Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., Fl. Brit.

Turner, Ian M., 2022, FROM ACACIA TO ZIZIPHUS: PLANT NAMES COMMEMORATING THE BOTANIST WILLIAM ROXBURGH, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (1911), pp. 1-102 : 69-70

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2022.1911

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., Fl. Brit.


Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. View in CoL India 3(7): 87 (1880). – Type: Sylhet, ix 1828,

W. Gomez & F. De Silva 65 [ EIC 6252 C] (lectotype K-W [ K000677299 ], designated by Jayaweera, J. Arnold Arbor . 44: 253 [1963]) .

Musaenda roxburghii Hook.f. is the accepted name of the species.

Nauclea orientalis (L.) L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 1: 243 (1762). – Cephalanthus orientalis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 95 (1753). – Type: [unpublished illustration] Herb. Hermann 5: 338, No. 53 (lectotype BM, designated by Merrill , J. Washington Acad. Sci. 5: 533 [1915]) .

Nauclea roxburghii G.Don, Gen. Hist. View in CoL 3: 469 (1834). – Type: W. Roxburgh s.n. [ EIC 6090 D) (lectotype K-W [ K001122991 ], designated by Ridsdale, Blumea 26: 328 [1978]).

Nauclea roxburghii G.Don View in CoL is considered a synonym of Nauclea orientalis View in CoL (L.) L.

Nechamandra alternifolia (Roxb. ex Wight) Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 332 (1864). – Vallisneria alternifolia Roxb. ex Wight, Bot. Misc. View in CoL 2: 344, t. 11 (1831). – Nechamandra roxburghii Planch., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. View in CoL 3, 11: 78 (1849), as ‘Roxburgii’, nom. illegit., superfl. – Lagarosiphon roxburghii Benth., Gen. Pl. View in CoL 3(2): 451 (1883), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 996 (lectotype K, designated by Cook & Lüönd, Aquatic Bot. 13: 506 [1982]).

Planchon’s Nechamandra roxburghii is a superfluous renaming of Vallisneria alternifolia Roxb. ex Wight.

Nitella furcata f. roxburghii (A.Braun) R.D.Wood in Wood & Imahori, Rev. Charac. 482 (1965). – Nitella roxburghii A.Braun , Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 1: 293 (1849). – Nitella polyglochin var. roxburghii (A.Braun) A.Braun in Braun & Nordstedt, Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1882: 73 (1882). – Nitella furcata var. roxburghii (A.Braun) Zaneveld, Blumea 4: 92 (1940). – Type: India, on the coast of Coromandel near Madras, R. Wight 135 (syntype); R. Wight 136 (syntype).

Braun named this Indian stonewort after Roxburgh.

Nymphanthus roxburghii R.W.Bouman, Phytotaxa 540: 23 (2022). – Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 3: 674 (1832). – Epistylium roxburghii Baill., Étude Euphorb. View in CoL 648 (1858), nom. illegit., superfl. – Phyllanthus roxburghianus Müll.Arg., Linnaea View in CoL 32(1): 47 (1863), nom. illegit., superfl. – Diasperus roxburghii Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 2: 600 (1891). – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 2396 (lectotype CAL, designated by Chakrabarty & Balakrishnan, Indo-Burmese Phyllanthaceae View in CoL 295 [2018]).

Baillon and Müller Argentius both published superfluous names for Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb. View in CoL honouring Roxburgh. Kuntze’s Diasperus roxburghii View in CoL is not superfluous, as he used D. tetrandrus View in CoL for another species. Bouman published Nymphanthus roxburghii as a nomen novum for Phyllanthus tetrandrus Roxb. View in CoL

Oncinema lineare View in CoL (L.f.) Bullock, Kew Bull. 17: 184 (1963). – Apocynum lineare View in CoL L.f., Suppl. Pl. 16 (1782). – Type: e cap. b. Spei, C. P. Thunberg s.n. (lectotype UPS-Thunb. [6202], designated here) .

Oncinema roxburghii Arn. View in CoL , Edinburgh New Philos. J. 17: 261 (1834). – Type: non designatus.

In describing Oncinema roxburghii, Arnott View in CoL referred to a Roxburgh collection in Herb. Wight and one by Ward. Searches and enquiries have failed to locate original material in BM, E or K. A specimen from Thunberg’s herbarium is selected as lectotype of Apocynum lineare View in CoL L.f.


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Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


University of Copenhagen


University of the Witwatersrand


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Bristol Museum


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants














Mussaenda roxburghii Hook.f., Fl. Brit.

Turner, Ian M. 2022

Oncinema lineare

Bullock 1963: 184

Nitella furcata f. roxburghii (A.Braun) R.D.Wood

Zaneveld 1940: 92
Braun & Nordstedt 1882: 73
A. Braun 1849: 293

Oncinema roxburghii

Arn. 1834: 261
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