Ophiocomella pumila Lütken, 1856

Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231 : 163

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Plazi (2019-07-19 08:56:06, last updated 2023-10-30 16:58:48)

scientific name

Ophiocomella pumila Lütken, 1856


Erroneous— Ophiocomella pumila Lütken, 1856

Reports for the Azores:

Ophiocoma pumila L̹tken, 1856 — Devaney 1970: 28, figs. 16, 37, 40, 44; Mladenov 1985: 285–295, figs. 1–3; Benavides-Serrato et al. 2011: 325–326.

Type locality: Bermuda .

See: H.L. Clark (1915: 293); Devaney (1970); Benavides-Serrato et al. (2011).

Occurrence: Atlantic tropical waters, in the west from the Caribbean to Brazil and Bermuda (Benavides- Serrato et al. 2011) and in the east from Senegal to the Gulf of Guinea ( Koehler 1914b), including the Canaries ( Hernández et al. 2013) and Cape Verde (H.L. Clark 1915).

Depth: 0–24 m ( Benavides-Serrato et al. 2011), but can reach 375 m ( Madsen 1970).

Habitat: among algae or in crannies in rocks and corals (H.L. Clark 1942).

Larval stage: planktotrophic larvae (three months at 26–27.5°C; Mladenov 1985).

Remarks: we could not trace the original report in which led Devaney (1970) to include the Azores in the geographical distribution of Ophiocoma pumila . It seems likely that it is a product of a mistake hence we consider the inclusion of this tropical species in the archipelago as erroneous.

Benavides-Serrato, M., Borrero-Perez, G. H. & Diaz-Sanchez, C. M. (2011) Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano I: Crinoidea, Asteroidea y Ophiuoridea. Vol. 22. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de Invemar, Santa Marta, 384 pp.

Clark, H. L. (1915) Catalogue of recent ophiurans. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zo ˆ logy at Harvard College, 25 (4), 165 - 376.

Clark, H. L. (1942) The echinoderm fauna of Bermuda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 89, 367 - 391.

Devaney, D. M. (1970) Studies on Ophiocomid Brittlestars. I. A New Genus (Clarkcoma) of Ophiocominae with a Reevaluation of the Genus Ophiocoma. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 51, 1 - 41. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00810282.51

Hernandez, J. C., Clemente S., Tuya F., Perez-Ruzafa, A., Sangil, C., Moro-Abad, L. & Bacallado-Aranega, J. J (2013) Echinoderms of the Canary Islands, Spain. In: Alvarado J. J. & Solis-Marin F. A. (Eds.), Echinoderm Research and Diversity in Latin America. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 471 - 510. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 3 - 642 - 20051 - 9 _ 15

Koehler, R. (1914 b) Echinoderma I: Asteroidea, ophiuroidea et Echnoidea. In: Michaelsen, W. (Ed.), Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas. 1 (2). L. Friederichsen & Co., Hamburg, pp. 127 - 303.

L ʾ tken, C. F. (1856) Bidrag til kundskab om Slangestjernerne. II. Oversigt over de vestindiske Ophiurer. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistorisk F ˆ rening i KjObenhavn 1856, 8, 1 - 19.

Madsen, F. J. (1970) West African Ophiuroids. Atlantidae Report, 11, 151 - 243.

Mladenov, P. V. (1985) Development and metamorphosis of the brittle star Ophiocoma pumila: evolutionary and ecological implications. Biological Bulletin, 168, 285 - 295. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1541241











