Calloeneis veraguas González & Větrovec, 2021

González, Guillermo & Větrovec, Jaroslav, 2021, New species and records of Neotropical ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (2), pp. 331-374 : 351-354

publication ID 10.35249/rche.

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scientific name

Calloeneis veraguas González & Větrovec

sp. nov.

Calloeneis veraguas González & Větrovec , new species

( Figs. 5 View Figures 5 l-5u)

Holotype ♂ “ Panamá, Veraguas prov., / Santa Fé – Cerro Mariposa , 800- / 1170m, 08°30.375’N, 81°07.218’W, / 30.v.2015, individual collecting, / L. Sekerka & K. Štajerov á ”, “ ♂ 2043” ( NMP). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Calloeneis veraguas n. sp. is immediately recognized among the species of the genus by the black color with pronotum borders yellow and the red discal spot on the elytron ( Fig. 5l View Figures 5 ). Male genitalia with penis guide much longer than parameres ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5 s- 5t) also distinguish this species from any other known in the genus. Male genitalia only bears some resemblance to C. krista Gordon & Hanley, 2020 from Venezuela, a light-colored species with discrete dark spots.

Description. Color pattern ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5 l-5u). Head yellow, antenna and mouthparts yellowish brown. Pronotum black, lateral one-third and anterior border narrowly yellow. Scutellar shield black. Elytra black, shiny, with a large red discal spot medially on elytron. Epipleuron black. Ventral side black except hypomeron yellow. Abdomen dark brown, median part of ventrites 1 to 4 black. Legs yellowish brown. Morphology. Body almost circular, very convex, elytra with sides regularly rounded, widest at middle ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5 l- 5m). Frons about 1.5 times the width of an eye diameter. Eyes round, eye canthus conspicuous, about 1/2 the width of an eye ( Fig. 5n View Figures 5 ). Clypeus apex slightly convex ( Fig. 5n View Figures 5 ). Apical maxillary palpomere slightly widening apically. Antenna with eight antennomeres, the last two forming a club, antennomere 8 as long as 5-7 combined ( Fig. 3p View Figures 3 ). Pronotum transverse, very convex, lateral sides slightly explanated on anterior half. Prosternum flat, anterior margin expanded concealing mouthparts in repose; prosternal process without carina. Epipleuron descending externally, foveate for reception of femoral apices. Abdominal postcoxal lines incomplete, evenly rounded, extended 3/4 distance to apical margin of ventrite, extended forward without reaching the anterior or lateral border of ventrite ( Fig. 5q View Figures 5 ). Head punctures small, space between them heavily microreticulated, separated by about twice their diameter; pronotum punctures slightly larger than those on head, separated by 1.5 diameters; elytra punctures on elytron regular, larger than on pronotum, separated by 1.5 diameters; ventral side with very few punctures, more abundant on the prosternum, separated about a diameter, punctures on metaventrite sparse, separated by four diameters; abdominal punctures fine and sparse, slightly more dense on ventrite 5. Male terminalia. Ventrite 5 with rounded apex, with a tuft of straight hairs directed outwards ( Fig. 5q View Figures 5 ). Apex of ventrite 6 truncate, slightly notched in the center ( Fig. 5r View Figures 5 ). Tegmen elongate, 3.5 times as long as wide, phallobase transverse, somewhat trapezoidal. Tegminal strut 3/4 the length of the rest of the tegmen ( Fig. 5u View Figures 5 ). Penis guide symmetrical, elongate, three times as long as wide, subtriangular, with rounded apex; lateral view has a large dorsal keel at the base, then slightly narrowing to the end in a sharp point, distal 1/4 slightly inclined towards the inner side. Parameres short, 2/3 the length of the penis guide, with sides parallel in the basal half, then the lower border curves to end in a pointed apex, in the distal half of the inner side an abundant brush of hairs, as long as 2/3 of the length of the paramere, at the apex another tuft of hairs narrow but exceeding the length of the paramere by 4/5 ( Figs. 5 View Figures 5 s-5u). The penis was lost during preparation, but with very large penis capsule, long inner arm in the direction of the penis guide, short outer arm, trapezoidal. Female. Unknown.

Measurements (mm): TL 1.7; PL 0.4; PW 1.0; EL 1.3; EW 1.5; GD 1.0.

Geographic distribution. Panama, Veraguas province.

Remarks. The genus Calloeneis Grote, 1873 , was reviewed for South America by Gordon et al. (2020), recognizing 2 described species and describing 19 new species. The present species is assigned to Calloeneis by the antenna with eight antennomeres and the prosternum apex expanded, concealing mouthparts in repose. Gordon et al. (2020) indicated for the genus that “club apparently with three articles”, but this species has a club of two, which together with the unusual shape of the tegmen, indicates that the current generic assignment could be revised.

Etymology. The name of the species is given by the province of Veraguas, Panama, where the holotype was collected.


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