Lacon graecus ( Candèze, 1857 )

Kundrata, Robin, Mertlik, Josef & Németh, Tamás, 2019, Unexpected diversity of Lacon Laporte, 1838 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Agrypninae) in the Levant: revised species concepts, new species, and an identification key, Zootaxa 4679 (3), pp. 401-449 : 441-443

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scientific name

Lacon graecus ( Candèze, 1857 )


Lacon graecus ( Candèze, 1857)

( Figs 181–187 View FIGURES 181–187 , 192, 193 View FIGURES 188–193 )

Adelocera graeca Candèze, 1857: 61 .

Lacon graecus : attributed to Fleutiaux (1926: 93) by Hayek (1973: 14, 65) [although not explicitly mentioned in Fleutiaux (1926)].

Lacon kapleri Platia & Schimmel, 1994: 79 , syn. nov.

Type material. Lacon graecus . Lectotype, male, „ graeca type, graeca Cand. type, Collection Chevrolat, Adelocera graeca (Chev.) Cand. Mon. I.1857 p. 61 13, Coll. Chevrolat” ( MNHN) (see Hayek 1973: 65). Not found despite several thorough searches in the MNHN collection.

Lacon kapleri : Holotype, male, „ Greece. occ. Preveza env., VI.1991, Kapler lgt.“ ( NMPC, ex coll. O. Kapler, Prague, Czech Republic). 14 paratypes (11 males, 3 females), either with same data as holotype (in some cases „ St. Thomas “ added), or „Kalavryta“, „Sparta“ or „Gytheion“ with dates 23.–27.V.1990 or 31.V.1991, Mička leg.“ ( PCJM, PCVD, PCGP; BMNH, ex coll. R. Schimmel, Vinningen, Germany; NMPC, ex coll. O. Kapler). Six paratypes from the PCJM, PCVD and PCGP collections were examined in this study.

Type locality. Greece .

