Hamaederus fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975 ) Botero, 2021

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo, 2021, A review of the history of the names Hamaticherus Dejean and Plocaederus Dejean and description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (887), pp. 1-32 : 10-13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12808493

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scientific name

Hamaederus fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975 )

comb. nov.

Hamaederus fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975) View in CoL , new combination

( Fig. 24–33 View Figures 24–33 )

Brasilianus fasciatus Martins and Monné 1975: 275 View in CoL ; Martins 1979: 25 (key); Fragoso 1982: 149; Monné 1993: 2 (cat.). Brasilianus (Brasilianus) fasciatus View in CoL ; Monné and Giesbert 1994: 34 (checklist; partim). Plocaederus fasciatus View in CoL ; Martins and Monné 2002: 231 (partim); Monné 2005: 56 (cat.; partim); Wappes et al. 2006: 7 (distr.);

Monné and Hovore 2006: 36 (checklist; partim); Galileo et al. 2011: 10, 78; Monné et al. 2017: 7 (holotype); Lingafelter et al. 2017: 23; Monné 2021: 73 (cat.; partim).

Redescription. Female ( Fig. 24–27 View Figures 24–33 ). Head capsule dark brown, sometimes almost black; ventral mouthparts reddish-brown or orangish-brown, except for mentum mostly brownish, and palpi lighter with apex of palpomeres pale yellow; anteclypeus mostly pale yellow or reddish-brown; labrum brown; antennae orangish-brown. Prothorax from brown to almost black, except reddish-brown central area of prosternal process. Ventral surface of mesothorax reddish-brown, except mesoventral process with dark brown margins and orangish-brown central area. Ventral surface of metathorax from orangish-brown to reddish-brown, except dark brown margins of metaventral process. Scutellum from reddish-brown to brown. Elytra reddish-brown or brownish on circum-scutellar area, orangish-brown on remaining area between anterior margin and transverse dark brown macula placed just after middle (dark brown macula from distinctly to slight arched), pale yellow or light orangish-brown from dark brown macula to apex. Legs orangish-brown. Abdominal ventrites from orangish-brown to reddish-brown, often with apex of ventrites I–IV pale yellow.

Head. Frons coarsely and abundantly punctate, punctures sparser on sides of frontal plate and absent centrally between eyes (close to frontal plate); with minute, sparse white setae, and one long, erect seta on each side close to clypeus. Area between antennal tubercles coarsely, abundantly punctate; with minute, sparse white setae. Area between upper eye lobes carinate centrally; with a few minute white setae close to eyes. Central area of vertex close to prothorax smooth and glabrous. Area behind upper eye lobes coarsely, densely punctate; with minute, sparse whitish setae. Area behind lower eye lobes almost smooth close to eye, plicate-punctate on wide area close to prothorax; surface almost glabrous. Genae coarsely, somewhat rugose-punctate except smooth apex; with minute, sparse white pubescence except glabrous smooth area. Antennal tubercles coarsely punctate on base, gradually finer toward smooth apex; with minute, sparse white setae on punctate area. Wide central area of postclypeus coarsely, densely punctate, and sides smooth; punctures with minute white setae. Labrum with minute, sparse yellowish-brown or yellowish-white setae close to anteclypeus, and long, erect setae of same color directed forward on sides of this area; anterior area with moderately long yellowish-brown or yellowish-white setae directed forward centrally, shorter laterally. Gulamentum mostly smooth, glabrous posteriorly, coarsely plicate-punctate and with sparse, yellowish-white or slightly brownish, both short and somewhat long setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.06 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.43 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at base of antennomere XI. Scape coarsely, abundantly punctate basally, punctures gradually sparser toward apex except smooth dorsal apex; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument except glabrous dorsal apex; with narrow cicatrix near apex. Antennomeres with yellowish-white pubescence, pubescence denser from V; antennomeres III–IV cylindrical, with nodose apex; antennomeres V–X serrated; antennomere XI abruptly narrowed near apex. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.73; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 0.75; V = 0.90; VI = 0.81; VII = 0.77; VIII = 0.69; IX = 0.69; X = 0.61; XI = 0.85.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercles placed slightly after middle. Pronotum coarsely, densely punctate on basal half, except nearly smooth narrow area close to anterior margin, slightly plicate-punctate from middle to posterior constriction, except central area subsmooth or only slightly transversely plicate, abundantly punctate near apex (punctures slightly finer); with minute white seta in most of punctures. Sides of prothorax coarsely, somewhat abundantly punctate except anterior area densely micropunctate, with a few coarse punctures interspersed, and posterior border and proepimeron densely microsculptured, with oblique band toward procoxal cavity with coarse punctures interspersed; nearly all coarse punctures with minute white seta. Prosternum coarsely rugose-punctate on wide central area, coarsely punctate on sides of central area, densely, somewhat coarsely punctate close to procoxal cavities and prosternal process, opaque, finely rugose-punctate inside anterior sulcus, rugose close to anterior margin; with short, sparse white setae from anterior sulcus to posterior area, setae gradually denser toward posterior area. Prosternal process distinctly inclined apically ( Fig. 32 View Figures 24–33 – equal to that in male); without tubercle; narrowest area 0.2 times procoxal width.Mesoventrite coarsely, abundantly, shallowly punctate (punctures sparser laterally); with short, sparse white setae. Mesanepisternum coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures almost absent on mesanepisternum close to mesepimeron), with somewhat abundant white setae (almost absent close to mesepimeron); mesepimeron finely, abundantly punctate; with white pubescence; mesoventral process without tubercle, with apical sides tab-shaped, and posterior margin strongly emarginate centrally; narrowest area 0.5 times mesocoxal width. Metanepisternum coarsely, somewhat abundantly punctate; with white pubescence, slightly denser anteriorly and posteriorly. Metaventrite moderately coarsely, shallowly, abundantly punctate; most punctures with short yellowish-white seta. Scutellum with a few decumbent yellowish-white setae. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate; most of punctures with minute yellowish-white seta; apex truncate. Legs. Femora coarsely, densely, shallowly punctate; with sparse white pubescence, slightly denser toward apex. Tibiae with somewhat sparse whitish setae, except dense, bristly light yellowish-brown pubescence on posterior area of ventral surface. Metatarsomere I shorter than II–III together.

