Phlegmariurus mollicomus (Spring) B. Øllgaard (2012a: 481)

Øllgaard, Benjamin & Testo, Weston, 2021, The Lycopodiaceae of Panamá, Phytotaxa 526 (1), pp. 1-66 : 35

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.526.1.1

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Plazi (2021-11-24 08:21:44, last updated by Admin 2023-11-26 03:21:30)

scientific name

Phlegmariurus mollicomus (Spring) B. Øllgaard (2012a: 481)


22.­­­ Phlegmariurus mollicomus (Spring) B. Øllgaard (2012a: 481) View in CoL View at ENA .—Fig. 19B

Lycopodium dichotomum Jacquin ssp. mollicomum Martius ex Spring (1838: 162) View in CoL .— Lycopodium mollicomum Spring (1840: 113) View in CoL .— Lycopodium setaceum Hamilton var. brasiliense Spring (1842: 43) View in CoL .— Huperzia setacea (Hamilton ex D. Don 1825: 18) Trevisan var. mollicoma (Spring) Trevisan (1874: 248) View in CoL .— Urostachys mollicomus (Spring) Nessel (1927: 407) View in CoL .— Urostachys setaceus (Hamilton) Nessel var. brasiliensis (Spring) Nessel (1927: 408) View in CoL .— Huperzia mollicoma (Spring) Holub (1985: 75) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL: Paraì; “Sylvis Paraënsis”, Martius s. n. (M holotype).

Lycopodium flaccidum Feìe View in CoL (1872–73: 92), non Bory (1833: 9) = Selaginella View in CoL .— Urostachys flaccidus (Feìe) Herter (1923: 164) View in CoL .— Huperzia flaccida (Feìe) Holub (1985: 72) View in CoL .— Urostachys neptuni Herter (1949a: 72) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: “Brasilia fluminensi, Alto Macahe”, Glaziou 4677 (P holotype; B, C, RB isotypes).

Lycopodium williamsii Underwood & F.Lloyd (1906: 112) View in CoL .— Urostachys williamsii (Underwood & Lloyd) Nessel (1939: 164) View in CoL . Type:— BOLIVIA: New Brazil, 5,500 ft., Williams 1393 (NY holotype; AAU, GH, US isotypes).

Pendulous plants, usually with flaccidly hanging divisions, to 30 cm long. Shoots homophyllous or almost so, almost equally thick throughout, 7–15 mm in diameter including the leaves, or gradually tapering to ca. 5 mm in diameter. Stems excluding leaves 0.5–1 mm thick at the base, often tapering to 0.3 mm, prominently to sharply ridged by decurrent leaf veins, discontinuously or ultimately continuously sporangiate from 6–15 cm above the base and upward, to 6 (–8) times dichotomous. Leaves borne in alternating, irregular, often oblique whorls of 4–5 in basal divisions, or of 3–4 in terminal divisions, the whorls 1–2 mm apart, forming 6–10 obscure longitudinal ranks, in basal divisions ascending to patent, upward more appressed, rarely slightly twisted at the base, straight to slightly upward curved, linear to linear-subulate. Leaves of basal divisions (7–) 10–13 × 0.5–0.7 mm, not or very slightly widened at the base, adaxially flat or convex, usually somewhat revolute (dried), abaxially with sharply prominent vein at least in the basal half. Leaves of terminal sporangiate divisions 7–11 mm long, usually loosely appressed, otherwise conform, or almost flat, with less prominent vein, often slightly widened at the base (not auriculate), rarely tinged with red on the margins near the base. Decurrent leaf bases not wider than lamina. Sporangia ca. 1 mm wide.

­­­ Distribution:— Hispaniola, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela, central and southeastern Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia.

­­­ Habitats:—Epiphytic in lower montane forest. 1300–1900 m elev.

­­­ Notes: — Phlegmariurus mollicomus resembles P. sarmentosus (Andes) , and P. watsonianus . It differs in the lack of leaf base auricles, the more ascending to appressed leaves, and in the sharply prominent leaf vein and revolute margins. Molecular data ( Testo et al. 2018b) point to a closer relationship to the group of P. dichotomus and P. hippurideus .

­­­ Specimens­­­studied:— Chiriquí:­­­ Vicinity of Fortuna Dam. Along trail across valley south of lake, 1300–1400 m, McPherson 10391 (photo MO p.p.). Road to Cerro Punta National Park from Alto Quiel and Boquete, 1850 m, McPherson 8021 (MO). Ridge S of Campamento Luchio, 1900 m, Monro & Alfaro 4517 (MO).

Bory de Saint-Vicent, J. B. G. M. (1833) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, Botanique. 2: Cryptogamie (1). Paris, pp. 1 - 80.

Don, D. (1825) Prodromus florae nepalensis. i - xii, 1 - 256. London.

Herter, W. (1923) Die Urostachys - Arten der Antillen. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 19: 161 - 170. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / fedr. 19230191102

Herter, W. (1949 a) Index Lycopodiorum. Estudios Botanicos en la regioin Uruguaya, Montevideo 20: 1 - 120.

Holub, J. (1985) Transfers of Lycopodium species to Huperzia: with a note on generic classification in Huperziaceae. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 20: 67 - 80. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02856466

Nessel, H. (1927) As Lycopodiaiceas do Brasil. Traducc ¸ aTo, arranjo do catailogo das espeicies do Hervairio da Secc ¸ aTo de Botanica do Museu Paulista e illustrac ¸ oTes de F. C. Hoehne. Archivos de Botanica do Estado de S. Paulo 1 (4): 355 - 535.

Nessel, H. (1939) Die Ba ¨ rlappgewa ¨ chse (Lycopodiaceae). Eine beschreibende Zusammenstellung mit besonderer Beru ¨ cksichtigung ihrer Varieta ¨ ten und Formen. Gustav Fischer, Jena, pp. i - viii, 1 - 404.

Ollgaard, B. (2012 a) Nomenclatural changes in Brazilian Lycopodiaceae. Rodrigueisia 63: 479 - 482. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 2175 - 78602012000200020

Spring, A. F. (1838) Beitra ¨ ge zur Kenntnis der Lycopodien. Flora 21: 145 - 158, 161 - 175, 177 - 191, 193 - 205, 209 - 222.

Spring, A. F. (1840) Lycopodiaceae, in: Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 1 (2): 106 - 117, t. 5.

Spring, A. F. (1842) Monographie de la famille des Lycopodiaceies, premieIre partie. Meimoires de l' Academie Royale Belgique 15: 1 - 110.

Testo, W., Ollgaard, B., Field, A., Almeida, T., Kessler, M. & Barrington, D. (2018 b) Phylogenetic systematics, morphological evolution, and natural groups in neotropical Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125: 1 - 13. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2018.03.016

Trevisan de Saint-Leon, V. (1874) Sylloge sporophytarum Italiae. Atti della Societai Italiana de Scienze Naturali 17: 242 - 249.











