Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis ( Brèthes, 1922 ), Brethes, 1922

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243 : 118-121

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.894928

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis ( Brèthes, 1922 )


Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis ( Brèthes, 1922)

( Figs 218–227 View FIGURE 218 View FIGURE 219 View FIGURES 220 – 224 View FIGURES 225 – 227 )

Försterella [sic, invalid spelling] bonariensis Brèthes 1922: 129 –130. Type locality: General Urquiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Lymaenon necator Ogloblin 1939: 241 –244. Type locality (of the lectotype, designated here): José C. Paz, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Syn. n.

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) necator (Ogloblin) : De Santis & Esquivel 1967: 99 –100 (list); De Santis 1967: 104 (catalog).

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) bonariensis (Brèthes) : De Santis 1967: 103 (catalog, comments).

Gonatocerus enicmophilus Huber 1988: 79 –81. Holotype female [USNM] (not examined). Type locality: Riverside, Riverside Co., California, USA. Syn. n.

Gonatocerus enicmophilus Huber : Yoshimoto 1990: 40 (list, ater species group); De Santis & Fidalgo 1994: 124 (catalog).

Gonatocerus necator (Ogloblin) : Yoshimoto 1990: 40 (list); Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 10 (list; distribution and host associations in Argentina).

Lymaenon necator Ogloblin : Loiácono et al. 2005: 17 (type information).

Gonatocerus bonariensis (Brèthes) : Luft Albarracin et al. 2009: 9 (list; distribution in Argentina).

Type material examined. Holotype female of Foersterella bonariensis [ MACN] on slide labeled: 1. “ Försterella bonariensis Brèthes type! B. As 22.II.1921 Hym. [ip]”; 2. “F 1”. The holotype is very poorly mounted laterally ( Fig. 218 View FIGURE 218 ), complete but not cleared. The collection date indicated on the slide does not entirely match the published collection date of the holotype (23.ii.1921).

Lectotype female of Lymaenon necator [MLPA], here designated to avoid confusion about the status of the type specimens of this species, on slide labeled: 1. “ Lymaenon necator A. O. ♀ José C. Paz 24.ii.1939 Cynodon dactylon . Typus! ♂”; 2. ‘3861”. The lectotype, although insufficiently cleared, is perfectly spread out, in very good condition, and mounted dorsoventrally. Paralectotypes [all MLPA]: 1 ♂ on the same slide and under the same coverslip as the lectotype; 1 ♀ and 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon necator A. O. 24.iii.1939. José C. Paz. Cynodon dactylon . J. Ch.”; 1 ♀ and 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon necator A O ♀ José C. Paz [San Juan – co] 24.ii.1939. A. A. O.”; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon necator A O [ip] ♂ José C. Paz 12.iii.1939. A-A-O.”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon necator ? [ip] A. O. ♀ San Juan A. O. Media Agua [ip] 8.ii.1939.”; 1 ♂ on slide [mounted together with a non-type female of G. (Lymaenon) pratensis (Ogloblin) ], labeled: “ Lymaenon necator A. O? [ip] ♀ pratensis A. O. San Juan. 8.ii.39 M. Agua A. O.” [the locality is Media Agua, San Juan Province, Argentina]; 1 ♂ on slide labeled: “ Lymaenon necator ♂? [ip] A. O. San Juan 9.ii.1939. A. A. O.”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus necator A. Ogl. [ip] ♀ Guatraché Pampa. 8.xii.1933 A. A. O.”; 1 ♀ on slide labeled: “ Gonatocerus ? necator [ip] ♀ Guatraché Prov. Pampa A O. 9.xii.1933 ”. This species was described from a syntype series of 6 females and 8 males. The whereabouts of the two remaining paralectotype males are unknown, but at least one was collected in La Plata (Buenos Aires Province) in Argentina.

