial ridge of the transtilla. The short muscles m5(7) extend from the vinculum to the inner wall of the valva. The juxta is medium sized, and the voluminous muscles m8(3) connect the ‘neck’ of the juxta with the saccus, whereas the broad, rather short, curved ventral bundle runs to the upper margin of the saccus, and the long, less curved dorsal bundle broadly runs to the inner surface of the saccus, with the proximal end of the muscles attached rather close to the muscles m7(6). The aedeagus is medium sized, broadest at the basis, with the medium sized muscles m6(5) running from the vinculum, close to the muscles m5(7), to the basal process of the aedeagus. The rather broad muscles m7(6) consisting of two curving bundles run from the lower margin of the saccus (with the bundles of m7a(6a) attached to its lateral curve) to the medio-distal part of the aedeagus. There are no sacks of coremata at the vinculum. The eighth abdominal segment has a pair of octavals fused basally.













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