Sakakibarella crassa, Camacho & Flórez-V & Evangelista, 2017

Camacho, Luis F., Flórez-V, Camilo & Evangelista, Olivia, 2017, Notes on the genus Sakakibarella Creão-Duarte with description of three new species (Membracidae: Membracinae: Hoplophorionini), Zootaxa 4281 (1), pp. 90-107 : 98-101

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Sakakibarella crassa


Sakakibarella crassa Flórez-V and Camacho sp. nov.

Figures 6, 11, 19, 27, 36–40, 55

Diagnosis. Male: general color light brown with transversal dark brown marking between dorsal process and humeral angles, and zigzag marking over supraocullar callosities; posterior margin of maxillary plates lobed; pronotum with slight antero-dorsal protuberance.

Description. Holotype male. Color. Mostly light brown. Head black with brown supraantennal ledges, ocelli, and eyes. Pronotum light brown; metopidium mottled with brown spots, and with one dark brown horizontal zigzag marking over supraocullar callosities; anterior part of dorsum with black straight marking extending between dorsal and humeral angles. Thoracic sternites and coxae dark brown. Forewing membrane opaque pale brown with black spots at basal cell M and mid-clavus; sclerotized areas tan; forewings veins tan to brown. Hindwings hyaline, apex smoky hyaline. Femora, tibiae and tarsomeres tan.

Sculpture. Pronotum densely and deeply punctate, each pit with one erect golden seta associated on the middle. Body covered in dense golden pubescence, including head, sclerotized areas of forewings, ventral region of thorax and legs. Abdominal terga III–VII with antero-lateral margins with depressions accompanied by finger-shaped integumental thickening.

Head. In frontal view: width approximately 1/2 of distance between tips of humeral processes; eyes width approximately 1/4 of vertex width; ocelli closer to coronal suture than to eyes; vertex rectangular, slightly convex medially, clypeus strongly curved posteriorly; suprantennal ledges wide and narrow, lateral external angle round, posterior margin truncate, curved forwards, and forming a continuous straight line with clypeus. In ventral view: clypeus ellipsoidal, ventrally flattened, with feeble transversal carina at same level of suprantennal ledges; maxillary plates distinctly expanded, almost reaching postocular lobes, visible posterior outline lobed; rostrum reaching posterior margin of metacoxae.

Thorax. Pronotum: in frontal view: humeral angles wide and triangular. In lateral view: pronotum with slight antero-dorsal protuberance at median carina, emerging above postocular lobes, median carina percurrent from metopidium to apex of posterior process, metopidium straight to base of anterior protuberance, dorsum descending in straight diagonal line from dorsal protuberance to apex of posterior process, reaching apex of wing clavus; in dorsal view: diamond shaped, lateral margins posterior to humeral straight, converging to an acute and triangular posterior process. Forewings with one s, one r-m, and two m-cu crossveins; five apical cells and two discoidal cell delimited by bifurcation of R and r, and two m-cu crossveins. Hindwing with R3 and R5 equal in length. Metafemur distinctly shorter and more slender than pro- and mesofemora. Tibiae lacking cucullate setae in all three rows; metatibia clavate and distinctly slender than pro- and mesotibiae.

Abdomen: Aedeagus robust, cylindrical, U-shaped; posterior arm 2x as tall as anterior arm; posterior arm slightly widened from base to tip in anterior and caudal view; corona with numerous rows of scale-like spines near the anterior dorsal region of posterior arm. Styles curved ventrally and hooked-shaped, abruptly narrowed to acute tip.

Female and late-instar nymph unknown.

Remarks. The general aspect of S. crassa sp. nov. is similar to that of S. seminigra . However, the pronotum of S. crassa sp. nov. lacks a developed antero-dorsal process and the dark marking on the metopidium is more narrow; males also exhibit a slenderer aedeagus. The unique specimen collected was found alone on a seedling of Sabiaceae in a cloud forest.

Distribution. Antioquia: Carolina del Príncipe (Embalse de Miraflores), Longitude: -75.32795°, Latitude: 6.73425°.

Measurements. Male (mm): Body length: 7.75; pronotum length: 5.76; pronotum height: 2.37; forewing length: 6.57; distance between humeral angles: 3.99; head width: 2.06; vertex width: 1.36; vertex length: 0.93

Examined material. Holotype male from COLOMBIA: Antioquia: Carolina del Príncipe : “ COLOMBIA. Antioquia, Carolina del \ Príncipe , Embalse Miraflores , 6°44,055'N \ 75°19,677'W, 2090m, manual, adulto \ solitario en plántula al borde de bosque, \ 11-feb-2015 \ leg. N. Arcila, C. Flórez, I. Olivares \ CBUCES-F” (CBUCES). GoogleMaps

Notes on type series. Holotype pinned, in excellent state of preservation; right wings laterally extended; abdomen dissected and placed in a vial with glycerine pinned with specimen.

Etymology. The specific epithet ‘ crassa ’ refers to the overall bulky aspect of the body.













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