Material examined. Greece, 1 male, „Greece — Corfu, Benitses, 16.V.1996, leg. Ing. Špaček, Lacon graecum (Cand.) det. R. Preiss 2006“ ( PCJM); 1 female, „GR — Corfu : Sidari , 23.– 24.5.1997, M. Mikát leg.“ ( PCJM) ; 5 ex., „ Grecia, Preveza , 10.6.1992 “ ( PCJM) ; 2 females, „GR — prov. Etolia-Akarnania, Agía Triáda, Préveza env., 8.6.2008, Josef Mertlik leg.“ ( PCJM); 1 female, 1 ex., „Graecia occ., Préveza, 6.–16.VI.1992, lgt. T. Růžička “ ( PCJM); 2 ex., „Grecia, Delfoi, Olymbos, 17.6.[19]92“ ( PCJM); 26 males, 15 females, „GR Pelopones, Megalópoli env., Paradísia, 12.– 19.4.1995, Josef Mertlik lgt. [1 male with additional label „ Lacon graecum (Cand.) det. R. Preiss 2006“, 2 males and 1 female with additional label: „ Lacon kapleri Pl.Sc. det. Platia 1996“]” ( PCJM, 1 male HNHM); 3 ex., GR Pelopones, Megalópoli env., Paradísia, 2.– 5.7.1996, Josef Mertlik lgt.” ( PCJM) ; 1 male, 1 female, “GR — Pelopones, Aroánia Óri, Kalávrita env., 11.– 13.7.1996, Josef Mertlik lgt.” ( PCJM); 1 male, “ Graecia , Peloponnesos, Egaleo Mts. , Hristiano env., oak forests, 600 m a.s.l.,, S. Benedikt leg.” ( PCJM); 2 females, “ Greacia , Poloponnesos , Githio env., macchia vicinity of the coast, 0–50 m a.s.l.,, S. Benedikt leg.” ( PCJM); 2 ex., “ Corfu , VI.1994, Ernest lgt.” ( PCJM); 2 ex., “ Greece , Pelopones, Paradisia 7.7.1996, V. Dušánek leg.” ( PCVD); 1 ex., “ Greece occ., Preveza env., St. Thomas , VI. 95, Kapler lgt., Lacon kapleri Plat. det. S. Bílı “ ( PCVD); 1 ex., „ Greece occ., Preveza env., Agia Apostolos, 22.5.2000, Z. Malinka lgt.“ ( PCVD); 1 ex., „GR- Pelopon., 10.VI.2004, Mts. Taygetos , Kastania — 1600 m.n.m., Z. Košťál leg.“ ( PCVD); 1 ex., „ Greece, Fokis env., 5km E Erateini, 30 m, seaside shrub, singled, 16.V.2011, leg. A. Kotán, A. Márkus & T. Németh “ ( HNHM); 1 ex., „ Greece, Fokis env., 5km E Erateini, seaside shrub, 38°20‘59.47“N; 22°17‘37.78“E, 30 m, singled, 26.–27.V.2015, leg. A. Kotán, Gy. Németh, B. Szelenczey & V. Szénási “ ( HNHM); 2 ex., „ Graecia, Museum Paris, Collection Léon Fairmaire 1906“ ( MNHN); 1 ex, „ Aetolia, graeca Cand. , coll. Reitter “ ( HNHM); 1 ex., „ Attica, graeca Cand. , coll. Reitter “ ( HNHM) GoogleMaps ; 3 ex., „ Graeca, Salonik, Zeiller“ ( SDEI); Gythion, Gr., 18.–29.4.[19]56, leg. F. Schubert, coll. F. Schubert NatHistMus Wien , Lacon graecus ( Candèze, 1857) , det. Cate 2001“ ( NHMW); 1 ex., „ Hymetos Alp., Gr. Strupi, Adelocera graeca Cand., Hölzel det., Coll. Strupi, Acqu.Nr. 3-63“ ( NHMW); 2 ex., „ Aetolia, Dr. Krüper, Collect. Hauser “ ( NHMW); 1 ex., „ Graecia, Attica, Dr. Krüper, Collect. Hauser “ ( NHMW) ; 1 ex., „Graecia, Attika, v. Oertzen“ ( NMHW) ; 1 ex., „ Morea, Parnon-Geb. Emge., Adelocera graeca “ ( MNHN); Turkey, 1 male, „ Turkey , prov. Adana, 20 km NW of Erdemli, 13.–15.VI.1992, V. Bíža — Z. Košťál lgt., Lacon kapleri Pl.Sc. det. Platia 1996, Lacon graecum (Cand.) det. R. Preiss 2006“ ( PCJM); 1 ex., „ S Turkey, 15 km W of Mersin, 1.–5.VII.1992, leg. D. Hauck “ ( PCJM) .

Comparative remarks. The taxonomic concept of L. graecus was often mixed with that of L. drusus and these species were even synonymized for some time (see e.g., Schenkling 1925). Both species are, however, clearly valid ( Hayek 1973; confirmed herein). Lacon graecus differs from L. drusus in the more shiny and paler body with dorsal pubescence black and white (body matt, pubescence only black in L. drusus ; Figs 100–109, 112 View FIGURES 100–106 View FIGURES 107–118 , 181, 182 View FIGURES 181–187 ), antennae of about the same length in both males and females (antennae clearly longer in males in L. drusus ; Figs 100, 104, 105 View FIGURES 100–106 , 107 View FIGURES 107–118 , 181, 182 View FIGURES 181–187 ), less convex pronotum with larger punctures (more flattened pronotum with fine punctation in L. drusus ; Figs 100–109 View FIGURES 100–106 View FIGURES 107–118 , 181, 182 View FIGURES 181–187 ), paramere with a relatively longer and narrower apical lobe ( Figs 116, 117 View FIGURES 107–118 , 183 View FIGURES 181–187 ), and the large sclerite of bursa copulatrix with much longer spines ( Figs 118 View FIGURES 107–118 , 187 View FIGURES 181–187 ).

