Spinaraptor taja Mendes, Sobral & Silva-Neto, 2024

Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello, Sobral, Rafael & Neto, Alberto Moreira Da Silva, 2024, The Spine Raptor-a new genus of predatory katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae: Phlugidini) from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest, Zootaxa 5492 (4), pp. 545-562 : 550-556

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.4.4

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scientific name

Spinaraptor taja Mendes, Sobral & Silva-Neto

sp. nov.

Spinaraptor taja Mendes, Sobral & Silva-Neto sp. nov.

Figures 2–13 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 and 18 View FIGURE 18

Diagnosis. Tergite X with two triangular dorsal projections that are curved outwards, in dorsal view ( Fig. 4H View FIGURE 4 ). Stylus with a narrow basal region, widening to the apical region, forming a club-like shape with apex rounded, in lateral view ( Fig. 4J View FIGURE 4 ); space between the base of stylus convex, with sinuous inner margins, medially closer and apically rounded and touching, in dorsal and ventral view ( Figs. 4H–I View FIGURE 4 ).

Description. Holotype Male.

Thorax. Mesobasisternum with shape trapezoidal, anteriorly concave and narrow ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 ). Metabasisternum subhexagonal, posteriorly recurved ( Fig. 4G View FIGURE 4 ).

Wings. Left stridulatory file slightly sinuous ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ); basal and apical teeth shorter than middle teeth; teeth of the basal half larger and more spaced apart than the teeth of the apical half; posterior anal vein with widened median region ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Total length of left stridulatory file 0.5 mm, greatest width of the vein of 0.2 mm, with 49 teeth ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Right stridulatory file straight; basal and large apical teeth and slightly smaller in size than the median teeth; basal half teeth large, wide and more widely spaced; teeth of the apical half smaller and closer together; posterior anal vein with an enlarged median region, giving an elliptical appearance to the region of the stridulatory file ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ). Total length file of 0.3 mm, greatest width of the vein 0.1 mm, with 23 teeth ( Figs. 6B View FIGURE 6 ).

Abdomen. Tergite X with two triangular dorsal projections that are curved outwards, in dorsal view ( Fig. 4H View FIGURE 4 ). Cercus curved inward, slender, cylindrical, acuminate and with apex rounded ( Figs. 4H–J View FIGURE 4 ). Cercus with long bristles, except by the apical region where the bristles are smaller ( Figs. 4H–J View FIGURE 4 ). Stylus with a narrow basal region, widening to the apical region, forming a club-like shape with apex rounded, in lateral view ( Fig. 4J View FIGURE 4 ); stylus with a convex base, with sinuous inner margins, closer in the middle and apically rounded and touching, in dorsal and ventral view ( Figs. 4H–I View FIGURE 4 ). Subgenital plate and stylus with few small bristles, except by the inner apical region of stylus, with the presence of numerous small bristles ( Figs. 4H–I View FIGURE 4 ).

Internal male genitalia. Ejaculatory vesicle reniform ( Figs. 7A–B View FIGURE 7 ). Upper folds of ventral lobe slightly subtriangular, posteriorly connected, medially with two long asymmetric projections ( Figs. 7A–B View FIGURE 7 ). Lower folds convex, ending after margin of dorsal lobe and with several short round vesicles ( Figs. 7A–B View FIGURE 7 ). Dorsal lobes with the upper half narrow and later widened, with two large asymmetrical lateral lobes ( Figs. 7A–B View FIGURE 7 ). Titillators and titillator sclerite undeveloped.

Coloration. Described based on photos of live specimens ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). General coloration light green with patches of dark green. Presence of a narrow dark green dorsal stripe, extending from the fastigium to the median region of the tegmina. Scape and pedicel light green. Antennal sclerite with base black and apex gray. Eyes yellow with greenish areas. Legs light green. Tarsi light brown with tarsal claws dark brown. Abdomen, cerci and subgenital plate light green.

Female: Similar to male ( Fig. 9–10 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 ), except for the following traits:

Wings. Anal veins not modified for sound production.

