Ceroptera nigra, Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014

Papp, LÁsZLÓ, 2014, A Review Of The Old World Species Of Ceroptera Macquart, 1835 (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (2), pp. 109-155 : 144-146

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scientific name

Ceroptera nigra

sp. nov.

Ceroptera nigra sp. n.

(Figs 84–89, 98–99)

Holotypemale ( BMSA): Namibia: LÜDERITZ, Skorpionarea, 27°49’S 16°36’E, 11. viii. 1997, Kirk-Spriggs & Marais, lighttrapsample – 2 GoogleMaps ).

Paratypes ( BMSA): 1 male 13 females (incl. 2 femalesinHNHM): samedata . 1 female: ibid., Skorpion Hill, 27°49’S 16°36’E, 8. viii GoogleMaps , 1 male: ibid., Namuskluft 88, LÜDERITZ, SE 271[0 or 6] Dd, 12–15 Sept 1973, H14204 GoogleMaps .

Measurementsinmm: bodylength 2.13 (holotype), 1.94–2.50 (paratypes), wing length 2.54 (holotype), 2.01–2.54 (paratypes), wingwidth 1.03, 0.80–1.16.

Bodyandlegsblack (darkgreyishbrown), tarsimaybelighter (stillbrown), not shiny, i.e. coveredbyveryshortanddensedarkmicrotrichia. Frontaltriangleandorbitalia subshiny. Fronsredbetweenfrontaltriangleandorbitalia. Facialplatestronglyconcave, mouthmarginwellprotruding, butnoepistomalshieldpresent. Bothfronto-orbitalslong (Fig. 98), postocellars only 0.12 mm long. Not only occe but also occi distinct. 6–7 pairs of shortinterfrontalsetae. Setulaeonparafacialiasparse. Gena 0.19 mmbroad. Eyesnotvery convex, longitudinal axis of eye 0.23 mm, width 0.16 mm. Dorsal length of antenna 0.19 mm, of which 0.10 mm for first flagellomere, 0.08 mm for pedicel; width of first flagel- lomere 0.14 mm, i.e. muchbroader (deeper) thanlong. Dorso-apicalsetaofpedicel 0.09– 0.095 mm. Arista 0.40 mm long with 0.02 mm long cilia. Vibrissa 0.15 mm long.

Twolongpostsuturaldorsocentralpairspresent. Acrostichalssparseandcomparativelylong, c. 6 unarrangedrowspresent, prescutellarpair 0.14 mmlong. 2 uneven katepisternalsclosetoeachother, posteriorpair 0.20 mmlong, anteriorpairhalfaslong.

Mid tibia with a very strong anterodorsal seta at 40/44, 3 other thick but shorter setae at 17/44, 26/44, 33/44, a very strong dorsal seta at 38/44, an anteroventral at 28/44. Not only ventroapicalbutalsoananteriorapicalsetastrongonmidtibia.

Costalveinandradialveinsochre, otherveinswhitishorlightyellowish. VeinR 4+5 completelystraightandonlyindistinctlyoverrunsapexofR 4+5. Subbasalsetaofcostaup to 0.20 mm. Secondcostalsection 1.14 mm (holotype), 0.85 mm (paratypemale), thirdsection 0.55 mm, 0.45 mm, index 2.07, 1.89. Rs (holotype) 0.39 mm, inter-crossvein section of M 1+2 0.34 mm, 0.27 mm, terminal section 0.90 mm, 0.63 mm. Posterior edges of discal cell 90°, loweredge 0.45 mm (holotype), 0.25 mm (paratypemale) fromwingmargin, ofwhich Mtr 3+4 aceableonatleast 1/3 distanceasadistinctveinoraswhitethinveinalmosttowing margin. Alulacomparativelybroad, 0.15–0.16 mm.

DiscalsetaeofmaletergitesT2 toT5 andfemale’sT2 toT6 particularlysparse (other thanlateralmarginalones. AbdomenintheregionofS3 toS6 membraneismoredensely setosethensclerites.

