Henricia oculata? ( Pennant, 1777 )

Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231 : 86

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scientific name

Henricia oculata? ( Pennant, 1777 )


Henricia oculata? ( Pennant, 1777) View in CoL View at ENA

Reports for the Azores:

Cribrella oculata (Linck) View in CoL Forbes—? $ Perrier 1896a: 39;

Cribrella oculata, ( Linck, 1733) — Koehler 1909: 102–103;

non Henricia sanguinolenta View in CoL (M̹ller, 1776)— Koehler 1921b: 31, fig. 23, 1924: 126–127; Mortensen 1927a: 118–121; Nobre 1938: 39–40, fig. 14;

Henricia oculata ( Pennant, 1777) View in CoL — García-Diez et al. 2005: 47; Micael & Costa 2010: 322; Micael et al. 2012: 5–6.

Type locality: Anglesey, N. Wales (British Isles) .

See: Madsen (1987: 254–257, figs. 3c, 44–45); A.M. Clark & Downey (1992: 393–394, figs. 60q, r, pl. 93, fig. E, pl. 95, figs. F–G).

Occurrence: Northeast Atlantic, known with certainty from the Shetland Islands south to Portugal ( Madsen 1987); possibly extending west to Nova Scotia and New England north of Cape Cod (A.M. Clark & Downey 1992) and to the Azores ( Perrier 1896a).

Depth: 0–? 180 m (A.M. Clark & Downey 1992);? AZO: 1,266 –1,557 GoogleMaps m ( Perrier 1896a).

Habitat: hard substrates to shell gravel, found as well in sublittoral habitats with considerable hydrodynamics, from kelp forests, tidal streams and on vertical cliffs ( Picton 1993).

Larval stage: lecithotrophic ( Brun 1978).

Remarks: the highly polymorphic nature of Henricia (= Cribrella ) species makes this genus as whole particularly difficult with a problematic historical synonymy ( Madsen 1987; A.M. Clark & Downey 1992; Sneli 1999). For example, the species names Henricia oculata ( Pennant, 1777) and H. sanguinolenta (M̹ller, 1776) are intermingled and considered synonymous by the time the great oceanographic expeditions reached the Azores Archipelago. In the report of the asteroids collected by Hirondelle, Perrier (1896a) identified material under the name ‘ Cribrella oculata (Linck) Forbes’ collected at four stations, the first located east of Newfoundland at about 155 m and the remaining three within the Azorean waters between 1,266 –1,557 m. Koehler (1909) in his report on the echinoderms collected by Princesse Alice also listed the name ‘ Cribrella oculata, (Linck) ’ for specimens from the British Isles and Scandinavia. However, Koehler added also the name ‘ Cribrella sanguinolenta (M̹ller)’, remarking that these species were synonymous with C. oculata being the oldest. Later, however, the majority of the authors (e.g., Koehler 1921b; Mortensen 1927a; Nobre 1938) adopted the name H. sanguinolenta , as Linck’s name did not follow the binominal rules ( Madsen 1987). It was only in the late 1970’s that Pennant’s Henricia oculata was again accepted as a distinct species ( Madsen 1987). As a consequence, the true geographical and bathymetric range of H. oculata is still uncertain. The name as presented by Perrier is generally accepted under the synonymy of this species (e.g., Madsen 1987; A.M. Clark & Downey 1992). On the other hand, the Azorean material was retrieved from depths that appear far too deep for H. oculata or even for H. sanguinolenta , both known from waters no deeper than 200 m. The matter is still pending.

Brun, S. (1978) Ecology and taxonomic position of Henricia oculata Pennant. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 12 (1), 51 - 66.

Clark, A. M. & Downey, M. E. (1992) Starfishes of the Atlantic. Natural History Museum Publications. Chapman & Hall, London, 794 pp.

Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.

Koehler, R. (1909) Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht Princesse-Alice (Asteries, Ophiures, Echinides et Crinoides). Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier Prince Souverain de Monaco, 34, 1 - 317.

Koehler, R. (1921 b) Echinodermes. Faune de France. 1. Librairie de la Faculte des Sciences, Paris, 216 pp.

Linck J. H. (1733) De stellis marinis liber singularis. Apud Iacobum Schusterium, Lipsiae, 107 pp.

Madsen, F. J. (1987) The Henricia sanguinolenta complex (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) of the Norwegian Sea and adjacent waters. A re-evaluation, with notes on related species. Steenstrupia, 13 (5), 201 - 268.

Micael, J. & Costa A. C. (2010) Echinodermata. In: Borges, P. A. V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Goncalves, V., Martins, A. F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R. S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (Eds.), A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. Principia, Oeiras, pp. 321 - 323.

Micael, J., Alves, M. J., Jones, M. B. & Costa, A. C. (2012) Diversity of shallow-water asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Azorean Archipelago. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5, e 49. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 1755267211000534

Mortensen, T. (1927 a) Handbook of the echinoderms of the British Isles. Oxford University Press, viii + 471 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6841

Nobre, A. (1938) Equinodermes de Portugal. 3 rd Edition. Companhia Editora do Minho, Barcelos, 215 pp.

Pennant, T. (1777) British Zoology, vol. IV. Crustacea. Mollusca. Testacea. Benj. White, London, 154 pp.

Perrier, M. E. (1896 a) Contribution a l'etude des stellerides de l'Atlantique Nord (Golfe de Gascogne, Acores, Terre-Neuve). Resultats Des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies Par Le Prince Albert I, Monaco, 11, 1 - 571.

Picton, B. (1993) A field guide to the shallow-water echinoderms of the British Isles. IMMEL Publishing Lda, London, 96 pp.

Sneli, J. - A. (1999) Echinodermata, Asteroidea in the Faroe region. Frodskaparrit, 47, 229 - 259.











