Hamaederus bipartitus ( Buquet, 1860 ) Botero, 2021

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo, 2021, A review of the history of the names Hamaticherus Dejean and Plocaederus Dejean and description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae), Insecta Mundi 2021 (887), pp. 1-32 : 6-9

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12808493

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scientific name

Hamaederus bipartitus ( Buquet, 1860 )

comb. nov.

Hamaederus bipartitus ( Buquet, 1860) View in CoL , new combination

( Fig. 1–14 View Figures 1–9 View Figures 10–17 , 18–23 View Figures 18–23 )

Plocoederus bipartitus Buquet 1860: 624 View in CoL .

Hammaticherus bipartitus View in CoL ; Lacordaire 1868: 256.

Hammatochaerus bipartitus View in CoL ; Gemminger 1872: 2800 (cat.).

Hamaticherus bipartitus View in CoL ; Aurivillius 1912: 51 (cat.).

Brasilianus bipartitus View in CoL ; Blackwelder 1946: 560 (checklist; partim); Zajciw 1966: 51; Martins 1979: 24, 25; Fragoso 1982: 149; Monné 1993: 2 (cat.).

Brasilianus (Brasilianus) bipartitus View in CoL ; Monné and Giesbert 1994: 34 (checklist).

Plocaederus bipartitus View in CoL ; Martins and Monné 2002: 245 (partim); Monné 2005: 56 (cat.); Monné and Hovore 2006: 36 (checklist); Morvan and Morati 2006: 10 (distr.); Wappes et al. 2006: 7 (distr.); Martins et al. 2009: 504 (distr.); Touroult et al. 2010: 28; Morvan and Morati 2011: 15 (distr.); Galileo et al. 2011: 10, 76 (distr.; partim); Giuglaris 2012: 61 (distr.); Monné 2021: 73 (cat.).

Remarks. Hamaederus bipartitus was described from French Guiana. According to Monné (2021) and Tavakilian and Chevillotte (2021) the species was described based on a single specimen (holotype). Monné (2021) also indicated that the holotype is a male. However, Buquet (1860) did not indicate the sex, and the species was described based at least on two specimens. Besides the description of the specimen from his private collection, Buquet (1860) also reported (translated): “I have seen, in the collection of Mr. J. Thomson, an individual of this species in which the red spot invades at least two-thirds of the elytra. It comes from the same locality [Cayenne]. According to Martins and Monné (2002) (translated): “Described based on a single specimen … from Cayenne, French Guiana, deposited in the MNHN. Buquet (1860: 625) examined a second specimen from Thomson’s collection (MNHN), also from Cayenne, which may be considered as a paratype.” In fact, the specimen is a syntype,

and not a paratype.

Although the mesoventral process was not described in the original description, it has been described as having a distinct central tubercle in other works (e.g. Martins 1979, Martins and Monné 2002). However, the tubercle ( Fig. 5–9 View Figures 1–9 , 13–14 View Figures 10–17 , 21–22 View Figures 18–23 ) may or may not be present and, when present, it is highly variable: from a slight tumescence to a distinctly elevated tubercle, which may be transversely wide or somewhat narrow and, in some cases, the apex is emarginate.

The specimens from Ecuador reported as being H. bipartitus , may or may not belong to this species. The general appearance is very similar but, apparently, the prothorax is somewhat slender, and the elytra are proportionally slightly longer (about 3.5 times prothoracic length), while in the specimens from French Guiana the prothorax is somewhat wider, and the elytra are slightly shorter (about 3.0 times the prothoracic length). Although we examined specimens from Ecuador only using photographs, especially those of a female sent by our friend Steven W. Lingafelter ( Fig. 10–14 View Figures 10–17 ), those differences apparently occur in both sexes. At least some specimens from the Brazilian Amazonian have the elytra as in the specimens from Ecuador, also slightly differing from those from French Guiana. Unfortunately, it was not possible to be sure what those small differences represent. For now, we are considering that H. bipartitus occurs in Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Maranhão) and Ecuador, as listed in Monné (2021) and Tavakilian and Chevillotte (2021).

Martins and Monné (2002) reported on H. bipartitus (translated): “Variability. The color of the elytra varies a lot; in several specimens, the apical third is black, but this color may decrease until the elytra are reddish orange only with the friezes and small apical portion brownish.” We examined some specimens deposited in the MZSP collection, from the Brazilian Amazonian and Bolivia ( Fig. 18–23 View Figures 18–23 ), with the elytra black only on the margins, as reported by Martins and Monné (2002). Some of those specimens have the elytra proportionally longer than in the specimens from French Guiana. It is possible that they do not belong to H. bipartitus but, again, we could not find a reliable morphological characteristic, other than the elytral color. We did not see specimens with intermediate condition of the black posterior area of the elytra (between covering the apical quarter and only present on the apex) from Brazil and Bolivia. In addition to these variations, we also found variations (not related to geographic distribution) in the shape of the prosternal process, which may have the apex rounded ( Fig. 22 View Figures 18–23 ) or somewhat acute ( Fig. 5 View Figures 1–9 ); the length of the antennae in males ( Fig. 1, 3 View Figures 1–9 , 18 View Figures 18–23 ), which may be as long as in the specimen of the figure 18 (from French Guiana); the shape of the metatibiae, which may be slender or somewhat distinctly widened toward the apex; and the length of the black apical macula on the elytra with may starts from about middle to apical quarter.

