Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez-Triana, 2019

Fernandez-Triana, Jose, 2019, Revision of the North American species of Promicrogaster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), with an updated key to all described species in North and Meso America, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 70, pp. 89-112 : 89

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Journal of Hymenoptera Research by Pensoft (2019-06-29 07:03:50, last updated 2024-11-30 03:42:43)

scientific name

Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez-Triana

sp. nov.

Promicrogaster gainesvillensis Fernandez-Triana sp. nov.

Fig. 2 A-E View Figure 2

Material examined.

Holotype. UNITED STATES • ♀, CNC; Florida, Gainesville, Doyle Conner Building ; 09 Oct 1973; E.E. Grissell leg; Malaise trap; CNCHYM 01987.


This species is morphologically similar to P. huachuca (Arizona), P. jaymeae (Canada), and P. liagrantae (Costa Rica), but there are enough morphological differences (see key above for details on how to separate those four species) and disparate geographical distributions (including different ecosystems and considerable variation in altitude) to consider all of them as different.


Head: mostly dark reddish-brown, labrum and mandibles yellow, clypeus mostly dark reddish-brown but with comparatively large yellow spots on postero-lateral margins. Flagellomeres: dark brown. Mesosoma: mostly dark reddish-brown laterally, dorsally mostly black (but with faint reddish-brown spots on posterolateral margins of anteromesoscutum). Tegula: yellow. Metasoma (dorsally): mostly dark brown to black, T3 with yellow spots laterally. Metacoxa: yellow. Malar distance: less than 0.2 × eye length. Fore wing areolet: present. T1 sculpture: anterior 0.5 smooth, posterior 0.5 sculptured. T2 sculpture: mostly sculptured, except for smooth central area. Body length: 3.10 mm. Fore wing length: 3.00 mm. Ovipositor length: 2.25 mm. Ocular-ocellar line: 0.15 mm. Interocellar distance: 0.08 mm. Posterior ocellus diameter: 0.07 mm. Metacoxa length: 0.75 mm. Metafemur length: 0.85 mm. Metatibia length: 1.05 mm. T1 length/width at posterior margin: 0.48 mm/ 0.25 mm. T2 length/width at posterior margin: 0.12 mm/ 0.38 mm.


UNITED STATES, Florida, Gainesville, 50 m.a.s.l.



Molecular data.

Not available.


Named after the type locality, as a recognition to the important insect collections hosted in that city and the vibrant entomological community living there.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Promicrogaster gainesvillensis, female holotype. A Habitus, lateral B head, frontal C fore wing D propodeum and metasoma, dorsal E head and mesosoma, dorsal.