Graphis lurizana Lücking, Moncada & Celis, 2019

Lücking, Robert, Moncada, Bibiana, Habibe, María Cristina Martínez-, Salgado- Negret, Beatriz E., Celis, Marcela, Zamora, Oscar Rojas-, Rodríguez- M., Gina M., Brokamp, Grischa & Borsch, Thomas, 2019, Lichen diversity in colombian caribbean dry forest remnants, Caldasia 41 (1), pp. 94-214 : 206-207

publication ID 10.15446/caldasia.v41n1.71060


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Graphis lurizana Lücking, Moncada & Celis

sp. nov.

Graphis lurizana Lücking, Moncada & Celis sp. nov.

Mycobank MB 828115

( Fig. 3b View Figure 3 ).

Diagnosis. Differing from Graphis illinata in the apically exposed, black labia and the smaller ascospores. Type. COLOMBIA. Atlántico: Usiacurí, Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado (DMI) Luriza; 10º44’22” N, 75º01’24” W, 100–200 m; 1 December 2015; R. Lücking, B. Moncada et al. 42922 (UNO, holotype; B, isotype).

Description. Thallus corticolous, epiperidermal, up to 7 cm diam., continuous, white-grey, uneven, opaque; prothallus not observed. Thallus in section 100–150 µm thick, with thin, prosoplectenchymatous cortex and irregular photobiont layer, strongly encrusted with large clusters of calcium oxalate crystals. Ascomata lirellate, unbranched to sparsely branched, prominent, 1–3 mm long, 0.4–0.5 mm broad, 0.2–0.3 mm high; disc concealed; labia entire, apically exposed, black, with irregular, lateral thalline margin. Excipulum completely carbonized (thin at the base), 70–100 µm broad; hypothecium 20–30 µm high, hyaline. Hymenium 130–160 µm high, clear; paraphyses unbranched, apically smooth. Asci 120–130 × 25– 25 µm, oblong. Ascospores 1 per ascus, richly muriform, 80–110 × 25–30 µm, oblong, with slightly thickened septa and more or less rounded lumina, hyaline, I+ violet-blue. Secondary chemistry: no substances detected by TLC.

Etymology. Graphis lurizana is dedicated to the Luriza community, who manages the Distrito Regional de Manejo Integrado (DMI) Luriza, the first protected area to be declared in the Atlántico Department ( Molina-Acosta 2013).

Remarks. Graphislurizana keysoutingroup 9 in the Graphis world key of Lücking et al. (2009a). There are four species in this group with large ascospores (> 80 µm), lacking secondary substances, and with elongate, prominent lirellae, namely G. acharii Fée , G. cleistomma Nyl. , G. illinata Eschw. , and G. subvernicosa Lücking. Graphis acharii and G. subvernicosa have (2–)4–6(–8) ascospores per ascus; in addition, in G. acharii the labia rather regularly become striate and the ascospores are longer (up to 170 µm), whereas in G. subvernicosa , the lirellae have only a basal thalline margin and the ascospores are narrower (15–20 µm broad). Graphis cleistomma and G. illinata agree with the new species in the singlespored asci; however, the first has shorter lirellae with an apically thin complete thalline margin, and larger ascospores (up to 180 × 40 µm), whereas the second has lirellae with an apically thick complete margin and slightly longer ascospores (up to 150 µm).













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