Russelliana punctulata Burckhardt, 1987

Serbina, Liliya & Burckhardt, Daniel, 2017, Systematics, biogeography and host-plant relationships of the Neotropical jumping plant-louse genus Russelliana (Hemiptera: Psylloidea), Zootaxa 4266 (1), pp. 1-114 : 46-49

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Russelliana punctulata Burckhardt, 1987


Russelliana punctulata Burckhardt, 1987 View in CoL

( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 B, 14G, 19E, 24E, 28H, 33C)

Russelliana punctulata Burckhardt, 1987: 375 View in CoL .

Material examined. Type material. Holotype ♂: Argentina: Province Jujuy, Iturbe , 31.xii.1984 (L. E. Peña) ( MHNG, dry) . Paratypes: Argentina: 22 ♂, 21 ♀, same as holotype (L. E. Peña) ( BMNH, MHNG, NHMB, dry, on slide).

Description. Coloration. Head dirty yellow, genal processes pale yellow with dark tips or entirely brown, genae brown to black, vertex sometimes with variable orange to brown pattern or entirely brown; clypeus brown to dark brown. Eyes yellow to brown, ocelli orange to red. Antenna yellow to brownish, segments 3–7 with brown apices, segments 8–10 entirely dark brown. Pronotum of the same colour as vertex, sometimes with orange to brown patch in the middle; mesopraescutum dirty yellow, with two orange to brown patches along the fore margin and two orange to brown transverse stripes posteriorly, sometimes entirely brown; mesoscutum dirty yellow with four broad and, in the middle, one narrow dark brown longitudinal stripes; mesoscutellum pale to dirty yellow along the margin, dark brown in the middle. Metanotum pale yellow to dark brown. Forewing with dark brown veins and colourless membrane, sometimes consisting of indistinct brown pattern of one large patch in the apex of cell r1 and r2 and one small along vein Cu1b; sometimes with few dots in apical two-thirds of the wing. Legs pale yellow to brown, with darker femora and distal tarsal segments, meracanthus of metacoxa pale yellow. Abdomen and terminalia brown to dark brown.

Structure. Head, in profile, moderately to strongly inclined from longitudinal axis of body (45–90°). Vertex subtrapezoidal, anteriorly produced into transverse lobe on either side of mid-line, with raised hind margin around lateral ocelli, covered with short setae; genal processes conical, slender, subacute apically, shorter than vertex, covered with moderately long setae. Pronotum with two pronounced lateral tubercles on either side. Forewing oblong-oval, broadly, unevenly rounded apically; vein C+Sc weakly curved, pterostigma long, vein Rs almost straight apically; vein M shorter than either of veins M1+2 and M3+4; surface spinules faint, present in all cells, leaving narrow spinule-free stripes along the veins, sparsely spaced and forming irregular transverse rows mainly in apical part; absent in basal third of cell c+sc; radular spinules covering rounded areas along the margin of cells r2, m1, m2 and cu1. Metatibia with 7–8 apical spurs.

Terminalia. Male. Proctiger tubular; densely covered with short setae. Subgenital plate short, subglobular; with densely spaced relatively short setae and with long setae along the ventral margin. Paramere irregularly subtrapezoidal; with apico-anterior process on long pedicel, and strongly bulged apico-posterior lobe with apically sclerotised median tooth; both process and lobe of subequal length; outer face densely covered with moderately long setae mostly in posterior half, inner face relatively densely covered with moderately long setae in apical half and with long setae anteriorly and posteriorly. Distal segment of aedeagus moderately elongate, weakly expanding towards apex; with short beak-like anterior process and two small apico-posterior tubercles; lateral lobes moderately long, slightly dilated towards apex which is concave.—Female. Proctiger cuneate, pointed apically; dorsal margin, in profile, weakly sinuous; sparsely covered with short setae. Subgenital plate cuneate, with moderately long apical process; sparsely covered with short setae in apical half, dorsal margin with a row of bristles.

Host-plant. Unknown.

Distribution. Reported from Argentina (Jujuy) ( Burckhardt 1987) .

Comments. Russelliana punctulata resembles R. maculata ; see comments under R. maculata . R. punctulata differs from R. maculata in a forewing pattern restricted mostly to its apical part, an apico-posterior lobe of the paramere which is strongly bulged posteriorly, and a short anterior process of the distal segment of the aedeagus.

Russelliana queirozae sp. nov.

( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 C, 14H, 19F, 24F, 28I, 33D)

Material examined. Holotype ♂: Brazil: State Paraná, Curitiba , Centro Politécnico of UFPR, 4.i.2012 (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #29(1) ( MZSP, dry).

Paratypes: Brazil: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same as holotype (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #29(1) ( NHMB, on slide) ; 2 ♀, same but Parque São Lourenço, 25°23.1'S 49°15.9'W, 940 m, 19.x.2012 (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #45 (NHMB, dry, 70 % ethanol); 2 ♂, same but 25°23.0'S 49°15.9'W, 920 m, 13.ii.2013 (D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz) #93 (NHMB, 70 % ethanol).

Description. Coloration. General colour of body pale yellow. Head including genal processes whitish to pale yellow; clypeus whitish to pale yellow. Eyes pale yellow to brown, ocelli pale yellow. Antenna pale yellow, segments 3–8 with slightly darker apices, segments 9–10 entirely brown. Thorax whitish to pale yellow. Forewing with whitish to pale yellow veins and pale yellow membrane, sometimes yellow in the middle of cells in its apical part. Legs whitish to pale yellow, meracanthus of metacoxa whitish to pale yellow. Abdomen and terminalia whitish to pale yellow.

Structure. Head, in profile, moderately to strongly inclined from longitudinal body axis (45–90°). Vertex subtrapezoidal with indented foveae, anteriorly produced into transverse lobe on either side of mid-line, with slightly raised hind margin around lateral ocelli, covered with microscopical setae; genal processes very short, conical, subacute apically, covered with short setae. Forewing oblong-oval, narrowly rounded apically; vein C+Sc weakly curved, pterostigma long, vein Rs almost straight apically; vein M longer than either of veins M1+2 and M3+4; surface spinules very dense, present in all cells, leaving no spinule-free stripes along the veins; radular spinules not pronounced. Metatibia with 6 apical spurs.

Terminalia. Male. Proctiger tubular; sparsely covered with long setae. Subgenital plate short, subglobular; with sparsely spaced long setae. Paramere oblong-oval, irregularly rounded apically; with recurved, claw-like apicoanterior process on long pedicel, and apico-posterior lobe with apically sclerotized ridge; lobe situated exterior to process and longer than process; outer face sparsely covered with long setae mostly in apical half, inner face densely covered with long setae. Distal segment of aedeagus massive, broadly, unevenly expanding towards apex; with one small apico-posterior tubercle; lateral lobes short, with entire apical margin.—Female. Proctiger cuneate, pointed apically; dorsal margin, in profile, sinuous, conspicuously bent in its apical third; densely covered with short thick bristles in apical half. Subgenital plate cuneate, with very long apical process; sparsely covered with moderately long setae restricted to median part.

Host-plant. Unknown.

Distribution. Brazil (Paraná).

Derivation of name. Named in honour of Dalva L. de Queiroz (Embrapa Florestas, Colombo), the collector of this and many other Brazilian psyllid species.

Comments. Russelliana queirozae resembles R. nana ; see comments under R. nana . R. queirozae differs from R. nana in very short genal processes, a shape of the forewing which is broadest in the middle, an oblong-oval paramere bearing an apico-anterior process on a longer pedicel, and a distal segment of the aedeagus broadly expanding towards apex, lacking any anterior process and bearing a small apico-posterior tubercle. It also differs in a female subgenital plate lacking short thick bristles.

Russelliana rutila sp. nov.

( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 D, 14I, 19G, 24G, 28J, 33E)

Material examined. Holotype ♂: Chile: VIII Region, Province Bío-Bío, Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja , sector Lagunillas , 1100 m, 21.i.1996, Tetraglochin alatum , open Austrocedrus forest and sclerophyll scrub (D. Burckhardt) #56(7) ( MHNG, dry).