Material examined. ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES: Bella Vista, A.A. Ogloblin : 14.x.1937 [1 ♂, MLPA]; 1939 [1 ♀, 1 ♂, MLPA]. Canal San Fernando, A.A. Ogloblin : 7.iii.1947 [1 ♂, MLPA]; 16.iii.1947 [1 ♀, 2 ♂, MLPA]; 19.iii.1947 [1 ♂, MLPA]. Ingeniero Otamendi , 34°13’17.7’’S 58°53’46.2’’W, 6 m GoogleMaps , 23.i.2003, S.V. Triapitsyn, M.C. Hernández [2 ♀, UCRC]. Isla Paulino (near Berisso ) , 9.ii.1997, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]. José C. Paz , 14.i.1939, A.A. Ogloblin [2 ♀, 2 ♂, MLPA] [we do not consider these specimens as belonging to the type series of Lymaenon necator because Ogloblin (1939) did not mention any specimens collected in January of 1939]. La Plata , 27.iii.1951, Bonino [1 ♂, MLPA]. Luján, Universidad Nacional de Luján, 34°35'07"S 59°04'45"W, 32 m, C. Coviella GoogleMaps : 17.iii.2005 [1 ♂, UCRC]; 1.xii.2006 [6 ♀, 2 ♂, UCRC]. Moreno, 34°08’57’’S 58°46’57’’W, C. Coviella GoogleMaps : 16.ii.2005 [3 ♀, UCRC]; 9.iii.2005 [9 ♀, 3 ♂, UCRC]; 23.iii.2005 [1 ♀, UCRC]; 9.iv.2005 [3 ♀, UCRC]. Tigre : 15.iii.1945, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]; 34°23’50’’S 58°34’32’’W, 5 m, 23–28.xi.2005, G.A. Logarzo [2 ♀, UCRC]. Vieytes , 35°18’26.56’’S 57°34’02.99’’W, 16 m GoogleMaps , 29.ii.2008, D.A. Aquino [5 ♀, MLPA]. CÓRDOBA: Salsacate , 19.vi.1940, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♀, 2 ♂, MLPA]. Near Tanti , 31°20’47.1’’S 64°32’03.4’’W, 727 m GoogleMaps , 17.xii.2007 – 10.i.2008, G.A. Logarzo [5 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC]. CORRIENTES, Yapeyú , 29°28’27.6’’S 56°48’52.3’’W, 47-53 m, park at Río Uruguay bank GoogleMaps , 20.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♀, UCRC]. ENTRE RÍOS, Parque Nacional El Palmar : Arroyo El Palmar, 31°53’40.9’’S 58°14’13.9’’W, 6-10 m, 14-15.ii.2009, S GoogleMaps . V. Triapitsyn, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov [1 ♂, UCRC]; Centro de Visitantes, 31°52’00.6’’S 58°12’30.3’’W, 12-24 m GoogleMaps , 14.ii.2009, D.A. Aquino, A.V. Ossipov, S.V. Triapitsyn [3 ♀, UCRC]. NEUQUÉN, Picún Leufú , 23.ii.2007, E.G. Virla, S.V. Triapitsyn [1 ♂, UCRC]. SANTA FE: 25 km SW of Rosario , 27.xi.1999, L. Williams, III, G.A. Logarzo (on alfalfa) [1 ♀, CNCI]. Santa Fe , 23.viii.1951, A.A. Ogloblin [1 ♂, MLPA]. MEXICO. SINALOA, 11 mi. N of La Concha, La Muralla 2 , 25.x.1982, J.T. Huber [1 ♀, UCRC].

Extralimital records. USA. CALIFORNIA, Riverside Co., Riverside, University of California at Riverside campus, 18.vii.1994, A. Flores [1 ♀, UCRC]. WYOMING, Johnson Co., Lake Desmet, 4.viii.1983, G. Gordh [4 ♀, 1 ♂, UCRC].

Redescription. FEMALE (holotype of Foersterella bonariensis , lectotype and paralectotypes of Lymaenon necator , and non-type specimens from Argentina). Body length 860–1230 µm. Body brown to dark brown; radicle light brown, remainder of scape and pedicel brown to dark brown, flagellum dark brown; legs sometimes mostly light brown but usually mostly brown to dark brown except for mostly light brown tarsi.

