Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, 1955

Barták, Miroslav, Preisler, Jiří, Kanavalová, Liliana & Kubík, Štěpán, 2021, Fanniidae (Diptera): new species, new records and first description of the male of Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, Zootaxa 4908 (1), pp. 123-132 : 124-126

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Plazi (2021-01-13 08:22:22, last updated 2024-11-27 01:12:58)

scientific name

Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, 1955


Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, 1955 View in CoL

( Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURES 2–3 )

F. latifrons ( Ringdahl, 1932) View in CoL , preocc. F. latifrons Malloch, 1914 View in CoL .

Material examined: Slovakia, Cerová vrchovina, PLA [= protected landscape area], Gemerské Dehtáre , Salonkáš, Velká dolina, 225 m, MT [= Malaise trap], 48°14´25´´N, 19°59´50.8´´E, 22.iii.-26.iv.2018, M. Tkoč, 1♁, 1 ♀. All specimens deposited at CULSP GoogleMaps .

Redescription of male. Head ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Ground-colour black. Distance between eye margins at upper part of frons 0.30 mm (about 1.4x width of antennal flagellomere). Frontal vita dull velvety black in dorsal view and light grey in ventral view, 0.15 mm wide dorsally and 0.45 mm ventrally, with several small setulae on sides. Both fronto-orbital plate and parafacial silvery in dorsal view with a small dark dot in front of eye margin but almost black in ventral view, dark dot appears pale in this view. Fronto-orbital plate approx. 0.06 mm wide dorsally and up to 0.30 mm ventrally, frontal setae numerous, at least 16 large and some interstitials. Parafacial at upper part 0.30 mm wide (wider than antennal flagellomere), ventrally approx. 0.13 mm wide. Front part of parafacial with 15 strong and unequally long setae up to 0.40 mm long. Face and gena grey. Eye with long dense ommatrichia (0.12 mm long, corresponding combined diameter of about 5 facets). Occiput black, postocular setulae relatively long, in two irregular rows in upper part of head (setulae in second row short). Antennae black, flagellomere 1.8x as long as broad. Arista black, basally thickened, microscopically pubescent. Proboscis short, theca of proboscis thinly dusted, clypeus microtrichose. Palpus black, narrow, subequally long as proboscis. Thorax. Ground-colour black. Scutum in anterodorsal view light grey microtrichose, with brownish stripes between rows of setae and outside of dorsocentrals, deep black in posterior view with narrow lighter lines under rows of setae, scutellum dark from all views. Presutural acrostichals in 2 rows anteriorly, in 3 rows at suture, postsutural setulae in 3–4 rows, dispersing laterally (no rows) at level of third postsutural dorsocentral. Setae distinguishable from setulae: 2 postpronotal, 1 presutural supraalar, 2 postsutural intraalars, 1 postsutural supraalar. Prealar seta scarcely distinguishable from setulae, 2 postalars. Notopleuron with two setae and without setulae. Proepisternal depression bare. Proepisternum with 2 long setae, proepimeral seta with about 10 adjacent setulae. Wings very slightly darkened with brown veins. Calypters white, lower one rounded and slightly projecting beyond upper one. Halter brown. Legs. Legs black. Coxa without modified setae. Fore femur with 3 rows of posteroventral, posterior and posterodorsal setae. Fore tibia with two fine posteroventral setae at about apical third, no other setae except preapicals. Mid femur with a row of strong anteroventrals subequally long as femur depth, shorter in apical quarter; posteroventral setae in two irregular rows, longer than femur depth and with irregular row of posterior setae long and stronger apically. Mid tibia slightly narrowed in basal half, the ventral mat of soft pubescence about as long as tibia depth on apical half and shorter on basal half, 1 anterodorsal and 1 posterodorsal setae. Mid basal tarsomere without a basal ventral crest. Hind coxa with a single seta on posterior inner margin. Hind femur with a complete row of anteroventrals, the apical 5–6 strong and longer than femoral depth; with a row of posteroventrals shorter than femur depth interrupted about one third before apex but again present apically, anterodorsal setae shorter on basal part but subequal in length and number to anteroventrals on apical third. Hind tibia with 1 long dorsal seta and 1 anterodorsal seta inserted slightly below dorsal seta and 2 supplementary short anterodorsal setae proximally; 5 strong anteroventral setae longer than tibia depth and several subequally long but finer posteroventral setae. Abdomen. Ground-colour black. Densely light grey dusted; segment 2 and 3 in posterodorsal view with broad black midline, lateral parts of tergites without darkening. Lateral margins of tergites 2–3 with long setae (almost 0.80 mm long). Terminalia . As in Figs 2–3 View FIGURES 2–3 . Cercal plate about as wide as long, slightly excavated dorsally and narrowed ventrally; surstylus narrow and slightly bent; bacilliform sclerite corkscrew-shaped. Measurements. Length of wing, 4.9 mm. Length of body, 5.2 mm.

Remarks. Fannia latifrontalis belongs probably to F. scalaris group, however, due to its peculiar appearance it would deserve its own monotypic group. In the recent key by Barták et al. (2016) male of this species leads to couplet 59 but differs from all species (of not only of this complex) by the strong setae on parafacial. Distributional records are scarce, still it is known only from Sweden, Finland and Czech Republic ( Preisler et al. 2013), and doubtful records from Kazakhstan ( Isimbekov et al. 2009). First record from Slovakia.

Bartak, M., Preisler, J., Kubik, S., Sulakova, H. & Sloup, V. (2016) Fanniidae (Diptera): new synonym, new records and an updated key to males of European species of Fannia. ZooKeys, 593 (1), 91 - 115. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 593.7735

Hennig, W. (1955) Muscidae [Part, Lieferung 182]. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region. 63 b. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 1 - 48.

Isimbekov, Zh. M., Aralkhanov, M. S. & Madieva, K. M. (2009) Annotated catalogue of little known species of zoophilous Diptera in Kazakhstan. Ekologia. Vestnik Altajskogo gosudarstvennovo agrarnovo uiniversiteta, 1 (51), 35 - 38. [in Russian]

Malloch, J. R. (1914) Notes on North American Diptera, with description of new species in the collection of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, 10, 213 - 243. https: // doi. org / 10.21900 / j. inhs. v 10.374

Preisler, J., Bartak, M. & Kubik, S. (2013) Fanniidae (Diptera) of Vraz nr. Pisek (Czech Republic). In: Kubik, S. & Bartak, M. (Eds.), Workshop on biodiversity. Jevany, Ceska zemedelska univerzita, v Praze, pp. 291 - 299.

Ringdahl, O. (1932) Einige neue Musciden aus Schweden. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 53, 156 - 160.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, 1955. Male head (dorsolateral view), specimen from Slovakia.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 2–3. Fannia latifrontalis Hennig, 1955. Male genitalia in posterior and lateral views, specimen from Slovakia.


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok











