Ocychinus huanghaoi, Zhao & Tang, 2020

Zhao, Xin & Tang, Liang, 2020, Three new species of the genus Ocychinus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from China, Zootaxa 4789 (1), pp. 204-216 : 211-212

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4789.1.6

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scientific name

Ocychinus huanghaoi

sp. nov.

Ocychinus huanghaoi View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs. 5, 6, 35–41, 46)

Type material. Holotype. China: Sichuan: ♂, glued on a card with labels as follows: “ China : Sichuan Prov. Muli County, Kangwu Yakou, 28°07”N 101°09”E, alt. 3773 m, 6.VI.2012, Huang leg.” “ Holotype / Ocychinus huanghaoi / Zhao & Tang” [red handwritten label] ( SHNU) . Paratypes. 2♂♂ 1♀, same as for the holotype. ( SHNU)

Description. Measurements of male: BL: 17.7–18.5 mm, FL: 8.5–9.3 mm. HL: 2.31–2.57 mm, HW: 3.00– 3.13 mm, EYL: 0.58–0.68 mm, TL: 1.10–1.26 mm, PL: 3.38–3.59 mm, PW: 3.18–3.26 mm, EL: 2.85–2.91 mm, EW: 3.17–3.37 mm. HW/HL: 1.22–1.29, TL/EYL: 1.83–1.91, PL/PW: 1.04–1.13, EL/EW: 0.85–0.91.

Measurements of female: BL: 17.5 mm, FL: 9.0 mm. HL: 2.48 mm, HW: 3.11 mm, EYL: 0.67 mm, TL: 1.24 mm, PL: 3.48 mm, PW: 3.28 mm, EL: 2.90 mm, EW: 3.36 mm. HW/HL: 1.25, TL/EYL: 1.85, PL/PW: 1.06, EL/ EW: 0.86.

Body black, mouth parts paler, antennae dark brown, becoming gradually paler apicad; elytra dark, dull with faint blue tint; abdominal tergites VI and VII with median golden tomentose patch; legs black.

Head 1.22–1.29 times as wide as long, rounded quadrangular, posterior angles obtusely rounded, tempora longer than eyes (ratio 1.83–1.91); surface with dual punctation, though coarse punctures mainly present on lateral and posterior portions, interstices mostly smooth, with micropunctures, partially and indistinctly microsculptured or reticulated, those of lateral and posterior portions distinctly narrower than half the diameter of coarse punctures.

Pronotum 1.04–1.13 times as long as wide, widest point at about basal half; impunctate midline very indistinct; punctation fine and sparse, interstices with micropunctures, those of median portion smooth, those near lateral margins microsculptured or reticulated.

Elytra 0.85–0.91 times as long as wide, shorter than pronotum (ratio 0.83–0.85).

Abdomen semi-cylindrical, posterior margin of tergite VII without palisade fringe; punctation dense and fine, interstices microsculptured.

Male. Sternite VIII emarginated at middle of posterior margin; sternite IX ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 35–41 ) widely emarginated medioapically; tergite X ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 35–41 ) subtrapezoidal. Aedeagus ( Figs. 37, 38 View FIGURES 35–41 ) with median lobe distinctly asymmetrical and sharply pointed at apex, paramere a little asymmetrical with slightly emarginated apex, somewhat shorter than median lobe, underside of paramere ( Figs. 39, 40 View FIGURES 35–41 ) with a few sensory peg setae in apical portion.

Female. Tergite X ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 35–41 ) subtriangular with apex somewhat obtuse.

Distribution. China (Sichuan).

Remarks. The new species shares with O. businskius ( Smetana, 2010) and O. bohemorum Smetana, 2010 the median golden tomentose patches on both abdominal tergites VI and VII, but it differs from the latter two by the following points: 1. Head ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 46, 47 ) with punctation unevenly spread, very sparse on vertex and becoming denser and coarser laterad and posteriad, while in O. businskius and O. bohemorum punctation of head is almost evenly distributed; 2. pronotum ( Fig. 46 View FIGURES 46, 47 ) with punctation quite fine, interstices distinctly wider than the diameter of punctures and appearing polished, while in O. businskius and O. bohemorum pronotum with punctation coarse, interstices distinctly narrower than the diameter of punctures and appearing dull; 3. pronotum with poorly defined impunctate midline, while in O. businskius and O. bohemorum pronotum with elevated impunctate midline.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Mr. Hao Huang who collected the species.













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