Ochyrotica yanoi Arenberger, 1988

Hao, Shu-Lian, 2014, Taxonomic review of the genus Ochyrotica Walsingham from China (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae: Ochyroticinae), Zoological Systematics 39 (2), pp. 283-291 : 287-288

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11865/zs20140211

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scientific name

Ochyrotica yanoi Arenberger, 1988


Ochyrotica yanoi Arenberger, 1988 View in CoL ( Figs 11–18 View Figs 11–15 View Figs 16–18 )

Ochyrotica yanoi Arenberger, 1988 . Ent. Z. Frankfurt A. M., 98(19): 276–279, figs 3a–c. Type locality: Japan. Holotype, ♀: “ Ryukyus , Okinawa, 17 November 1960, K. Yasumatsu ”. GU 2698 ♀, coll. Ar. C.

Ochyrotica concursa . - auct. (nec Walsingham, 1891)

Adult ( Figs 11–12 View Figs 11–15 ). Wingspan 15–16 mm.

Male genitalia ( Figs 16–18 View Figs 16–18 ). As illustrated.

Female ( Figs 13–15 View Figs 11–15 ). As illustrated.

Material examined. China, 1♂, Putian Institute of Agricltural Science, Fujian Province, November 1978, genitalia slide No. HSL02363; 1♀, Jiaxi Natural Reserve , Hainan Province, elev. 220 m, 14 July 2009, collected by Zhao-Hui Du and Lin-Lin Yang, genitalia slide No. HSL09120; 1♂, Jiaxi Natural Reserve , Hainan Province, elev. 220 m, 16 August 2009, collected by Zhao-Hui Du and Lin-Lin Yang, genitalia slide No. HSL09118; 1♀, Forestry Bureau , Mt. Bawang , Hainan Province, elev. 137 m, 24 April 2009, collected by Qing Jin and Bing-Bing Hu, genitalia slide No. HSL09166; 1♀, Mt. Duowen , Hainan Province, elev. 120 m, 1 May 2009, collected by Bing-Bing Hu and Qing Jin, genitalia slide No. HSL09352; 1 abdomen absent, Mt. Duowen , Hainan Province, elev. 120 m, 1 May 2009, collected by Bing-Bing Hu and Qing Jin; 1♂, Mt. Yingge , Hainan Province, 8 July 2009, collected by Bing-Bing Hu, genitalia slide No. HSL09353, deposited in NKUM ; 1♂, Ganru, Jinxi, Pinghe , Fujian Province , 29 November 1973, collected by Shi-Cheng Qiao, genitalia slide No. HSL02362; 1♂, Putian Institute of Agricltural Science , Fujian Province , November 1978, genitalia slide No. HSL02830; 1♀, Changle , Fujian Province , 7 November 1987, genitalia slide No. 88104; 1♀, Putian, Fujian Province, genitalia slide No. 88105, deposited in IZCAS .

Host plants. Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea batatas Lam. var. edulis Makino (Yano, 1963) .

Distribution. China (Fujian, Hainan, Taiwan); Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia.

Diagnosis. This species is similar to O. concursa (Walsingham, 1891) externally, but can be distinguished from the latter by the forewing with elongate brown marking placed centrally at termen ( Figs 11–12 View Figs 11–15 ). It also resembles O. breviapex Gielis, 1989 in the male genitalia, but can be distinguished by the forewing with indistinct costal margin marking and the above brown elongate marking, and the female genitalia with antrum nearly equal to length of the apophyses posteriores ( Figs 13–15 View Figs 11–15 ).

Remarks. This species was wrongly identified as O. concursa by Yano (1963). Arenberger (1988) named this species as O. yanoi after checking all the recorded specimens of O. concursa from Yano (1963). Gielis (1990) reported the distribution of this species in Hainan for the first time, and Yano & Heppner (1992) firstly recorded its distribution in

© Zoological Systematics, 392): 283–291 Taiwan, China. In this study, we add specimens from Fujian and Hainan Provinces.

There are variations in the female genitalia ( Figs 13–15 View Figs 11–15 ), mainly in the posterior margin of the antrum which varies from nearly straight to crescently curved, the shape of antrum, and the width of the antrum at base.


Nankai University


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences













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