Balloniscus sellowi ( Brandt, 1833 )

Campos-Filho, Ivanklin Soares, Montesanto, Giuseppe, Araujo, Paula Beatriz & Taiti, Stefano, 2017, New species and new records of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazil, Iheringia, Série Zoologia (e 2017034) 107, pp. 1-30 : 9-11

publication ID 10.1590/1678-4766e2017034

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scientific name

Balloniscus sellowi ( Brandt, 1833 )


Balloniscus sellowi ( Brandt, 1833)

Philoscia sellowii BRANDT, 1833:43 ; BUDDE- LUND, 1879:2, 1885:218; MILNE- EDWARDS, 1840:164; STUXBERG, 1875:43.

Philoscia (Balloniscus) sellowii ; BUDDE-LUND, 1908:289, pl. XVI, fig. 3; VAN NAME, 1936:136.

Philoscia paulensis ; MOREIRA, 1927:194, figs 1-3; 1931:426, figs 1-8.

Balloniscus sellowii View in CoL ; LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1972:357; 1976:392, figs 1-13; ARAUJO et al., 1996:120, figs 22-27, 65; SOUZA-KURY, 1998:654; ARAUJO, 1999:249, fig. 17; LEISTIKOW & WÄGELE, 1999:31; SCHMALFUSS, 2003:51; LOPES et al., 2005:101, table 1; ALMERÃO et al., 2012:981, fig. 2, tables 1, 2; WOOD et al., 2012:234, fig. 2; ZIMMERMANN et al., 2015b:703, fig. 2, tables 1, 2.

Material examined. BRAZIL, Minas Gerais: many ♂ and ♀, Itamonte , 20°20’44”S, 44°48’52”W, 07.III.2014, G. M. Cardoso col. (UFRGS 5911) GoogleMaps . Paraná: 9♂, ♀, 1 manca, Lapa, PE do Monge , 25°46’55”S, 49°41’49”W, 11.VIII.2012, P. B. Araujo & B. L. Zimmermann col., impacted area, near of restaurants, in woods (UFRGS 5539) GoogleMaps . Santa Catarina: 2♂, 2♀, Santa Rosa de Lima , 27°59’17”S, 49°06’45”W, at 229 meters, 25.VI.2012, P. B. Araujo col., in pasture woods, litter with many roots (UFRGS 5578); 2♂, ♀, Orleans, near of the fire department, 28°21’17”S, 49°16’26”W, 24.VI.2012, P. B. Araujo & B. L. Zimmermann col., dense vegetation cover, litter with many roots, primary forest (UFRGS 5601) GoogleMaps .

Previous Brazilian records. Brazil ( BUDDE-LUND, 1908). Minas Gerais: Jacutinga ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1976). Rio de Janeiro:Araruana, Barra de SÃo JoÃo, Barra de Maricá, Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro and SÃo JoÃo da Barra ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1976). EspÍrito Santo: Amparo (Monte Alegre and Ibiti) and Barra de Itabapoana ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1976). SÃo Paulo: SÃo Paulo ( MOREIRA, 1927, 1931); Carapicuiba, Estrada Cabreuva-Pirapora, Itanhaem, Parque da Luz, Santo AndrÉ and SÃo Paulo ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1976). Paraná: Bituruna and UniÃo da Vitória ( LEMOS DE CASTRO 1976); Lapa ( ZIMMERMANN et al., 2015b). Santa Catarina:Anchieta, Bom Jardim da Serra, Bom Retiro, Campo Erê, Campos Novos, Catanduvas, Chapecó, Faxinal do Guedes, Florianópolis, Irani, Itá, Lages, Laguna, Papanduva, Ponte Serrada, Praia Grande, Santa CecÍlia, SÃo LourenÇo d’Oeste, SÃo Joaquim, SÃo Miguel d’Oeste, Sombrio, Ubirici and Xanxerê (ARAUJO et al., 1996); BocaÍna do Sul ( ZIMMERMANN et al., 2015b). Rio Grande do Sul: Bento GonÇalves and Porto Alegre ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1976); Agudo, Alegrete, Arroio Grande, BagÉ, Bom Jesus, CaÇapava do Sul, CamaquÃ, CapÃo da Canoa, Capivari, Casca, Coronel Bicaco, Cidreira, Eldorado do Sul, Encruzilhada do Sul, Erechim, Estrela, Flores da Cunha, Fontoura Xavier, Garibaldi, Itaqui, Palmeira das Missões, Pelotas, Pinheiro Machado, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande (E. E. Taim), Rio Pardo, Rosário do Sul, Santiago, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Isabel do Sul, Santa Maria, Santana do Livramento, Santo Ângelo, Sarandi, SÃo Gabriel, SÃo LourenÇo do Sul, SÃo Luiz Gonzaga, SÃo Vicente do Sul, Tapes, Taquara, Três Passos, TramandaÍ, Triunfo, Veranópolis and ViamÃo (ARAUJO et al., 1996); RincÃo dos Kroeff and Barra do Ouro ( LOPES et al., 2005); Águas Belas, Barra do Ribeiro, Cassino, Caxias do Sul, Cidreira, Colônia, Glorinha, Morro Santana, Mostardas, Palmeiras do Sul, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, SÃo LourenÇo do Sul, Tapes and Tavares, all municipalities located in Patos Lagoon region ( ALMERÃO et al., 2012); Porto Alegre ( WOOD et al., 2012); Arroio do Sal, Barra do Ribeiro, Mostardas, Pelotas, Porto Alegre and Vacaria ( ZIMMERMANN et al., 2015b).

