Zygothuria lactea ( Théel, 1886a ), Cosmo, 1165

Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231 : 156

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Plazi (2019-07-19 08:56:06, last updated 2024-11-25 22:07:43)

scientific name

Zygothuria lactea ( Théel, 1886a )


Zygothuria lactea ( Théel, 1886a)

Reports for the Azores:

Holothuria lactea $ Théel, 1886a: 183–184 , pl. 10, figs. 9, 15;

Mesothuria lactea Théel, 1886 a— $ Hérouard 1902: 21–23, pl. 1, figs. 17–19, 1923: 13–15, pl. 4, figs. 1–3; Mortensen 1927a: 382–383, figs. 226–227; Nobre 1938: 152–153; García-Diez et al. 2005: 51;

Zygothuria (Holothuria) lactea Théel, 1886 a—Perrier 1902: 322–327, pl. 17, figs. 1–10;

Mesothuria (Zygothuria) lactea ( Théel, 1886) — Benavides-Serrato et al. 2012: 208–209;

Zygothuria lactea ( Théel, 1886) — $ Gebruk 2012: 310–321, figs. 13, 14.

Type locality: off New Zealand, Pacific (37°34’S, 179°22’W) GoogleMaps .

See: Théel (1886a); Benavides-Serrato et al. (2012); Gebruk et al. (2012).

Occurrence: cosmopolitan, in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans; in the west Atlantic reported from New England to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, in the east reported from Iceland eastwards from the Rockall Trough south to NW Africa, including the Azores, Madeira, Canaries and Cape Verde ( Perrier 1902, Hérouard 1923, Gebruk et al. 2012); reported elsewhere in the South Atlantic (25°27’S, 6°10’W; Gebruk et al. 2012).

Depth: 484– 5,100 m ( Benavides-Serrato et al. 2012); AZO: 1,165 –2,102 GoogleMaps m ( Hérouard 1902).

Habitat: soft sediments, muddy sand, mud to clay ( Hérouard 1902).

Larval stage: lecithotrophic ( Gebruk et al. 2012).

Remarks: the true geographical distribution and depth range of Zygothuria lactea is unknown, particularly in the Western Atlantic, given that historically this species was confused with other closely related species [e.g., Z. oxysclera ( Perrier, 1899) , see Gebruk et al. 2012]. In the Azores, Z. lactea is extremely abundant between 1,200 and 2,000 m ( Hérouard 1902).

Benavides-Serrato, M., Borrero-Perez, G. H. & Diaz-Sanchez, C. M. (2012) Equinodermos del Caribe colombiano II: Echinoidea y Holothuroidea. Vol. 30. Serie de Publicaciones Especiales de Invemar, Santa Marta, 250 pp.

Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.

Gebruk, A. V., Solis-Marin, F. A., Billett, D. S. M., Rogacheva, A. V. & Tyler, P. A. (2012) Review of the genus Zygothuria Perrier, 1898 and the Atlantic group of species of the genus Mesothuria Ludwig, 1894 (Synallactidae: Holothuroidea) with description of the new species Mesothuria milleri sp. nov. Journal of Natural History, 46 (5 - 6), 265 - 348. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2011.638423

Herouard, E. (1902) Holothuries Provenant Des Campagnes De La Princesse-Alice (1892 - 1897). Reisultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht, Fasc. 21, 1 - 62.

Herouard, E. (1923) Holothuries provenant des campagnes des yachts Princesse-Alice et Hirondelle ii. (1898 - 1915). Resultats Campagnes Scientifiques Prince de Monaco, 66, 1 - 161.

Mortensen, T. (1927 a) Handbook of the echinoderms of the British Isles. Oxford University Press, viii + 471 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6841

Nobre, A. (1938) Equinodermes de Portugal. 3 rd Edition. Companhia Editora do Minho, Barcelos, 215 pp.

Perrier, R. (1899) Diagnose des especes nouvelles d'Holothuries draguees par le du Travailleur et le Talisman. Deuxieme note. Bulletin Museum National Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 5, 299 - 303. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 6292

Perrier, R. (1902) Holothuries. In: Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman pendant les Annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique sous la direction de A. Milne-Edwards de 1888 a 1890 et continue par E. Perrier. Vol. 7. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, Paris, pp. 273 - 554.

Theel, H. (1886 a) Report on the Holothuroidea dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Part II. Challenger Reports, Zoology, 14 (39), 1 - 290.

















