Mezira Amyot & Serville, 1843

Heiss, Ernst, 2013, Annotated checklist of the flat bug family Aradidae Brullé, 1836 from East Africa (Hemiptera, Heteroptera), Zootaxa 3718 (4), pp. 331-344 : 338-339

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Plazi (2016-04-15 02:14:42, last updated 2016-12-22 16:38:15)

scientific name

Mezira Amyot & Serville, 1843


Genus Mezira Amyot & Serville, 1843

Mezira Amyot & Serville, 1843: 305 . Type species by monotypy: Mezira granulata Amyot & Serville, 1843 (junior secondary homonym of Aradus granulatus Say, 1832 ). Cuba [“ France meridionale” in error, see Bergroth, 1898]. Brachyrrhynchus usurpatus Bergroth, 1885: 182 (new name for Mezira granulata , synonymized by Bergroth, 1898: 188). Brachyrhynchus abdominalis Stål, 1873: 144 . Cuba Mezira abdominalis Usinger & Matsuda, 1959: 379 ; Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987: 147.

Ref.: Usinger & Matsuda, 1959 (syst.); Hoberlandt, 1957 (key); 1963 (key to bicoloured species); Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987: 147 (cat.)

Mezira abyssinica (Bergroth) , 1895

Brachyrrhynchus abyssinicus Bergroth, 1895: 168. HT ♂: Abyssinia [now Ethiopia]; MNMS Mezira abyssinica Usinger and Matsuda, 1959: 379 .

Distr.: Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanganyika [now Tanzania] (Hoberlandt, 1967)

Ref.: Linnavuori, 1978 (comp., fig.); Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987 (cat.)

Note: Kormilev confirmed, that the type species belongs to Mezira (Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987: 148) , however Linnavuori (1978: 7) compared his “ Mezira amplicollis with Brachyrhynchus abyssinicus and illustrated both species.

According to his fig. 1 a, abyssinicus shows the same deeply emarginated posterior pronotal margin, characteristic for Brachyrhynchus as amplicollis (placed in Brachyrhynchus ). A final placement needs reexamination of both types.

Mezira ukerewensis (Schouteden) , 1952

Mezira ukerewensis Schouteden 1952: 216 . STS: Ukerewe (Lac Victoria) [now Tanzania]; MRAC Distr.: Tanzania (Schouteden, 1952)

Ref.: Schouteden, 1952 (tax.); Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987 (cat.)

Genus Neochelonoderus Hoberlandt, 1967

Neochelonoderus Hoberlandt, 1967: 12 . Type-species: Chelenoderus basilewskyi Hoberlandt, 1967 by original designation.

Neochelonoderus basilewskyi (Hoberlandt) , 1967

Chelonoderus basilewskyi Hoberlandt, 1956: 586 . HT ♂: Urundi [now Burundi] (Usumbura); MRAC

Neochelonoderus basilewskyi, Hoberlandt, 1967: 13

Distr.: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Hoberlandt, 1967) Ref.: Hoberlandt, 1956 (fig.), 1967 (tax.,key); Kormilev & Froeschner, 1987 (cat.)