Distribution. This species is widely distributed in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

Scleropactidae View in CoL Amazoniscus Lemos de Castro, 1967 View in CoL Amazoniscus zimmeri Campos-Filho, Montesanto & Araujo View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 28-50 View Figs 28-36 View Figs 37-42 View Figs 43-50 )

Type material. BRAZIL, Pará: Holotype ♂, BelÉm, MPEG, 19.XI.2012, P. B. Araujo col. (MZUSP 35110) . Paratypes: ♂, 2♀, same data as holotype (MZUSP 35111) .

Description. Maximum body length: ♂ 5.5 mm, ♀ 5 mm. Color brown; cephalon with irregular unpigmented spots; antenna, pereon, pleon and uropods strongly pigmented; pereon with some unpigmented spots on paramedian region, pleonites 1-3 with two small unpigmented spots, and telson with 3 small unpigmented spots. Body convex, exoantennal conglobation ( Fig. 28 View Figs 28-36 ). Dorsum smooth, with some scattered triangular scale-setae ( Fig. 29 View Figs 28-36 ); one line of noduli laterales per side, more or less at same distance from lateral margins and close to posterior margins of pereonites ( Figs 28, 32 View Figs 28-36 ); no visible gland pores. Cephalon ( Figs 30, 31 View Figs 28-36 ) with frontal shield slightly bent backwards over vertex, frontal margin broadly rounded; eyes of 12-13 ommatidia. Pereonite 1 ( Fig. 32 View Figs 28-36 ) with no schisma or ventral lobe; pereonites 1–4 with posterior margin straight, 5-7 gradually more concave; pereonites 1-7 with posterior margin slightly sinuous at sides ( Fig. 28 View Figs 28-36 ). Pleon ( Figs 33, 34 View Figs 28-36 ) with outline continuous with that of pereonite 7, epimera 3–5 well developed, directed backwards with acute apices. Telson ( Fig. 33 View Figs 28-36 ) triangular, slight concave sides, rounded apex. Antennula ( Fig. 35 View Figs 28-36 ) of three articles, proximal article longest, distal article with three rows of two aesthetascs. Antenna ( Fig. 36 View Figs 28-36 ) reaching posterior margin of second pereonite when extended backwards, fifth article of peduncle longer than flagellum, flagellum of two articles subequal in length, distal article with two rows of two aesthetascs each, apical organ as long as second article of flagellum with simple and short free sensilla. Mandibles ( Figs 37, 38 View Figs 37-42 ) with molar penicil dichotomized, consisting of about 10 branches, left mandible with 2+1 penicils, right with 1+1 penicils. Maxillula ( Fig. 39 View Figs 37-42 ) inner branch bearing two subequal penicils, distal margin rounded; outer branch with 4+6 teeth (four cleft) plus accessory tooth and slender seta. Maxilla ( Fig. 40 View Figs 37-42 ) outer lobe about twice as broad as medial lobe, distal margin rounded; inner lobe rounded, covered with thick setae. Maxilliped ( Fig. 41 View Figs 37-42 ) basis rectangular bearing sparse scale-setae, distal margin with fringe of thin setae; endite rectangular, distal margin almost straight with one small seta on outer portion, and short penicil; palp with three tufts of setae, proximal article with one long inner seta. Pereopods with short inner claw, ungual seta long and simple, long dactylar seta reaching tip of outer claw ( Fig. 43 View Figs 43-50 ). Pleopods 1 and 2 with respiratory areas. Uropod ( Fig. 42 View Figs 37-42 ) with insertion of endopod and exopod at different levels, protopod flattened and enlarged, endopod twice as long as exopod.

