Troporhogas tricoloratus ( Long, 2014 )

Quicke, Donald L. J., Ranjith, A. P., Loncle, Marisa K., Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Long, Khuat Dang & Butcher, Buntika A., 2024, Revision of Troporhogas Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) with six new species from India and Thailand, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 99-136 : 99-136

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.120824

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Troporhogas tricoloratus ( Long, 2014 )


Troporhogas tricoloratus ( Long, 2014)

Figs 18 View Figure 18 , 21 D View Figure 21


Thailand • 1 ♀, Phetchabun province, Nam Nao National Park , 16 ° 13.103 ' N, 101 ° 33.836 ' E, 28. iv. 2007, Malaise trap, col. J. Leng ( QSBG); 1 ♂, Sara Buri province, Kaeng Khoi, Chulalongkorn University Campus, 27. xii. 2016, 15.589 ° N, 101.011 ° E, light trap, col. Mudang Marissa ( CUMZ) GoogleMaps .


Female, body length 7.1 mm; fore wing 5.0 mm; ovipositor sheath 0.6 mm.

Head. Antenna with 45 flagellomeres. First flagellomere 1.4 × longer than second and third, respectively. Width of head: width of face: height of eye = 2.6: 1.2: 1.0. Shortest distance between posterior ocelli: transverse diameter of posterior ocellus: shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 1.0: 1.8: 1.8. Face and clypeus rugose with sparse setosity laterally. Vertex and temple shiny and with striate sculptured. Occipital carina completely present, curved dorsally.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.5 × longer than high, smooth and shiny. Mesopleuron and metapleuron setose. Mesoscutum shiny, with narrow, punctate median groove posteriorly, sparsely punctate. Scutellar sulcus smooth without carina. Axillae striate. Raised anterodorsal area of mesopleuron below subalar depression smooth. Precoxal sulcus, short and crenulate. Propodeum with submedial carinae anteriorly forming very narrow, sharp V-shape, lateral to this with rather dense and strong setiferous punctation.

Wings. Fore wing. Lengths of fore wing veins r-rs: 3 RSa: 3 RSb = 1.0: 2.2: 4.3. Lengths of vein 2 RS: 3 RSa: rs-m = 1.0: 2.2: 1.2.

Legs. Lengths of fore femur: fore tibia: fore tarsus = 1.3: 1.2: 1.0. Lengths of hind femur: hind tibia: hind tarsus = 1.0: 1.3: 1.6. Length of hind femur and tibia 4.0 × and 7.5 × as long as wide, respectively. Hind tibial spurs glabrous. Tarsal claws with large acutely pointed basal lobe.

Metasoma. T 1 1.3 × longer than posteriorly wide. T 2 1.4 × longer than tergite 3. TT 1 and 2 with mid-longitudinal carina, sparsely striate. TT 3–6 with distinct striate sculpture and without medial longitudinal carina. Ovipositor sheath straight and shorter than hind basitarsus, ~ 0.2 × length hind femur (including trochantellus).

Colour. Body tricoloured: scapus, pedicellus and flagellar segments brown. Head and mouthparts area ochraceous, stemmaticum ochraceous. Mesosoma and tegulae ochraceous yellow colour. Metasoma bicoloured; TT 1, 2, and 6 white but first tergite with small black marks anteriorly and sixth with very small black mark posteriorly, TT 3–5 black (with a small anterolateral areas and spot on middle of posterior area margin of tergite 5 white), hypopygium white. Wings hyaline with dark brown venation, pterostigma brown. Fore legs and mid legs yellow, hind legs entirely black and dark brown. Ovipositor and ovipositor sheath black.

Male. Head and mesosoma orange-yellow. Metasoma ivory-white with black markings: TT 1 and 2 with black marks meso-anteriorly, TT 3 and 4 with large black marks reach anterior margin anteriorly and posterolateral corners posteriorly, but with large ivory antero-lateral areas, TT 5 and 6 ivory-white. Wings hyaline with dark brown pterostigma and venation. Fore and mid legs orange-brown with coxa white and tarsus brown. Hind coxa black with large whitish dorsal patch, hind trochantellus white, hind femur white on basal 0.4, distally black, hind tibia white on basal 0.75, distally black, hind tarsus dark brown.


Northern Vietnam and northern Thailand and Eastern Thailand.




The female Thai specimen agrees very well with the original description except that the dark mark at posterior of T 2 is smaller and there is a small pale spot on the mid posterior margin of T 2. Thus, given that there is some colour variation in nearly all the species represented by multiple individuals of the same sex, we believe them to be conspecific.


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology











