Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878 )

Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231 : 53

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Plazi (2019-07-19 08:56:06, last updated 2024-11-25 22:07:43)

scientific name

Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878 )


Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878) View in CoL View at ENA

Reports for the Azores:

Ophioglypha lepida $ Lyman, 1878: 70–71 , pl. 3, figs. 71–73, 1882: 43–44, pl. 4, figs. 1–3; Ophioglypha ljungmanni Lyman, 1878 — $ Koehler 1909: 152, 1921a: 3; Ophioglypha thouleti Koehler, 1895 c— $ Koehler 1909: 158–159, pl. 6, fig. 6; pl. 26, figs. 1–2; Ophiura ljungmani ( Lyman, 1878) View in CoL — Mortensen 1927a: 240–242, fig. 130; $ Paterson 1985: 118–120, fig. 44; Borges et al. 2002:

27–31, figs. 15a–c, 16a–f, 17a–d, 18a–c; García-Diez et al. 2005: 49; $ St̂hr & Segonzac 2005: 386; Hernández-Herrejon et al. 2008: 101–102, figs. 3E–F; $ Martynov & Litvinova 2008: 80, fig. 1D; Smirnov et al. 2014: 205; Ophiura lepida ( Lyman, 1878) — Mortensen 1927a: 234.

Type locality: Brazil (09°07’S, 34°50’W) GoogleMaps .

See: Mortensen (1933a: 83–84); Paterson (1985); Borges et al. (2002).

Occurrence: Atlantic, from Labrador Basin to Brazil, eastwards from Iceland to southern Africa ( Paterson 1985), including the Azores, Madeira ( Koehler 1909), Canaries ( Koehler 1906b) and Ascension Island ( Lyman 1882).

Depth: 101– 6,398 m ( Smirnov et al. 2014); AZO: 789– 2,968 m ( St̂hr & Segonzac 2005, Martynov & Litvinova 2008).

Habitat: mainly soft bottoms, coralligenous sand, mud to ooze ( Koehler 1909, Lyman 1883); can form large aggregations ( Borges et al. 2002).

Larval stage: planktotrophic ( Schoener 1972).

Remarks: Ophiura ljungmani was reported from the Azorean waters under three different names: Ophioglypha lepida by Lyman (1878, 1882; H.M.S. Challenger), Ophioglypha ljungmanni and Ophioglypha thouleti both by Koehler (1909, 1921a; Princesse Alice). Later, Koehler (1914a) found O. thouleti to be identical with Lyman’s O. ljungmanni . In turn, Mortensen (1933a) found the diagnosing characters that separate O. lepida from O. ljungmani mostly size related and established the synonymy.

Borges, M., Monteiro, A. M. G. & Amaral, A. C. Z. (2002) Taxonomy of Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from the continental shelf and slope of the Southern and Southeastern Brazilian Coast. Biota Neotropica, 2 (2), 1 - 69. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032002000200010

Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.

Hernandez-Herrejon, L. A., Solis-Marin, F. A. & Laguarda-Figueras, A. (2008) Ofiuroideos (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) de las aguas mexicanas del golfo de Mexico. Revista Biologia Tropical, Internacional Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 56 (3), 83 - 167.

Koehler, R. (1909) Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht Princesse-Alice (Asteries, Ophiures, Echinides et Crinoides). Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier Prince Souverain de Monaco, 34, 1 - 317.

Koehler, R. (1914 a) A Contribution to the Study of Ophiurans of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 84, 1 - 173. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 03629236.84.1

Koehler, R. (1921 a) Echinodermes (Asteries, Ophiures, Echinides et Crinoides) des dernieres campagnes de la Princesse-Alice et de l' Hirondelle II. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique de Monaco, 396, 1 - 8.

Koehler, R. (1895 a) Note preliminaire sur les echinides recueillis pendant les campagnes de l'Hirondelle. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 20, 223 - 227.

Koehler, R. (1906 b) Ophiures. Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman, 8, 245 - 311.

Lyman, T. (1878) Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the Challenger expedition. Part I. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zo ˆ logy at Harvard College, 5 (7), 65 - 168.

Lyman, T. (1882) Report on the Ophiuroidea. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger 1873 - 1876, Zoology, 5 (14), 1 - 386.

Lyman, T. (1883) Report on the Ophiuroidea. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Caribbean Sea (1878 - 79), and on the east coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U. S. coast survey steamer Blake , commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zo ˆ logy at Harvard College, 10 (6), 227 - 287.

Martynov, A. V. & Litvinova, N. M. (2008) Deep-water Ophiuroidea of the northern Atlantic with descriptions of three new species and taxonomic remarks on certain genera and species. Marine Biology Research, 4, 76 - 11. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 17451000701840066

Mortensen, T. (1927 a) Handbook of the echinoderms of the British Isles. Oxford University Press, viii + 471 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6841

Mortensen, T. (1933 a) Ophiuroidea. The Danish Ingolf Expedition, 4 b (8), 1 - 121.

Paterson, G. L. J. (1985) The deep-sea Ophiuroidea of the North Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology Series, 49 (1), 1 - 162.

Schoener, A. (1972) Fecundity and possible mode of development of some deep-sea ophiuroids. Limnology and Oceanography, 17 (2), 193 - 199. https: // doi. org / 10.4319 / lo. 1972.17.2.0193

St ˆ hr, S. & Segonzac, M. (2005) Deep-sea ophiuroids (Echinodermata) from reducing and non-reducing environments in the North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85 (2), 383 - 402. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0025315405011318 h

Smirnov, I. S., Piepenburg, D., Ahearn, C. & Juterzenka, K. V. (2014) Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Ophiuroidea. Invertebrate Zoology, 11 (1), 192 - 209. https: // doi. org / 10.15298 / invertzool. 11.1.18











