Paraphlomis yingdeensis W.Y.Zhao, Y.Q.Li & Q.Fan, 2023

Guo, Guo-Xin, Zhao, Wan-Yi, Chen, Ya-Ping, Xiao, Jin-Hai, Li, Yuan-Qiu & Fan, Qiang, 2023, Paraphlomis yingdeensis (Lamiaceae), a new species from Guangdong (China), PhytoKeys 219, pp. 107-120 : 107

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Paraphlomis yingdeensis W.Y.Zhao, Y.Q.Li & Q.Fan

sp. nov.

Paraphlomis yingdeensis W.Y.Zhao, Y.Q.Li & Q.Fan sp. nov.

Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 Chinese name: 英德假糙苏 View Figure 4


China. Guangdong Province: Yingde City, Boluo Town, on the way from Xinzhai Village to Changshan Village , on the limestone cliff at the roadside, 24°24'N, 113°0'E, alt. 61 m, 29 May 2021, Zhao Wan-Yi, Li Yuan-Qiu, Pan Jia-Wen & Yang Ling-Han ZWY-2092 (holotype: SYS00236856! isotypes: KUN!, SYS00236857!, SYS00236858!, SYS00236859!) GoogleMaps


Paraphlomis yingdeensis is morphologically similar to P. foliata subsp. montigena and P. nana , but differs from the former in its lamina and calyx densely villous (vs. sparsely strigose), base of lamina not decurrent (vs. decurrent) and apex of calyx teeth bristle-like-acuminate (vs. acuminate) and from the latter in its plants 10-20 cm tall (vs. 1-5 cm tall), lamina 6.2-16.5 × 4-11.5 cm and densely villous (vs. 2-7 × 1.5-4 cm and densely strigose) and corolla yellow (vs. white).


Herbs perennial, 10-20 cm tall. Rhizomes short; roots fibrous, yellowish-brown, glabrous. Stems erect or prostrate, 4-angled, green (young branch) to purplish-red, densely villous. Leaves opposite, leafless towards base, upper two pairs crowded and rosulate; petiole 0.3-2.5 cm long, densely villous; lamina obovate, papery, 6.2-16.5 cm long, 4-11.5 cm wide, apex obtuse, base broadly cuneate, margin crenate-serrate; adaxially green, abaxially light green, densely villous on both sides; lateral veins 5-7-paired, obviously raised abaxially. Verticillasters in compact, sometimes capitate-like inflorescences, 8-16-flowered, 2.2-3.0 cm in diam.; bracteoles lanceolate to linear, 7-8 mm long, densely villous. Calyx light green, translucent, membranous, campanulate, 6-7 mm long, densely villous outside, glabrous inside, conspicuously 10-veined; teeth 5, subequal, triangular lanceolate, 3-4 mm long, apex bristle-like-acuminate. Corolla yellow, 1.5-1.8 cm long; tube 1.0-1.1 cm long, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., straight, pubescent annulate in throat inside; 2-lipped, villous outside, upper lip oblong, margin entire, erect, ca. 6 mm long, ca. 3.5 mm wide; lower lip spreading or reflexed, 4-5 mm long, 3-lobed, medium lobe suborbicular, apex emarginate, lateral lobes oblong, apex obtuse. Stamens 4, inserted above middle and upper of corolla tube, straight, included, filaments flat, sparsely puberulent-villous; anther cells 2, ovoid, glabrous. Style filiform, included, glabrous, apex subequally 2-lobed. Ovary 4-loculed, glabrous. Nutlets not seen.

Distribution and habitat.

Currently, only one population of P. yingdeensis was found in Boluo Town, Yingde City, in northern Guangdong Province. This town was located in the subtropical monsoon climate region, with development of a large area of karst landform. Paraphlomis yingdeensis usually grows on moist limestone cliffs in evergreen broad-leaved forests in association with Tectaria devexa Copel., Primulina yingdeensis Z.L. Ning, M. Kang & X.Y. Zhuang, Begonia leprosa Hance and Ficus spp.


Flowering from May to June and fruiting from June to August.


The specific epithet " yingdeensis " is derived from the type locality of the new species, i.e. Yingde City in Guangdong, China.

Additional specimens examined

(paratypes). China. Guangdong Province: Yingde City, Boluo Town, on the way from Xinzhai Village to Changshan Village , 24°24'N, 113°0'E, alt. 61 m, 9 June 2021, Q. Fan 19013 (SYS); ibid., 5 June 2022, Li Yuan-Qiu ZWY-2020 (SYS); ibid., 14 August 2022, Ye Fan ZWY-2032 (SYS) GoogleMaps .

Specimens of P. foliata subsp. montigena examined.

China. Anhui Province: Xi County, Qingliangfeng, alt. 1300 m, 29 October 1980, Guo Xin-Hu 800023 (ANUB 13030926); ibid., 16 July 1989, Guo Xin-Hu & Zhou Shou-Biao 89011 (KUN 778733).

Specimens of P. nana examined.

China. Chongqing: Chongkou County, Mingzhong Town, Jinchi Village, Longmenxi, Dabashan National Natural Reserve, on the moist cliff, alt. 996 m, 7 July 2021, Chi Xiong XC21097 (holotype: KUN; isotypes: CQNM, IBK); Wushan County, Zhuxian Town, Shizhuzi Village, Daguling, Wulipo National Natural Reserve, in the moist valley, alt. 1310 m, 18 July 2021, Chi Xiong & Hou-Lin Zhou XC21126 (KUN); ibid., 11 September 2021, Hou-Lin Zhou s.n. (KUN).











