Aeshna zlatkokvaceki, Prokop & Pecharová & Nel, 2016

Prokop, Jakub, Pecharová, Martina & Nel, André, 2016, New Cenozoic dragonflies from the Most Basin and Středohoří Complex volcanic area (Czech Republic, Germany), Journal of Natural History 50, pp. 2311-2326 : 2313-2314

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Carolina (2020-08-20 13:44:35, last updated 2024-11-27 07:54:33)

scientific name

Aeshna zlatkokvaceki

sp. nov.

Aeshna zlatkokvaceki sp. nov.

( Figure 2 View Figure 2 (a, b))


The epithet honours Prof. Zlatko Kvaček (Charles University, Praha), a world-famous palaeobotanist who systematically evaluated plant macrofossils from this locality.


SMMG CsT 1091 (a nearly complete fore wing preserved in salmon-pink baked clay – porcelanite), collection of Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden , Saxony, Germany.

Age View in CoL and outcrop

Early Miocene (Burdigalian), Most Basin, Most Formation, Libkovice Member, Želénky near Duchcov ( Figure 1 View Figure 1 ), Czech Republic (see Kvaček and Hurník 2000).


A nearly complete fore wing, with only median area and extreme apex missing; whole wing surface apparently hyaline; wing c. 55 mm long (assumed from fragment) and 11.6 mm wide; distance from estimate base to nodus c. 26.6 mm; distance from nodus to wing apex, c. 28.2 mm; nodus nearly midway between base and apex; distance from nodus to pterostigma 16.3 mm; distance from pterostigma to apex about 7.5 mm; pterostigma rather long, 4.4 mm long and 0.9 mm wide, covering approximately three cells and a half; pterostigmal brace slightly obliquely aligned with proximal side of pterostigma; 11 postnodal cross-veins, not well aligned with 13 visible subpostnodal cross-veins; 19 visible antenodal crossveins of first row between C and ScP not aligned with the 17 visible corresponding antenodal cross-veins of second row between ScP and RA; 13 secondary antenodal cross-veins between Ax2 and nodus; four antenodal crossveins between Ax2 and Ax1; Ax1 4.6 mm and Ax2 10.9 mm from wing base; hypertriangle crossed by four cross-veins; median space not preserved; submedian space crossed by five cross-veins, subdiscoidal triangle three-celled; discoidal triangle elongate and divided into six smaller cells, its costal side being 8.1 mm long, distal side 6.9 mm long and proximal side 3.7 mm long; width of postdiscoidal area just behind discoidal triangle 3.4 mm, width along posterior wing margin 7.2 mm; three rows of cells in postdiscoidal area just distal of discoidal triangle; a short convex supplementary sector (trigonal planate) in postdiscoidal area, aligned with concave Mspl; Mspl well defined, nearly straight in its basal half but slightly curved in distal part; three rows of cells between Mspl and MP and three rows between Mspl and MA; two rows of cells and a short zigzagged supplementary vein in distal part of area between MA and RP3/4; bulge in distal part of MA (‘ aeshnid bulla ’) weak but present; four preserved Bq cross-veins; oblique vein ‘ O ’ one cell distal of base of RP2; Rspl well defined and nearly straight; area between Rspl and IR2 wide, with four rows of cells in its widest part; space between IR2 and Rspl basally divided by oblique intercalary veinlets; IR2 smoothly curved distally and asymmetrically forked just basal of pterostigma, with three rows of cells between its branches; RP2 strongly curved posteriorly opposite proximal side of pterostigma; one row of cells between RP2 and anterior branch of IR2; IR1 present but zigzagged and short, about 8.7 mm long, beginning just below distal side of pterostigma; one row of cells between MP and CuAa in basal parts but five rows along posterior wing margin; CuAa with circa five posterior branches directed towards posterior wing margin; cubitoanal area broad with six rows of cells below CuAa.

Kvacek Z, Hurnik S. 2000. Revision of Miocene plants preserved in baked rocks in the North Bohemian Tertiary. Acta Mus Nat Pragae (B). 56: 1 - 48.

Gallery Image

Figure 1. Map of Cenozoic dragonfly localities in the Krušné hory piedmont basins and volcanic areas. Abbreviations: I, Cheb and Sokolov basins; II, Most Basin; III, České středohoří Mts. and Doupovské hory Mts.; 1, Želénky near Duchcov; 2, Bílina mine; 3, Kundratice near Litoměřice; 4, Seifhennersdorf; 5, Libouš mine; 6, Jehličná near Sokolov; 7, Marie Majerová mine near Sokolov; 8, Pochlovice near Kynšperk n. Ohří.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Aeshna zlatkokvaceki sp. nov. (Aeshnidae) (A) Photograph of holotype specimen SMMG CsT 1091 (Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden coll., Germany), imprint only; (B) line drawing of fore wing. Scale bars represent 5 mm.