Maleabdominalintersegmentalpleuralmembranewithunusuallydenseandlong setae (i.e. not hairs). Sternite 5 (Fig. 85) large, though broader than long, seemingly with

Figs 84–89. Ceropteranigra sp. n., malepostabdomenandgenitalia: 84 = leftcercusand surstyluswithcontoursofsubepandrialscleriteandhypandrium, lateralview (outsets: anteriorandventralprocesses, respectively, inhighermagnification), 85 = sternite 5, ventral view, 86 = leftcercusandsubepandrialsclerite, caudalview, 87 = synsternite 6–8 andrightsidesclerites, caudalview (setaeomitted), 88 = phallusandphallapodemewithmedialpart ofhypandrium, lateralview, 89 = postgonite, broadest (sublateral) view. Scales: 0.2 mmfor

Figs 84–88, 0.1 mm for Fig. 89 and outsets of Fig. 84.

adeepposteriormedialemargination (actuallythatpartismostlymembranous). Itsunpigmented part continued anteriorly, bordered by a darker line. Sternite 5 with numerous perpendicularlongsetaeonitswholesurface. Synsternite (Fig. 87) withseverallongsetae on the caudal edges of S6 and S7 portions. Sternite 8 portion 0.28 mm long with 12 short setaenearcaudaledge. Rightsidescleriteslarge (Fig. 87), butthereareirregularsclerites also dorsally (!) to S6 portion in the level of the dorsally curved right edge of S7 portion. All thosescleritesformalargeconcavecavitytoincludegenitalia. Epandriumwithlong, erect, nearlyperpendicularsetaeonwholeofitssurface, ventrallywidelyopen, thatgapisfilled bythesubepandrialscleriteandthesagittallyfusedcerci. Cercushasaroundedventral process. Cercifusedsagittallyalsotothelargesubepandrialsclerite (Fig. 86). Hypandrium longerthanusual, armsdark, 0.02 mmbroadandadistinct “apodeme”, amedialanteri- orlydirectedscleritepresent, whichjoinsstronglythroughashortthickforktopostgonites. Surstylus (Fig. 84) in 3 lobes: anteriorlobeobliquewith 2 blackstrongapicalthorns, medialpartwithathickcolourlessthorn, caudallobelengthenedventrallywith 3 less thickthorns. Phallapodeme (Fig. 88) strong, 0.30 mmlong. Basiphallusrobustthickwitha bluntshortcaudalepiphallus. Distiphallus (Fig.88) comparativelyshortthick, composed ofseveralsclerites. Postgonite (Fig. 89) verylargewithbroadbase, apicalhalfnarrowed andstronglyanteriorlycurved; postgonitewithoutdensesetulae.

Female abdomen with syntergite 0.35 mm long (whole abdomen c. 1.3 mm), width of syntergite 0.88 mm, i.e. occupies all width of abdomen). T1 portion membranous on anteriormedialpartonly. Measurementsofpreabdominalsclerites (1 unit = 0.0125 mm): T3 22 × 66, T4 22 × 62, T5 18 × 50, T6 13 × 39, S2 16 × 35, S3 22 × 37, S4 20 × 35, S5 25 × 40, S6 13 × 37. Postabdomenhardlyextendable. Epiproctnotsmall 0.13 × 0.15 mm, quadratic, weakly sclerotised, itssetalpairsubapical, 0.03 mmonly. Hypoproctc. 0.11 × 0.20 mm, anteromediallywithadeepincisionofdesclerotisation, marginalsetaeof 0.06 mm. Cercusvery short, 0.07 mm, slightly medially directed, 0.04 mm broad; its apical seta 0.15 mm, another one of c. 0.10 mm, others even shorter 0.07 mm. Spermathecae globular with diameter of 0.063 mm, sclerotised duct only 0.035 mm. The Y of paired ones with equally short fork and unitedduct. Therearesomelongitudinallines (“folds”) onspermathecae .

Etymology. The specific epithet in the name of the new species refers to the evenly


Remark. C. nigra sp. n. aneasilyrecognizablespecies. Ithas 2 distinct pairsofpostsutural dc setaebutnopresuturalone, andithasalways 2 or 3 upperkatepisternalsetae. Itsapicalscutellarsetaiscomparativelyshort (at most 1.5 times as long as scutellum). It male sternite 5 with its numerous long setaeisalsoverycharacteristic (mostlyrecognizablewithoutapreparationof maleabdomen). Atthefirstglanceonemayfindalsoitsblackishbodycolour asacharacteristicfeature.


National Museum Bloemfontein













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