For additional comments see remarks in Hamaederus fragosoi .

Material examined. SURINAME, Marowijne: Langaman Kondre , 1 female, VIII.1965, R. Malkin leg. ( MZSP) . FRENCH GUIANA: Route de Kaw – pk 35, 1 female, 4.VIII.1983, D. Dauthuille leg. ( MZSP) ; pk 30, 1 female, 24.VII.1995, E. Giesbert and J. Wappes leg. ( FSCA) ; pk 37, 1 female, 17–18.VIII.1995, J. Wappes leg. ( FSCA) ; 1 male ( MZSP), 1 female ( RFMC), 27.IX–6.X.2013, Morris and Rasmussen leg. ; 1 female, 11–23.VIII.2017, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; pk 38, 1 male, 19.VIII.1995, Giesbert and Morris leg. ( MZSP) ; pk 38 (Amazone Nat. Lodge; Montagne de Kaw , 4°33′N / 52°11′W), 1 female, 11–23.VIII.2017, Wappes and Morris leg. ( MZSP, formerly ACMT) GoogleMaps ; Route de l’Est km 90, 1 male, 8.XI.1980, G.L. Tavakilian leg. ( MZSP) . BRAZIL, Amazonas: AM 010, km 26, Reserva Ducke , 27.IX.1978, no collector indicated ( MZSP) . ECUADOR, Orellana: Yasuní N.P., Yasuní Res. Stn. , 0°40.4′S / 76°23.9′W, Malaise trap M7-2, canopy, 27 m, 1 female, 18–24.VII.2008, A.K. Tishechkin leg. ( SWLC) GoogleMaps .

Specimens that may or may not be H. bipartitus . BRAZIL, Rondônia: 62 km SW Ariquemes, Fazenda Rancho Grande , 2 males, 11.X.1993, C.W. and L.B. O’Brien leg. ( MZSP) ; Porto Velho, Parque Ecológico, 1 male, 06.IX.2008, no collector indicated ( MZSP). Pará: Vianopolis, Fazenda São Lucas , 1 female, no date indicated, Jauffret leg. ( MZSP) ; Serra Norte, Est. Manganês , 1 male, 10.VI.1986, W. França leg. ( MZSP) ; Óbidos , 1 male, IX.1959, formerly Dirings collection ( MZSP) ; km 93 da BR-14, 1 female, VIII-IX.1959, Expedição Departamento de Zoologia leg. ( MZSP) . BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: 4–6 km SSE Buena Vista, FandF Hotel , 1 male, 23–26.X.2000, Wappes and Morris leg. ( FSCA, formerly ACMT) ; FandF Hotel , 1 male, 7–10.X.2004, Morris and Wappes leg. ( RFMC) ; Dpt. Potrerillos del Guendá , 350–400 m, 17°40′S, 63°27′W, 1 female, 7-9.IX.2012, Wappes, Skelley, Bonaso leg. ( MZSP, formerly ACMT) GoogleMaps ; Buena Vista, vic. Flora and Fauna Hotel , 1 male, 1 female, 17–20.X.2000, R. Morris leg. ( RFMC) .


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Hamaederus bipartitus ( Buquet, 1860 )

Botero, Antonio Santos-Silva Kimberly García Juan Pablo 2021

Plocaederus bipartitus

Monne MA 2021: 73
Giuglaris JL 2012: 61
Morvan O & Morati J. 2011: 15
Galileo MHM & Martins UR & Moyses E. 2011: 10
Touroult J & Dalens P-H & Brule S & Poirier E. 2010: 28
Martins UR & Galileo MHM & Limeira-de-Oliveira F. 2009: 504
Monne MA & Hovore FT 2006: 36
Morvan O & Morati J. 2006: 10
Wappes JE & Morris RF & Nearns EH & Thomas MC 2006: 7
Monne MA 2005: 56
Martins UR & Monne MA 2002: 245

Brasilianus (Brasilianus) bipartitus

Monne MA & Giesbert EF 1994: 34

Brasilianus bipartitus

Monne MA 1993: 2
Fragoso SA 1982: 149
Martins UR 1979: 24
Zajciw D. 1966: 51
Blackwelder RE 1946: 560

Hamaticherus bipartitus

Aurivillius C. 1912: 51

Hammatochaerus bipartitus

Gemminger M. 1872: 2800

Hammaticherus bipartitus

Lacordaire JT 1868: 256

Plocoederus bipartitus

Buquet JBL 1860: 624
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