Petalops necopinus, Brailovsky, 2021

Brailovsky, Harry, 2021, Illustrated key to the species included in the genus Petalops Amyot & Serville 1843 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Acanthocephalini), with description of four new species and new distributional notes, Zootaxa 4985 (4), pp. 564-573 : 568

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4985.4.9

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scientific name

Petalops necopinus

sp. nov.

Petalops necopinus sp. nov.

( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 3–10 )

Description. Male. Dorsal coloration. Head yellowish orange with two broad longitudinal black stipes running lateral to midline; inner angle of antenniferous tubercles, preocular area, ocellar tubercles, upper border of postocular area and neck black; antennal segment I pale yellowish orange with basal joint and narrow apical ring black; segments II and III pale yellowish orange with basal joint creamy yellow and narrow apical ring black; segment IV missing; pronotum brown with bluish green reflections; pronotal disk with a yellow transverse band which spreads anteriorly along the anterolateral margins; scutellum brown with bluish green reflections; lateral margins and apex yellow; clavus and corium brown with bluish green reflections; costal and apical margin, and claval and corial veins yellow; hemelytral membrane brown with basal angle darker; connexival segments III–VII pale orange with upper border yellow; dorsal abdominal segments III–VI pale orange, VII pale orange with posterior margin black. Ventral coloration. Head including the buccula brownish orange with pale yellow stripes behind eyes; rostral segments I–II pale castaneous, III–IV yellow (apex of IV brown); pro-, and metasternum castaneous; mesosternum pale orange; proacetabulae black with bluish-green reflections and anteriorly with yellow short, narrow longitudinal stripe; meso- and meta-acetabulae including the supracoxal spine black with bluish-green reflections; propleuron and mesopleuron reddish orange with upper margin darker and tinged with bluish-green reflections; metapleuron reddish orange; anterior and posterior lobes of metathoracic peritreme black; coxae shiny black; fore and middle trochanter yellow; hind trochanter shiny black; fore and middle femora, tibiae and tarsi pale yellowish orange with femoral spines brown; hind femur with anterior half pale yellow and posterior half shiny black; spines and tubercles black; hind tibiae pale yellowish orange with anterior third dark shiny brown, and spines brown except the posterior spines yellowish orange; hind tarsi pale yellowish orange; abdominal sterna II–VI pale yellowish orange, VII pale yellowish orange with posterior border black; pleural abdominal margins III–VII and rim of abdominal spiracles pale yellowish orange; genital capsule black. Structure. Rostrum reaching anterior margin of abdominal sternite III; humeral angles with acute spine directed backward; posterolateral borders of pronotum with small tubercles; hind femora incrassate, with two rows of acute and strong spines; basal third with three rows of short tubercles, and near basal angle with one stout and short spine.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements (mm). Male. Body length 20.45; head length 2.29; head width across eyes 2.66; interocular distance 1.00; preocular distance 1.00; interocellar distance 0.42; antennal segments: I 3.59, II 3.53, III 2.91, IV missing; rostral segments: I 1.50, II 1.50, III 1.94, IV 1.30; pronotum: total length 3.65; maximum width across humeral angles including the spine 6. 13; scutellum: length 2.66, width 2.17.

Type material. HOLOTYPE male: PERU: Department of Loreto, 100 mi NE Iquitos, Explornapo Camp , 23–30-VI-1991, S. W. Dunkle ( UNAM).

Discussion. This species is included in the “ distinguendus ” group and recognized by having the hind femur bicolored with anterior half pale yellow and posterior half black; pronotal disk brown with bluish-green reflections, and a yellow transverse band, which spreads anteriorly along lateral margins; and abdominal sterna pale yellowish orange with posterior border of sternite VII and genital capsule black. Petalops distinguendus , a closely related species has also the hind femur bicolored with anterior half yellow and posterior half black, but the pronotal disk is pale castaneous orange with bluish-green reflections, without yellow transverse band which spreads anteriorly along anterolateral margins.

Distribution. Only known from Peru.

Etymology. From the Latín, “unexpected”.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

















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