Rhus chinensis Mill., Gard. Dict.

Turner, Ian M., 2022, FROM ACACIA TO ZIZIPHUS: PLANT NAMES COMMEMORATING THE BOTANIST WILLIAM ROXBURGH, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79 (1911), pp. 1-102 : 80-82

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24823/EJB.2022.1911

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Rhus chinensis Mill., Gard. Dict.


Rhus chinensis Mill., Gard. Dict. View in CoL (ed. 8): Rhus no. 7 (1768). – Type: Anon. s.n. (lectotype BM

[BM000884394], designated here).

Rhus amela D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 248 (1825). – Rhus semialata var. roxburghii DC., Prodr View in CoL 2: 67 (1825). – Rhus javanica var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson, Pl. Wilson. 2(1): 179 (1914). – Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii (DC.) Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. View in CoL 20: 416 (1939). – Type: Nepal, Narainhetty, F. Buchanan-Hamilton s.n. (not traced).

De Candolle reduced Rhus amela D.Don to a variety of Rhus semialata , employing ‘roxburghii’ as the name for the variety.

Rinorea heteroclita (Roxb.) Craib, Fl. Siam. Enum. 89 (1925). – Vareca heteroclita Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 446-447 (1824). – Pentaloba roxburghii Wall., Numer. List n. 7189 (1832), nom. illegit., superfl. – Dioryktandra roxburghii Hassk., Retzia 125 (1855), nom. illegit., superfl.

Alsodeia roxburghii Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Brit. India 1(1): 186 (1872), nom. illegit., superfl. – Rinorea roxburghii Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 1: 42 (1891), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 1223 (lectotype K, designated by Chakraborty et al., Ethnobot. Jarawa Tribe Andaman Isl. , India 78 [2020]). Figure 14.

Wallich set off a train of superfluous renamings with his publication of Pentaloba roxburghii View in CoL .

Rivea ornata (Roxb.) Choisy, Mém. Soc. Phys. View in CoL Genève 6: 409 (1834). – Lettsomia ornata Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 2: 86 (1824). – Rivea roxburghii Prain ex Brandis, Indian Trees View in CoL 484 (1906), nom. illegit., superfl. – Ipomoea ornata (Roxb.) View in CoL J.R.I.Wood & Scotland, Nat. Plants 5(11): 1136-44 (Suppl.: 34) (2019). – Type [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 1535 (lectotype K, designated here). See Figure 14.

Rivea roxburghii Prain ex Brandis View in CoL is a superflous renaming of Lettsomia ornata Roxb. As View in CoL no original herbarium material has been located, Roxburgh’s drawing is selected as lectotype here.

Rosa roxburghii Tratt., Rosac. Monog. View in CoL 2: 233 (1823), as ‘ roxbourgii ’. – Rosa microphylla Roxb. ex Lindl., Ros. Monogr. View in CoL 9, 146 (1820), nom. illegit., non R. microphylla Desf. (1798) View in CoL . – Juzepczukia roxburghii (Tratt.) Chrshan., Dopov. Ad. Nauk. View in CoL Ukrains’k. R.S.R. 1948(3):

24 (1948). – Type: India, H. B. Calcutta, Anon. s.n. [ EIC 692 ] (neotype K-W [ K001111621 ], designated at the first step by Ghora & Panigrahi, Fam. Rosac. India 2: 357 [1995], and at the second step here; isoneotypes K-W [ K001111622 ], PH [ PH 00024745]) .

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Trattinnick’s Rosa roxburghii replaces R. microphylla Roxb. ex Lindl. , an illegitimate later homonym.

Rotala rosea (Poir.) C.D.K.Cook ex H.Hara, Enum. Fl. Pl. View in CoL Nepal 2: 173 (1979). – Ammannia rosea Poir. View in CoL in Lamarck, Encycl., Suppl. 1: 329 (1810). – Type: Ind. Orientale, Anon. View in CoL s.n. (lectotype FI [FI004320], designated by Cook, Boissiera 29: 86 [1979]).

Ammannia pentandra Roxb., Fl. Ind. View in CoL 1: 448 (1820). – Rotala roxburghiana Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. View in CoL 1(13): 1, t. 260B (1840), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: [unpublished illustration] Icones Roxburghianae 548 (lectotype K, designated by Cook, Boissiera 29: 86 [1979]).

Rotala roxburghiana Wight View in CoL is a superfluous renaming of Ammannia pentandra Roxb. View in CoL

Rourea minor (Gaertn.) Merr., Interpr. Herb. Amboin. 413 (1917). – Aegiceras minus Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1(1): 216, t. 46 in part (1788). – Type: Anon. s.n. (lectotype L [Carp. 1163], designated by Vidal, Fl. Cambodge, Laos, Vietnam 2: 36 [1962]).

Cnestis monadelpha Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 2: 87 (1825). – Connarus roxburghii Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beechey Voy. 179 (1833), nom. illegit., superfl. – Rourea commutata Planch., Linnaea View in CoL 23: 420 (1850), nom. illegit., superfl. – Santalodes monadelphum (Roxb. ex DC.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 1: 155 (1891). – Type: India, Botanic Garden Calcutta, vii 1818, N. Wallich s.n. (lectotype G-DC [IDC800 LM-295/8], designated here).

Rourea millettii Planch., Linnaea View in CoL 23: 420 (1850). – Santalodes roxburghii Kuntze, Revis. View in CoL

Gen. Pl. 1: 155 (1891), nom. illegit., superfl. – Type: China, C. Millett s.n. (lectotype K [ K000696000 ], designated here) .

Connarus roxburghii Hook. & Arn. represents a superfluous renaming of Cnestis monadelpha Roxb. ex DC. Planchon recognised this and renamed Connarus roxburghii as Rourea millettii excluding Hooker and Arnott’s synonyms. Nevertheless, these names are all synonyms of Rourea minor , a combination made by Merrill, considerably earlier than generally cited.


University of Helsinki


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Gardens














Rhus chinensis Mill., Gard. Dict.

Turner, Ian M. 2022

Rotala rosea (Poir.) C.D.K.Cook ex H.Hara, Enum. Fl. Pl.

Poir. 1979: 173
Lamarck, Encycl. 1810: 329
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