Dissomphalus isteus Brito & Azevedo, 2017

Azevedo, Celso O., 2017, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Panama, with key to the Central American species, Zootaxa 4335 (1), pp. 1-72 : 13-15

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scientific name

Dissomphalus isteus Brito & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus isteus Brito & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–2 View FIGURES 1 – 12 , 33 View FIGURES 33 – 44 , 64 View FIGURES 64 – 75 , 99–100 View FIGURES 95 – 106 )

Description. Male. Body length 2.24 mm. Color: body castaneous. Head ( Figs 1–2 View FIGURES 1 – 12 ). Mandible with three distal teeth. Median clypeal lobe ill-defined, with one rounded and very large tooth, with high keel; median clypeal carina very high in profile, incomplete apically, straight in profile or nearly so. Gena with spine. Frons weakly coriaceous and punctures small. Vertex crest weakly concave. Pronotal disc weakly coriaceous; anterior margin ecarinate. Metasoma ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 33 – 44 ). Tergal process median, with very shallow, subcircular and large depression, without tubercle, with short and dense tuft of setae. Posterior hypopygeal margin straight with median concavity ( Fig. 64 View FIGURES 64 – 75 ). Genitalia ( Figs 99–100 View FIGURES 95 – 106 ): paramere with dorsal margin entirely wide and sinuous; apical margin truncate. Aedeagal ventral ramus as long as dorsal body, wide, progressively narrowing apicad; cross section laminar; ramous bifid; surface horizontal; inner margin straight; outer margin slightly sinuous; apex long, simple, parallel; additional inner ramus short; basal stub absent. Aedeagal dorsal body with two pairs of apical lobes; outer lobe short, subvertical and narrow, with apical margin angled and posterad; inner pair stout, membranous and setose. Apodeme extending beyond genital ring.

Remarks. This species is easily recognized by having a very large and high median clypeal tooth which shows high keel in profile view, gena with spine, the dorsal margin of paramere very sinuous with long and thick setae and the aedeagal ventral ramus bifid. This species is similar to D. cornutus Evans by having a spine in ventral region of head. However, this species has large spine in gena, whereas D. cornutus has shorter spine in hypostomal carina.

Material examined. Holotype, ♂, PANAMA, Panama Pr [ovincia]: P[arque] Nac[ional] Altos de Campana, [08º43'15"N, 80º01'43"W], 10–14 ago 1999, Tr[ampa] Malaise, A. Santos, P. González [col.] ( MIUP). Paratypes: Coclé Pr [ovincia]: 1♂, El Copé, Par[que] Nac[ional General de División] Omar Torrijos H[errera], 570– 670 m.s.n.m., [08º41'56"N, 80º39'17"W], 26–30 sep. 1999, Tr[ampa] Malaise, A. Santos, P. González [col.] ( MIUP); 1♂, same province of holotype, P[arque] Nac[ional] Sob[eranía], Camino, Plantación, [09º09'N, 79º43'W], 24 ago.–2 sep.1999, [Trampa] Malaise, A. Santos, P. González [col.] ( MIUP).

Distribution ( Fig. 238 View FIGURES 234 – 243 ). Panama (Coclé and Panama).













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