Kalanchoe [subg. Kalanchoe] sect. Raveta Smith (2022a: 210).

Smith, Gideon F., 2023, A review of the infrageneric classifications proposed for Kalanchoe (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) from the earliest times up to 2000, Phytotaxa 619 (1), pp. 1-38 : 9-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.619.1.1



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Kalanchoe [subg. Kalanchoe] sect. Raveta Smith (2022a: 210).


Kalanchoe [subg. Kalanchoe] sect. Raveta Smith (2022a: 210). View in CoL

Type:— Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Harvey (1862: 380) , designated by Smith (2022a: 210).

Homotypic synonyms:— Kalanchoe [unranked] Transvaalenses Berger (1930: 407, as “§ 8”). ( Turland et al. 2018: Art. 37.3) [further discussed under ‘6. The infrageneric classification of Kalanchoe , Bryophyllum , and Kitchingia of Alwin Berger (1930) ’, below].

Kalanchoe subg. Fernandesiae Smith (2020d: 5) .

Infrageneric designation not validly published:—“[ Kalanchoe / Cotyledon] sect. Raveta ” Raymond-Hamet (1916a: 83–84) View in CoL .

Where Jacobsen (1986: 604) treated Kalanchoe , he noted that he did not “…wish to forestall a forthcoming new monograph on the genus Kalanchoe by R. HAMET” by prematurely proposing a [more detailed] classification [than that of Boiteau (1947) and Boiteau & Mannoni (1948a –d, 1949a–d); see below] for the genus. However, Hamet, which is how he still wrote his name at the time that he published his initial, two-part monograph ( Hamet 1907a, 1908a, b), never completed such a more detailed monograph. The closest he came was to publish, with Julien Marnier-Lapostolle, owner of the world-renowned private Jardin Botanique, “ Les Cedrès ”, on the French Côte d’Azur at Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat ( DemOly 1999, SmIth & FIgueIredO 2013: 68–79), an Illustrated treatment Of 56 speCIes, abOut ¼ tO ⅓ therefOre of the species recognised today (Raymond-Hamet & Marnier-Lapostolle 1964: a list of species treated appears on pp. 109–110). In that work, Raymond-Hamet and Marnier-Lapostolle still made use of the unnamed, but numbered, groups of Hamet (1907a: 877–879, 1908a, b). In the case of “Groupe 14”, Raymond-Hamet & Marnier-Lapostolle (1964: 89 [page not numbered]) did not reference “[ Kalanchoe / Cotyledon ] sect. Raveta ” that was proposed but not validly published nearly 50 years earlier (Raymond-Hamet 1916a: 83–84).

5. The infrageneric classification of Kalanchoe of Sijfert Koorders (1919)

Koorders (1919) published a partial treatment of the Crassulaceae of Java in which he dealt taxonomically with a limited number of Kalanchoe species —six only—in one of which he recognised a new variety. Apart from the species-rank taxonomy presented by Koorders (1919), he also published a new combination at the rank of subgenus for the genus Bryophyllum , as K. subg. Bryophyllum ( Smith 2022d) .

Two of the species treated by Koorders (1919: 170–172), K. pinnata , the currently accepted name of the type species of Bryophyllum , as well as K. prolifera (see Figueiredo & Smith 2018: 22), were included in K. subg. Bryophyllum . Both species are indigenous to Madagascar, but widely naturalised in mild-climate parts of the world.

Nomenclaturally, the subgenus name published by Koorders (1919) resolves as follows:














Kalanchoe [subg. Kalanchoe] sect. Raveta Smith (2022a: 210).

Smith, Gideon F. 2023

Kalanchoe subg. Fernandesiae

Smith, G. F. 2020: )
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