Diagnostic characters. Male ( Figs 181, 183 View FIGURES 181–187 ). Body 8.0– 13.5 mm long and 2.1–3.9 mm wide. Body dorsally more or less shiny, dark brown to black, with mouthparts, antennae, posterior angles of pronotum, legs lighter, reddish brown to brown; body densely covered with grey/black and white (often bicolorous), almost decumbent, moderately long, thick setae. Antenna moderately long, surpassing half of pronotal length. Antennomere III 1.05–1.15 times as long as antennomere IV; median antennomeres serrate, about 1.15–1.20 times as wide as long, with serrations rounded. Pronotum 1.05–1.10 times as long as wide, sides widely rounded, posterior angles slightly divergent, disk densely covered with large, deep, setiferous punctures, usually separated by about 0.3–1.0 times diameter of puncture; surface between punctures shiny. Scutellar shield 1.35–1.40 times as long as wide, anterior margin usually slightly concave. Elytra 2.15–2.20 times as long as wide, and 2.25–2.30 times as long as pronotum, with punctures forming distinct lines of two sizes, with smaller punctures of about 2/3 size of larger puncture; surface between punctures slightly rugose, moderately shiny. Aedeagus with median lobe slightly shorter than paramere; parameres gradually slightly narrowed towards apical lobe, apically with inner sides very slightly diverging; apical parameral lobe robust and elongate, with moderately rounded apex, outer margin more or less straight, curved only near subapical hook; subapical hook short but distinct and sharp.

Female ( Figs 182, 184–187 View FIGURES 181–187 ). Body 8.5–13.7 mm long and 2.5–4.0 mm wide. Antenna shorter, not reaching half of pronotal length; median antennomeres about 1.10–1.20 times as wide as long. Pronotum usually similar to male, only slightly more robust and with sides more widely rounded; posterior angles slightly divergent. Scutellar shield relatively slightly wider, 1.25–1.35 times as long as wide. Elytra about 2.15 times as long as wide, and 2.10–2.15 times as long as pronotum. Sclerites of bursa copulatrix as in Fig. 187 View FIGURES 181–187 .

Immature stages unknown.

Distribution. Greece, Turkey. For the habitat photograph see Fig. 192 View FIGURES 188–193 . Lacon graecus was known only from Greece and Turkey ( Cate 2007) but Platia (2014) reported this species for the first time also from Syria and Lebanon (listed also in a catalogue of the Lebanese click-beetles by Németh (2019)). Re-examination of this material revealed that the specimens from Lebanon belong to L. drusus , and a specimen from Syria represents L. zenobiae sp. nov.

Biology. Numerous adult specimens of L. graecus in Peloponnese were collected under the bark of oaks or in bark cracks near the ground (J. Mertlík, personal observation). However, some specimens were collected under stones at the coast near to Erateini, which is a locality with macchia and some Euphorbia bushes (T. Németh, personal observation).

Taxonomic note. Platia & Schimmel (1994) distinguished L. graecus from L. kapleri (both known from Greece and Turkey) by a larger, more shiny body and a different shape of pronotum. However, since we found intermediate forms in both size, body surface and shape of pronotum in various collections, and all other characters are shared among the specimens within the whole geographic ranges of both species, we synonymize here L. kapleri Platia & Schimmel, 1994 with L. graecus ( Candèze, 1857) .

Literature. Candèze (1857: 61): original description of A. graeca ; Candèze (1874: 17): revision [as Adelocera ]; Schwarz (1906: 10): catalogue [as Adelocera ]; Schenkling (1925: 10): catalogue [as Adelocera ]; Hayek (1973: 65): revision; Platia & Schimmel (1994: 79): original description of L. kapleri ; Cate (2007: 101): catalogue; Platia (2014: 74): distributional note; Németh (2019: 130): catalogue.