Abdomen.Tergite X posteriorly convex, in dorsal view ( Fig.9F View FIGURE 9 ). Cercus curved inward and with apex acuminated. Cercus with long bristles ( Figs. 9F–H View FIGURE 9 ). Subgenital plate triangular, with apex convex ( Fig. 9G View FIGURE 9 ). Ovipositor ensiform; absence of teeth on dorsal and ventral valve ( Fig. 9H View FIGURE 9 ).

Coloration. General color pattern similar to males. Ovipositor with general coloration light brown with areas light green ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ).

Nymph. Old nymphs are very similar to adults, except that tegmina and wings are not developed.The coloration is light green with narrow dark green dorsal stripe from head to base of tegmina ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ). Some specimens had a large yellow dorsal spot on the first abdominal segments, a color pattern common in other genera of Meconematinae , such as Tyrannoraptor and Arboraptor ( Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 ).

Etymology. The epithet is in apposition, taja from the Brazilian indigenous Tupi language, variation of taiá, meaning the regional popular name for plants of family Aracaea in Brazil. The name is a reference to the habitat of this katydid, found on clusters of Aracaea near streams.

Geographical records. Brazil: Amazonas ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ).

Type material. Holotype ♂: BRASIL, Amazonas , Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 03°00'03.4"S – 59°56'16.5"W, 04.xi.2019, coleta manual, D.M.M. Mendes, J.C. Oliveira & R. F. Alves leg. ( INPA) GoogleMaps

Paratypes 3♂: Idem , Tefé, Estrada da Emade, km 6, 3°26'28.4"S – 64°42'32.0"W, 05.ix.2022, coleta manual, D.M.M. Mendes, J.C. Oliveira & J.A. Oliveira leg. (1♂ INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Estrada da Emade , km 12, Ramal do Pavão, Sítio menina dos meus olhos, 3°31'26.3"S – 64°37'47.2"W, 01–23.vi.2024, coleta manual, D.M.M. Mendes & R.M. Holanda leg. (4♂ and 1♀ INPA; 1♀ IDSM) GoogleMaps ; idem, Estrada da Agrovila , km 12, Balneário do Tangueira, 06.ix.2022 (1♂ INPA) GoogleMaps ; idem, Estrada da Agrovila , Igarapé Curupira, vii.2023 (1♂ IDSM) GoogleMaps .

Measurements (mm). Holotype ♂: TL: 14,4; TegL: 13,2; TegH: 1,7; WF: 1,6; PL: 4; FF: 5,7; FT: 6,9; MF: 5,8; MT: 6,1; HF: 12,9; HT: 12,7; Lplac: 3,7; LC: 1,5.

Paratypes ♂: TL: 16,5–15,9; TegL: 14–13,6; TegH: 1,9; WF: 1,7; PL: 4,3–4; FF: 6,5–5,8; FT: 7,5–7,4; MF: 6,1–5,8; MT: 7,2–6,8; HF: 13,1–13; HT: 12,8–12,7; Lplac: 4,1–4; LC: 1,6–1,5.

Paratypes ♀: TL: 16; TegL: 15,5; TegH: 2; WF: 1,8; PL: 4; FF: 6,2; FT: 7,5; MF: 6; MT: 7; HF: 13; HT: 12,9; Lplac: 2,4; LC: 2; OL: 4,8.

Habitat. Adults and nymphs of S. taja sp. nov. were collected in Terra Firme forests in areas of waterlogged soil, mainly associated with large groups of Araceae plants (especially Dieffenbachia sp. ) on the banks of streams ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ). On these plants, specimens of S. taja sp. nov. were found during the day hidden on the abaxial part of the leaves, between 50 cm and 100 cm in height. At night they were also found on the abaxial part of the leaves, but at higher elevation, up to about 180 cm in height. Although these environments covered with Araceae are common in the collected areas, proportionally few specimens of S. taja sp. nov. were found, which may indicate that they are naturally rare. Only on one occasion three males were observed on the same plant and this may indicate a group singing behavior.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia













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