Head as in Fig. 221 View FIGURES 220 – 224 . Antenna ( Figs 219 View FIGURE 219 , 220 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ) with radicle about 0.3x total length of scape, rest of scape 2.5–3.0x as long as wide, longitudinally striate; pedicel much longer than F1; F1 and F2 short (F2 almost as long as F1) and without mps; F3 longer than F1 or F2 and a little shorter than F4, usually with 1 mps but occasionally without one; F4–F8 subequal in length (sometimes F7 slightly longer and F8 often slightly shorter) and each usually with 2 mps (F4 occasionally with just 1 mps); clava with 8 mps, 2.8–3.8x as long as wide, longer than combined length of F1–F4 and a little shorter than combined length of F5–F8.

Mesosoma ( Fig. 223 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ). Mesoscutum and scutellum with faint sculpture; propodeum ( Fig. 222 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ) with fine, often faint and inconspicuous, subparallel submedian carinae not extending to anterior margin of propodeum, otherwise smooth. Forewing ( Fig. 224 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ) 3.2–3.5x as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.2–0.25x maximum wing width; disc usually almost hyaline (with a slight brownish tinge), but sometimes with a more or less conspicuous, faint, darker band behind marginal and stigmal veins; mostly bare behind venation except for 9–12 setae just behind marginal and stigmal veins, with most of these more or less arranged in 1 or 2 irregular rows extending the length of marginal and stigmal veins, and densely setose elsewhere. Hind wing ( Fig. 224 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ) 15– 18x as long as wide; disc with 2 rows of setae along margins, an additional row of setae between them, and an incomplete row of setae at apex; almost hyaline but with a slight brownish tinge apically; longest marginal seta 1.8–2.0x maximum wing width.

Petiole 1.5–1.6x as wide as long; gaster a little longer than mesosoma; ovipositor 0.7–0.9x length of gaster, barely exserted beyond apex of gaster by at most 0.1x own length; 1.2–1.7x as long as mesotibia.

Measurements (µm) of the holotype of G. bonariensis . Total body length: 1292; mesosoma 523; gaster 572; ovipositor 409. Antenna: radicle 52; rest of scape 137; pedicel 55; F1 31; F2 27; F3 42; F4 48; F5 52; F6 47; F7 47; F8 45; clava 185. Forewing 1007:308; longest marginal seta 64.

MALE (paralectotypes of Lymaenon necator and non-type specimens from Argentina). Body length 860– 1230 µm. Body dark brown, antenna brown, legs light to dark brown. Otherwise similar to female except for normal sexually dimorphic features and the following. Antenna ( Fig. 225 View FIGURES 225 – 227 ) with scape plus radicle about 2.1x as long as wide. Forewing ( Fig. 226 View FIGURES 225 – 227 ) 3.3–3.4x as long as wide. Genitalia as in Fig. 227 View FIGURES 225 – 227 .

Diagnosis. The dark colored G. (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis is a member of the bucculentus subgroup of the ater species group. It is characterized by the following unique combination: female antenna ( Fig. 220 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ) with F1 and F2 short (F2 almost as long as F1) and without mps; occipital sulcus slightly higher than wide; and propodeum with submedian carinae fine, evanescent or apparently absent ( Fig. 222 View FIGURES 220 – 224 ).

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL: Argentina, and Mexico * (Sinaloa). NEARCTIC: Canada ( Huber 1988) [as G. enicmophilus ], and USA. Huber (1988) mentioned G. enicmophilus from Mexico but without providing any information on its distribution there.

Hosts. Undetermined Cicadellidae [as Bythoscopidae] and Delphacidae ( Hemiptera ) [as Araeopidae ] ( De Santis & Esquivel 1967) [for G. necator ].


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


University of California, Riverside


Canadian National Collection Insects














Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) bonariensis ( Brèthes, 1922 )

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A. 2010

Gonatocerus bonariensis (Brèthes)

Luft 2009: 9

Lymaenon necator

Loiacono 2005: 17

Gonatocerus enicmophilus

De 1994: 124
Yoshimoto 1990: 40

Gonatocerus necator

Luft 2009: 10
Yoshimoto 1990: 40

Gonatocerus enicmophilus

Huber 1988: 79

Gonatocerus (Gonatocerus) necator

De 1967: 99

Lymaenon necator

Ogloblin 1939: 241


Brethes 1922: 129
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