Cactopinus sulcifrons Atkinson

H. Atkinson, Thomas, 2010, New species and records of Cactopinus Schwarz with a key to species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), ZooKeys 56, pp. 17-33 : 20-22

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scientific name

Cactopinus sulcifrons Atkinson

sp. n.

Cactopinus sulcifrons Atkinson View in CoL   ZBK sp. n. Figs 5-7


This species is readily distinguished from other species with short, separated epistomal horns by the nearly flat male frons with only a narrow, longitudinal sulcus. This frontal sulcus is the basis for the specific epithet.

Male. Color black. Length 1.4-1.7 mm, width 0.6-0.7 mm; length / width 2.4. Epistomal horns short, pointed, height slightly greater than basal diameter; located near center of epistoma, separated by 1.5 × height. Frons flattened with narrow longitudinal sulcus in center, not wider than the distance between the horns. Surface sparsely punctured, with short setae; setae and punctures more abundant on periphery. Asperities on anterior margin tooth like, widely separated, becoming more abundant, flatter, and densely packed towards center and summit. Asperities are tightly packed, and slightly overlapping in a triangular pattern in the center and posterior of the pronotum, but less densely spaced asperities are abundant in posterolateral areas to the posterior margin. Striae not impressed, punctures deep, spaced within row by distance equal to their own diameters. Interstriae 1.5 × as wide as striae with shallow uniseriate punctures. Vestiture of short strial setae and longer, erect interstrial setae, becoming longer posteriorly. Declivity steep, sulcate, with lateral elevations strongly elevated in middle, posterior margin rounded. All interstriae except 1-2 with rounded, uniseriate granules beginning at base of declivity. Punctures on striae 1 and 2 smaller than on disc. Lateral elevations very wide, consisting of elevated portions of interstriae 3-5.

Female. Frons transversely impressed above epistoma, convex above, surface sparsely punctured, setose in central area. Epistoma with low calluses in same position as male horns. Other characters identical to those of males.

Materials examined.

HOLOTYPE (male): " MEXICO: Sonora, Isla Tiburón, 14-V-1985, THA-301, Stenocereus thurberi , T.H. Atkinson // Holotype Cactopinus sulcifrons , T.H. Atkinson 2009". ALLOTYPE (female): same data as holotype. The holotype and allotype are deposited in the U.S. National Museum. PARATYPES: Same data as holotype and allotype (31) distributed as follows: USNM-2, TAMU-7, FSCA-6, CAS-6, CEAM-6.


The habits of Cactopinus sulcifrons are similar to those of Cactopinus woodi .











