Haplostoma rectangulatum, Kim & Boxshall, 2021

Kim, Il-Hoi & Boxshall, Geoff A., 2021, Copepods (Cyclopoida) associated with ascidian hosts: Ascidicolidae, Buproridae, Botryllophilidae, and Enteropsidae, with descriptions of 84 new species, Zootaxa 1, pp. 1-286 : 141

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scientific name

Haplostoma rectangulatum

sp. nov.

Haplostoma rectangulatum sp. nov.

( Fig. 91 View FIG )

Type material. Holotype ♀ (MNHN-IU-2009-5230) and 1 ♀ paratype (dissected, MNHN-IU-2014-17382) from mçlysyncratçn sp.; off Libanona , Sud Madagascar, ATIMO VATAE Expedition, Stn TR 01 (25°00.25´S, 46°59.4´E), depth 9 m, MNHN coll., 28 April 2010. GoogleMaps

Additional material. 1 ♀ (MNHN-IU-2009-5232) in mçlysyncratçn sp., Port Dauphin , Madagascar, ATIMO VATAE expedition, Stn TR 03 (25°0.08´S, 47°0.01´E), depth 21 m, 29 April 2010 GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The name of the new species refers to its rectangular abdomen.

Description of female. Body ( Fig. 91A, B View FIG ) eruciform, cylindrical, slightly curved dorsally, consisting cephalosome, indistinctly 5-segmented metasome, and small 2-segmented genitoabdomen. Body length 940 μm; maximum width 290 μm across fourth pedigerous somite. Cephalosome 175×210 μm, narrower than first pedigerous somite; second to fourth pedigerous somites nearly equal in width, each wider than first. Fourth and fifth pedigerous somites demarcated from each other by dorsal and ventral constrictions. Genitoabdomen ( Fig. 91C View FIG ) small, 105×120 μm, occupying only 11% of body length, consisting of triangular anterior somite bearing genital apertures dorsally, and narrow, rectangular free abdomen (posterior somite); free abdomen clearly defined from anterior somite due to abrupt narrowing, longer than wide (39×27 μm). Caudal rami absent, but 1 caudal seta may be present on postero- lateral corner of free abdomen ( Fig. 91D View FIG ).

Rostrum absent. Antennule ( Fig. 91E View FIG ) as small, unsegmented lobe, 24×17 μm, bearing patch of small spinules (or setae?) on apex. Antenna ( Fig. 91F View FIG ) stout, 3-segmented; first segment broad but very short and unarmed; second segment longest, unarmed; terminal segment slightly longer than wide, armed with 4 bifurcate spines; spines becoming gradually larger from proximal to distal.

Labrum ( Fig. 91G View FIG ) simple, unornamented, with broad distal lobe. Mandible ( Fig. 91G View FIG ) vestigial, represented by pair of weak unarmed tubercles, located lateral to labrum. Maxillule and maxilla absent. Maxilliped ( Fig. 91H View FIG ) stout, very small, 4-segmented; all segments wider than long; proximal 3 segments unarmed; distal segment bearing unequally bifurcate terminal claw.

Legs 1-4 consisting of protopod and exopod; endopod not discernible; exopods armed only with spines (lacking seta), incompletely articulated from protopod. Exopod of leg 1 ( Fig. 91I View FIG ) armed with 5 bifurcate spines and ornamented with spinules near base of each spine. Leg 4 ( Fig. 91J View FIG ) slightly larger than leg 1, armed with 4 bifurcate spines and ornamented as in leg 1. Legs 2 and 3 same as leg 4 in shape and armature.

Leg 5 ( Fig. 91K View FIG ) as conical fleshy process on fifth pedigerous somite, directed posterodorsally, bearing 2 small setae (1 dorsal and 1 distal). Leg 6 ( Fig. 91L View FIG ) represented by 1 small spine and 1 spiniform process on genital operculum. Four dentiform elements present near leg 6.

Male. Unknown.

Remarks. Ooishi (2009b) recognized seven species of eaplçstçma as “subgroup 2”. In one member of this group, e. bẚspẚnçsum Ooishi, 2009, the exopods of legs 1-4 are armed with 5, 4, 5, and 5 spines (5-4-5-5 pattern), respectively. The other six species of this group all display a 5-4-4-4 pattern for legs 1-4, in common with e. rectangulatum sp. nov. However, only one of these six species, e. dudleyae Ooishi, 1998, is comparable with the new species in having a single caudal seta and a vestigial mandible lacking any setal elements. Ooishi (1998) described eK dudleyae on the basis of material from Florida, USA and it has a leg 5 represented only by a pair of setae. In contrast, leg 5 of e. rectangulatum sp. nov. is well-developed, being represented by a distinct fleshy process bearing 2 setae. eaplçstçma dudleyae also has caudal rami, although they are small and lobate, while e. rectangulatum sp. nov. lacks defined caudal rami. The latter feature of the new species is unique within the genus. Collectively these differences justify the establishment of the new species.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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