Paratypes: Chile: 2 ♂, 1 immature, same as holotype (D. Burckhardt) #56(7) ( MHNG, dry) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same but Park entrance to El Abanico, 900–1100 m, 22.i.1996, Tetraglochin alatum , dense forest along river (D. Burckhardt) #58(11) (MHNG, on slide).

Description. Coloration. General colour of body yellow to orange. Head including genal processes and clypeus yellow to orange. Eyes yellow to greyish, ocelli orange to red. Antenna yellow to brownish, segments 3–8 with dark apices, segments 9–10 entirely dark brown. Pronotum of the same colour as vertex, sometimes with orange dot in the middle; mesopraescutum pale yellow, often orange in the middle; mesoscutum pale yellow with four broad and, in the middle, one narrow orange longitudinal stripes; mesoscutellum pale yellow along the margin, orange in the middle. Metanotum yellow to orange. Forewing with pale yellow to brownish veins and yellow to brownish membrane, both becoming slightly darker apically. Legs yellow, sometimes with orange femora, meracanthus of metacoxa yellow to orange. Abdomen and terminalia yellow to orange. Paramere and female terminalia with dark apices.

Structure. Head, in profile, moderately to strongly inclined from longitudinal body axis (45–90°). Vertex subtrapezoidal with indented foveae, anteriorly produced into transverse lobe on either side of mid-line, with slightly raised hind margin around lateral ocelli, covered with microscopical setae; genal processes conical, slender, subacute apically, distinctly shorter than vertex, covered with short setae. Forewing oblong-oval, narrowly rounded apically; vein C+Sc weakly curved, pterostigma long, vein Rs straight or weakly sinuous, almost straight apically; vein M slightly shorter than either of veins M1+2 and M3+4; surface spinules faint, dense, present in all cells, leaving no spinule-free stripes along the veins, forming indistinct hexagons in apical half; radular spinules covering indistinct areas along the margin of cells r2, m1, m2 and cu1. Metatibia with 7–8 apical spurs.

Terminalia. Male. Proctiger tubular; sparsely covered with moderately long setae. Subgenital plate short, subglobular; with sparsely spaced moderately long setae. Paramere irregularly subtrapezoidal; with hook-shaped apico-anterior process on long pedicel, median hump with apically sclerotised tooth, and bulged apico-posterior lobe; process, hump and lobe of subequal length; outer face sparsely covered with moderately long setae mostly in apical part, inner face sparsely covered with relatively short setae. Distal segment of aedeagus moderately elongate, weakly expanding towards apex; with long anterior process, one apical and one apico-posterior tubercles, the latter being curved forward; lateral lobes long, strongly dilated towards apex which is concave.—Female. Proctiger cuneate, pointed apically; dorsal margin, in profile, convex, with median indentation; covered with few moderately long setae in dorsal part. Subgenital plate cuneate, with short apical process; covered with few moderately long setae in apical half, dorsal margin with a row of bristles.

Host-plant. Tetraglochin alatum (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze (Rosaceae) .

Distribution. Chile (VIII Region).

Derivation of name. From Latin rutilus = golden-red, referring to the body colour of the species.

Comments. Russelliana rutila resembles R. chorizanthis , disparilis , nigra , similis and solanicola ; see comments under R. chorizanthis . R. rutila differs from the five species in a yellow forewing membrane. It differs from R. disparilis and nigra in the presence of a median hump of the paramere, and from R. disparilis and similis in the presence of surface spinules in the apical part of the forewing membrane. R. rutila differs from R. chorizanthis in a shorter female terminalia, and from R. disparilis in a smaller apico-posterior lobe of the paramere and an apically subacute anterior process of the distal segment of the aedeagus.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo
















Russelliana punctulata Burckhardt, 1987

Serbina, Liliya & Burckhardt, Daniel 2017

Russelliana punctulata

Burckhardt 1987: 375
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