Holothuria (Halodeima) mexicana? Ludwig, 1875

Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231 : 147

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scientific name

Holothuria (Halodeima) mexicana? Ludwig, 1875


Holothuria (Halodeima) mexicana? Ludwig, 1875

Reports for the Azores:

Holothuria mexicana Ludwig, 1875 —? $ Hérouard 1902: 7–8, pl. 1, fig. 16; Deichmann 1957: 9–11, figs. 21–38; Pereira 1997: 333; García-Diez et al. 2005: 51; Micael & Costa 2010: 323; Micael et al. 2012: 4.

Type locality: Gulf of Mexico .

See: Deichmann (1930: 74–76, pl. 5, figs. 15–20; 1957); Cutress (1996: 55, 63, figs. 4E–J, 7–9); Benavides- Serrato et al. (2012: 186–187).

Occurrence: Western Atlantic, in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean ( Purcell et al. 2012); possibly extending its distribution to the Azores ( Hérouard 1902).

Depth: 0–20 m ( Laguarda-Figueras et al. 2001);? AZO: 98 m ( Hérouard 1902).

Habitat: sand, coralligenous to rocky substrates, coral reefs, seagrass beds, sandy or rubble bottoms and mangrove habitats ( Purcell et al. 2012).

Larval stage: planktotrophic ( McEdward & Miner 2001).

Commercial value: edible ( Purcell et al. 2012).

Remarks: Hérouard (1902) believed that the two specimens collected by Princesse Alice in the Azores (sta 882: 38°3’40”N, 28°34’45”W, 98 m) belonged to the tropical shallow-water species H. mexicana . Deichmann (1954), however, considered that the presence of H. mexicana in the East Atlantic was either due to mislabelling or to a recent introduction, but ‘without being really established’. We are more incline to believe that it was a result of a misidentification. Hérouard (1902) described the Azorean individuals as small and poorly preserved, with the calcareous ring partially dissolved, a particularity that could explain the absence of ossicles in the specimens, i.e. most probably dissolved by the used preservation medium. In the absence of diagnostic characters, the identification by Hérouard rested entirely on the colour pattern. He remarked on the small brown spots covering the dorsal side, which can be found in a number of holothurians species present in the NE Atlantic, including the Azores. In contrast, adults of H. mexicana typically have a black or dark brown upper side and light coloured under side, occasionally totally black or with brown spots ventrally and pale dorsally ( Deichmann 1930, 1954, 1957). Cutress (1996) described a colour pattern in small juveniles belonging to this species similar to what was observed by Hérouard. However, Cutress also noted that by the time juveniles reach 20 mm, the brown flecks already started to coalesce forming irregular dark patches. Hérouard did not mention the precise size of the second specimen, but the illustration given (pl. 1, fig. 1) was of a specimen of about 70 mm TL when alive (30 mm TL after preservation). Thus, the colour pattern as presented in this specimen does not support Hérouard identification as an animal at this size should have had a more solid colour pattern closer to what is observed in a typical H. mexicana adult. Furthermore, H. mexicana is a strictly shallow-water species, with a maximum reported depth of 20 m, which places the Azorean specimens outside its maximum depth range. Though, the small size of the Princesse Alice specimens and the destruction of main diagnostic characters make the identification of the specimens virtually impossible, the colour pattern and depth may offer some clues. For example, comparing the description and illustration presented by Hérouard with the one presented by Marenzeller (1893) for H. lentiginosa the two seem strikingly similar. The later was described based on a single specimen dredged by Hirondelle near Pico and Faial islands.

Cutress, B. M. (1996) Changes in Dermal Ossicles During Somatic Growth in Caribbean Littoral Sea Cucumbers (Echinoidea: Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida). Bulletin of Marine Science, 58 (1), 44 - 116.

Deichmann, E. (1930) The Holothurians of the Western Part of the Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zo ˆ logy at Harvard College, 71, 43 - 236.

Deichmann, E. (1954) The Holothurians of the Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of the U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 89, 381 - 410.

Deichmann, E. (1957) The Littoral Holothurians of the Bahama Islands. American Museum Novitates, 1821, 1 - 20.

Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.

Herouard, E. (1902) Holothuries Provenant Des Campagnes De La Princesse-Alice (1892 - 1897). Reisultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht, Fasc. 21, 1 - 62.

Laguarda-Figueras, A., Solis-Marin, F. A., Duran-Gonzalez, A. Hernandez-Pliego, P. & Del Valle-Garcia, R. (2001) Holoturoideos (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) of the Mexican Caribbean: Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Avicennia, 14, 7 - 46.

Ludwig, H. (1875) Beitra ¨ ge zur Kenntniss der Holothurien. Arbeiten Zoologische Zootomischen Institut Wu ¨ rzburg, 2 (2), 77 - 120.

Marenzeller, E. von (1893) Contribution a l'etude des Holothuries de l'Atlantique N'ord (Golfe de Gascogne, Iles Acores). Resultats Campagnes Scientifiques du Prince de Monaco, 6, 1 - 32. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 11304

McEdward, L. R. & Miner, B. G. (2001) Larval and life-cycle patterns in echinoderms. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 79, 1125 - 1170. https: // doi. org / 10.1139 / z 00 - 218

Micael, J. & Costa A. C. (2010) Echinodermata. In: Borges, P. A. V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Goncalves, V., Martins, A. F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R. S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (Eds.), A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. Principia, Oeiras, pp. 321 - 323.

Micael, J., Alves, M. J., Jones, M. B. & Costa, A. C. (2012) Diversity of shallow-water asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Azorean Archipelago. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5, e 49. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 1755267211000534

Pereira, M. (1997) Checklist of the littoral echinoderms of the Azores. Acoreana, 8 (3), 331 - 337.

Purcell, S. W., Samyn, Y. & Conand, C. (2012) Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes, Rome, 6, 1 - 150.



