Abdomen. Ventrites finely, somewhat sparsely punctate; with sparse whitish pubescence, slightly denser laterally; apex of ventrite V subrounded.

Male ( Fig. 28–33 View Figures 24–33 ). It differs from female by the antennae slightly longer (1.8 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at posterior third of antennomere IX).

Dimensions (mm) (male/female). Total length, 7.45/8.45–9.75; prothoracic length, 1.35/1.55–1.70; anterior prothoracic width, 1.25/1.35–1.50; posterior prothoracic width, 1.30/1.45–1.65; maximum prothoracic width, 1.60/1.75–2.00; humeral width, 1.90/2.10–2.40; elytral length, 4.80/5.30–6.00. Dimensions of the holotype (original description): Total length, 7.93; prothoracic length, 1.52; maximum prothoracic width, 1.73; humeral width, 2.06; elytral length, 5.54.

Material examined. BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Potrerillos del Guendá , 17°40′S / 63°27′W, 350–400 m, 1 male ( MZSP, formerly ACMT), 2 females ( FSCA, formerly ACMT), 7-9.IX.2012, J. Wappes, P. Skelley and T. Bonaso leg.; (800 m) GoogleMaps , holotype female, 1.X.1960, Zischka leg. ( MZSP) .

Remarks. Martins and Monné (1975) described Brasilianus fasciatus based on a single female from Bolivia (Santa Cruz). Later, Monné and Giesbert (1994) reported the species from French Guiana, apparently, based on specimens from the private collection of the second author (currently, deposited at FSCA). According to Martins and Monné (2002) (translated): “Variability. We examined a male from French Guiana [probably the female currently present in the MZSP collection] that differs considerably from the holotype. In this specimen, the head, pronotum, and scape are dark brown, almost black; the posterior half of the pronotum has some very shallow wrinkles; the elytra are unicolorous, reddish-orange and the apices of the elytra are obliquely truncate.” Based on specimens from French Guiana examined by us, we have no doubt that those specimens belong to Hamaederus allofasciatus , new species Accordingly, we are formally excluding H. fasciatus from the fauna of French Guiana. Monné and Hovore (2006) reported H. fasciatus from Ecuador, without a doubt, based on specimens belonging to the private collection of the second author, who extensively collected in Ecuador (currently, deposited at CASC). It is possible that the species occurs in this country, but only the examination of the specimens collected by Frank T. Hovore would confirm the identification.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Hamaederus fasciatus ( Martins and Monné, 1975 )

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo 2021

Brasilianus fasciatus Martins and Monné 1975: 275

Wappes JE & Morris RF & Nearns EH & Thomas MC 2006: 7
Monne MA 2005: 56
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 231
Monne MA & Giesbert EF 1994: 34
Monne MA 1993: 2
Fragoso SA 1982: 149
Martins UR 1979: 25
Martins UR & Monne MA 1975: 275
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