Anthurium atrovinosum Temponi, Hammes & Nadruz, 2020

Hentz Júnior, Elmar J., Hammes, Janaine K., Camelo, Mel C., Coelho, Marcus A. N. & Temponi, Lívia G., 2021, Araceae from Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Phytotaxa 497 (3), pp. 229-246 : 231-232

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Anthurium atrovinosum Temponi, Hammes & Nadruz


Anthurium atrovinosum Temponi, Hammes & Nadruz View in CoL in Hammes et al. (2020: 293–297) ( Fig. 2A–C View FIGURE 2 , 6A–D View FIGURE 6 ).

Terrestrial. Stem erect. Cataphylls and prophylls brown, with an entire apex and marcescent base. Petiole 12.0–45.0 cm long., green with vinaceous shading usually at the base, abaxially obtuse to obtuse with a slight keel, adaxially sulcate with obtuse angles to slightly sulcate with acute margins, geniculum 0.2–0.5 cm long. Leaf-blade 13.5–29.5 × 3.7–9.0 cm, green, discolorous to slightly discolorous, erect to slightly patent to the petiole, chartaceous, elliptic, with a flat surface, apex acute to apiculate, base acute, obtuse to truncate, glandular dots absent. Midrib green on both sides, obtuse to acute abaxially, obtuse to acute adaxially, prominent; primary lateral veins 10–16 on both sides; secondary and tertiary veins reticulate, basal vein 1–(0) on each side, collective veins 0.3–1.5 cm distant from the margin. Inflorescence. Peduncle 10.0– 35.5 cm long, green or green with vinaceous dots, or entirely vinaceous, terete to 1-ribbed. Spathe 3.5–6.0 × 0.6–1.1 cm long, green to green with vinaceous dots externally and vinaceous internally, erect to patent at anthesis, reflexed after anthesis. Spadix 3.0–8.0 × 0.4–1.0 cm, homogeneous, vinaceous, cylindrical, sessile (stipe absent), pollen grains yellow, main spiral with 4–5 flowers, bisexual flowers; alternate spiral with 5–7 flowers, vinaceous berries, 2 seeds.

Distribution: — Anthurium atrovinosum is endemic to Brazil, occurring in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais ( Hammes et al. 2020, Flora do Brasil 2020). It was found at the Pedra do Pato (central PESB), Pico do Boné, and Matipó (northern PESB) trails.

Ecology and phenology: —Found with flowers and young berries in July, ripe berries in February. Occurs in the Upper Montane Seasonal Forest areas of the PESB, in small populations (3–4 individuals), at elevations ranging from 1450 to 1720 m.

Taxonomic notes: —Differs from other Anthurium species found in the PESB by its dark vinaceous berries.

Specimens examined: — BRAZIL. Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, Minas Gerais: Araponga, Pico do Boné , 02 July 2019, fl., J . K . Hammes et al. 225 ( RB!). Fervedouro, Trilha Pedra do Pato , 12 Feb 2020, fl., fr., J . K . Hammes et al. 244 ( UNOP!); Pedra Bonita, Trilha Matipó, 4 Aug 2019, fl., J . K . Hammes et al. 230 ( UNOP!); 4 Aug. 2019, fl., fr., J . K . Hammes et al. 232 ( UNOP!); fl., M . C . Camelo et al. 110 ( RB!) .


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Anthurium atrovinosum Temponi, Hammes & Nadruz

Hentz Júnior, Elmar J., Hammes, Janaine K., Camelo, Mel C., Coelho, Marcus A. N. & Temponi, Lívia G. 2021

Anthurium atrovinosum

Hammes, J. & Nadruz, M. A. C. & Temponi, L. G. & Lombardi, J. A. 2020: 293
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