Glyptothorax Blyth, 1860

Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 40-42

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Thomas (2009-07-09 09:14:51, last updated 2024-11-28 16:25:49)

scientific name

Glyptothorax Blyth, 1860


Glyptothorax Blyth, 1860 View in CoL View at ENA   ZBK

Fig. 14

Glyptothorax Blyth, 1860   ZBK : 154. (Type species: Glyptosternon striatus McClelland, 1842   ZBK , by subsequent designation by Bleeker (1863: 105). Gender masculine.

Aglyptosternon Bleeker, 1862   ZBK (in Bleeker, 1862-63): 12. (Type species: Silurus cous Linnaeus, 1766   ZBK , by original designation). Gender neuter. Silurus cous   ZBK , the type species of Aglyptosternon   ZBK , was placed in the genus Glyptothorax   ZBK by Coad (1979). Li (1986) listed Aglyptosternon Bleeker, 1862   ZBK in the synonymy of Glyptothorax   ZBK .

Euclyptosternum Guenther, 1864   ZBK : 183. (Type species: Silurus cous Linnaeus, 1766   ZBK , apparently an unjustified emendation of Aglyptosternon Bleeker, 1862   ZBK , which Günther spelled as Aclyptosternon ). Gender neuter. Hora (1923b) synonymized Euclyptosternum Guenther, 1864   ZBK with Glyptothorax   ZBK but did not consider it to be the same as Aglyptosternon Bleeker, 1862   ZBK .

Pteroglanis Fowler, 1934a   ZBK : 92. (Type species: Pteroglanis horai Fowler, 1934   ZBK , by original designation. Preoccupied by Pteroglanis Eigenmann & Pearson, 1924   ZBK , in fishes, replaced by Pteropsoglanis Fowler, 1934   ZBK ). Gender masculine.

Pteropsoglanis Fowler, 1934b   ZBK : 351. (Type species: Pteroglanis horai Fowler, 1934   ZBK , by being a replacement name. Replacement name for Pteroglanis Fowler, 1934   ZBK ; preoccupied by Pteroglanis Eigenmann & Pearson, 1924   ZBK , in fishes). Gender masculine. Li (1986) listed Pteroglanis Fowler, 1934   ZBK in the synonymy of Glyptothorax   ZBK . Ferraris & Britz (2005) placed Pteroglanis horai   ZBK , the type species of Pteropsoglanis   ZBK in the genus Glyptothorax   ZBK .

Sundagagata Boeseman, 1966   ZBK : 243. (Type species: Sundagagata robusta Boeseman, 1966   ZBK , by original designation). Gender feminine. Kottelat et al. (1993) considered Sundagagata robusta   ZBK to be based on an abnormal specimen of Glyptothorax platypogon and the genus Sundagagata   ZBK to be a synonym of Glyptothorax   ZBK .

Paraglyptothorax Li, 1986   ZBK : 524. (Type species: Glyptosternum pallozonum Lin, 1934   ZBK , by original designation. Originally proposed as a subgenus of Glyptothorax   ZBK ). Gender masculine.

Superglyptothorax Li, 1986   ZBK : 524. (Type species: Glyptothorax coheni Ganguly, Datta & Sen, 1972   ZBK , by original designation. Originally proposed as a subgenus of Glyptothorax   ZBK ). Gender masculine.

Diagnosis: Thoracic adhesive apparatus with grooves parallel or oblique to longitudinal axis of body (vs. grooves transverse to longitudinal axis of body or thoracic adhesive apparatus absent).

Glyptothorax   ZBK is distinguished from all other sisorid genera by having an adhesive apparatus on the thorax with with grooves parallel or oblique to the longitudinal axis of the body (vs. thoracic adhesive grooves transverse to the longitudinal axis of the body in Pseudecheneis   ZBK , and thoracic adhesive apparatus absent in all other genera).

Description: Dorsal fin with strong spine, 5-7 rays; pectoral fin with strong spine, 6-11 rays; 6 pelvic-fin rays, 7-14 anal-fin rays. Head small, depressed; snout conical; body elongate, moderately or greatly depressed. Skin smooth or tuberculate. Eyes small, dorsal. Lips thick, fleshy, often papillate. Teeth villiform, in bands; palatal teeth present or absent. Maxillary barbel with well-developed membrane, soft base. Gill openings wide, branchiostegal membranes narrowly connected with isthmus. Coracoid very short, extends at most barely past pectoral-fin base, often not visible externally. Pectoral-fin spine serrated anteriorly. Dorsal-fin spine smooth or serrate on anterior edge, smooth or finely serrated on posterior edge. Thoracic adhesive apparatus present, groves parallel or oblique to longitudinal axis of body. Paired fins plaited and modified to form an adhesive apparatus (Fig. 15), or non-plaited.

Distribution: Black Sea basin, northern Turkey, south and east to the Yangtze River drainage in China and south throughout Indo-China to Java, Indonesia (Coad & Delmastro, 1985; Chu et al., 1999; Ng, 2005a)