Candeze, E. C. A. (1857) Monographie des Elaterides. Tome premier. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 12, 1 - 400. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 8958

Candeze, E. C. A. (1874) Revision de la Monographie des Elaterides. Fasc. 1. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, 2, 1 - 218. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 47120

Cate, P. C. (2007) Elateridae (- Cebrioninae, Lissominae, Subprotelaterinae). In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 4. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 94 - 207.

Fleutiaux, E. (1926) Remarques et observations sur le Catalogue des Elateridae, 1 re partie, de M. S. Schenkling. [Coleopterorum Catalogus de W. Junk, fascicule 80, mai 1925]. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, 95, 91 - 112.

Hayek, C. M. F. von (1973) A reclassification of the subfamily Agrypninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology, 20 (Supplement), 1 - 309.

Nemeth, T. (2019) Elateridae (Coleoptera) of Lebanon. Zootaxa, 4614 (1), 127 - 159. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4614.1.6

Platia, G. & Schimmel, R. (1994) Descrizione di tre nuove specie di Elateridi di Grecia, Turchia e Siria, con note su Agriotes cribrithorax Pic, 1910 (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Lavori-Societa Veneziana di Scienze Naturali, 19, 77 - 82.

Platia, G. (2014) New species and new records of click beetles from the Palearctic region (Coleoptera, Elateridae). Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa (S. E. A.), 54, 73 - 83.

Schenkling, S. (1925) Fam. Elateridae I. Coleopterorum Catalogus, pars 80. W. Junk, Berlin, 263 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / 978 - 94 - 011 - 9697 - 0 _ 1

Schwarz, O. (1906) Coleoptera. Fam. Elateridae. In: Wytsman, P. A. (Ed.) Genera Insectorum. Vol. VII. Fascicules 46 A, 46 B. P. Wytsman, Bruxelles, pp. 1 - 112 + 113 - 224.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 181–187. Morphology of Lacon graecus. 181, habitus, male from Turkey; 182, habitus, female from Greece; 183, paratype, male, aedeagus. Female from Greece: 184, abdominal tergite VIII; 185, abdominal sternite VIII; 186, ovipositor; 187, sclerites of bursa copulatrix. Scale bar = 2.0 mm (Figs 181, 182), 1.0 mm (Figs 185, 186) 0.5 mm (Figs 183, 184, 187).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 188–193. Habitat and live specimens of Lacon spp. 188, Pinus pinea ecosystem at Arsoun, Lebanon, habitat of L. ganglbaueri and L. punctatus. 189, L. punctatus. 190, Cedrus lebani ecosystem at Tannourine Cedar Forest Nature Reserve, Lebanon, habitat of L. drusus. 191, L. drusus. 192, macchia at Erateini, Greece, habitat of L. graecus. 193, L. graecus.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 100–106. Habitus of Lacon drusus. 100–101, lectotype, male, dorsal and lateral view, respectively; 102–103, lectotype of L. bruleriei, female, dorsal and lateral view, respectively; 104, male from Lebanon, dorsal view; 105–106, male from Syria, Slenfah, dorsal and lateral view, respectively. Scale bars = 2.0 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 107–118. Morphology of Lacon drusus. Pronotum: 107, lectotype, male; 108, lectotype of L. bruleriei, female; 109, male from Syria, Slenfah. 110, male from Syria, Slenfah, basal antennomeres. 111, lectotype, male, scutellar shield. 112, male from Lebanon, detail of elytral surface. Metatarsus: 113, male from Lebanon, Laklouk; 114, male from Syria, Bludan. Male genitalia: 115, lectotype; 116, specimen from Lebanon; 117, specimen from Israel, Hula Reserve. 118, female from Lebanon, sclerites of bursa copulatrix. Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 107–110), 0.2 mm (Figs 111, 113–114), 0.5 mm (115–118); Fig. 112 not to scale.


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