Male: Pereopod 1 ( Fig. 43 View Figs 43-50 ) ischium, merus and carpus with sternal margin covered with short scales. Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 44 View Figs 43-50 ) ischium elongated with almost straight sternal margin; carpus twice as long as merus. Genital papilla as in Fig. 45 View Figs 43-50 . Pleopod 1 ( Fig. 46 View Figs 43-50 ) exopod triangular, with convex outer margin; endopod more than twice as long as exopod bearing small setae along inner margin, distal portion tapering. Pleopod 2 ( Fig. 47 View Figs 43-50 ) exopod triangular, outer margin sinuous bearing two small setae; endopod distinctly longer than exopod. Pleopod 3 exopod ( Fig. 48 View Figs 43-50 ) rhomboid, outer margin slightly concave bearing two small setae, inner and outer margins fringed with thin setae. Pleopod 4 exopod ( Fig. 49 View Figs 43-50 ) triangular, outer margin almost straight with three small setae, inner and outer margins fringed with thin setae. Pleopod 5 exopod ( Fig. 50 View Figs 43-50 ) triangular, distal part narrower and acute, outer margin sinuous with one small seta, inner and outer margins fringed with thin setae.

Etymology. The new species is named after Dr. Martin Zimmer for his contribution to the knowledge on the biology of Oniscidea.

Remarks. Amazoniscus Lemos de Castro, 1967 includes three Brazilian species from Amazonian rainforest and Atlantic forest domains: A. arlei Lemos de Castro, 1967 from the states of Amapá, Pará and Tocantins ( LEMOS DE CASTRO, 1967); and two troglobitic species from the state of Pará, A. eleonoare Souza, Bezerra & AraÚjo, 2006 and A. leistikowi Campos-Filho, Araujo & Taiti, 2014 .

Amazoniscus zimmeri sp. nov. differs from all the other species in the genus by the shape of the male pleopod 1 exopod, i. e. with convex instead of concave outer margin as in A. arlei , longer than wide instead of wider than long as in A. eleonorae and A. leistikowi , it also differs from A. leistikowi in having the distal part of the male pleopod 1 endopod almost straight instead of distinctly bent outwards.














Balloniscus sellowi ( Brandt, 1833 )

Campos-Filho, Ivanklin Soares, Montesanto, Giuseppe, Araujo, Paula Beatriz & Taiti, Stefano 2017

Balloniscus sellowii

ZIMMERMANN, B. L. & BOUCHON, D. & ALMERAO, M. P. & ARAUJO, P. B. 2015: 703
WOOD, C. T. & SCHLINDWEIN, C. C. D. & SOARES, G. L. G. & ARAUJO, P. B. 2012: 234
LOPES, E. R. C. & MENDONCA, M. DE & BOND-BUCKUP, G. & ARAUJO, P. B. 2005: 101
SCHMALFUSS, H. 2003: 51
LEISTIKOW, A. & WAGELE, J. W. 1999: 31
SOUZA-KURY, L. A. 1998: 654
LEMOS DE CASTRO, A. 1976: 392
LEMOS DE CASTRO, A. 1972: 357

Philoscia paulensis

MOREIRA, C. 1927: 194

Philoscia (Balloniscus) sellowii

VAN NAME, W. G. 1936: 136
BUDDE-LUND, G. 1908: 289

Philoscia sellowii

BRANDT, I. 1833: 43
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