Acuaria attenuata ( Rudolphi, 1819 ) Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912

Yasen Mutafchiev, Jean Mariaux & Boyko B. Georgiev, 2017, Description of Acuaria europaea n. sp. (Spirurida: Acuariidae) from Dendrocopos syriacus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg) and Oriolus oriolus (L.) (Aves) in Europe, with results of re-examination of related European species of Acuaria Bremser, 1811, Systematic Parasitology 94, pp. 201-214 : 208-211

publication ID 10.1007/s11230-016-9695-z


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scientific name

Acuaria attenuata ( Rudolphi, 1819 ) Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912


Acuaria attenuata ( Rudolphi, 1819) Railliet, Henry & Sisoff, 1912

Type-host: Delichon urbicum (L.) ( Passeriformes : Hirundinidae ).

Type-locality: No data.

Material studied: ZMB ‘‘Vermes’’ 178, syntypes (1 male and 1 female).

Redescription ( Figs. 4 View Fig. 4 , 5 View Fig. 5 )

General. Delicate acuariid nematodes. Anterior end with 2 triangular pseudolabia, each bearing single amphid and one pair of papillae. Cordons arise dorsally and ventrally between pseudolabia, extend posteriorly in longitudinal direction beyond oesophago-intestinal junction ( Fig. 4A View Fig. 4 ); each cordon consists of 2 rows of rectangular plates, two to three times wider than long; distance between cuticular annulations two times as long as length of plates.

Male. Fragment of body without anterior extremity 4.6 mm long. Length of body posterior to oesophagointestinal junction 4.4 mm. Maximum body width 150. Cordons extending to 30 posterior to oesophagointestinal junction. Testis reflection at level of oesophago-intestinal junction. Body width at level of cloaca 80. Tail 171 long. Caudal alae 447 long. Precloacal papillae 4 subventral pairs and single ventral precloacal papilla. Postcloacal papillae 6 subventral pairs in two groups of three pairs ( Fig. 4B View Fig. 4 ). Spicules similar in shape and length, 140 long ( Fig. 4C, D View Fig. 4 ).

Female. Body length 9.4 mm. Maximum body width 164, at region anterior to vulva. Body width at vulva 118. Posterior extremity in poor condition (morphological features not distinct). Cordons 2,710 long, c.10 wide. Deirids and excretory pore at 224 and 397, respectively, from anterior extremity. Cuticle 3 thick; cuticular annulations c. 5–6 apart. Buccal cavity 160 long and 14 wide. Muscular oesophagus 416 long, maximum width 52, at posterior part. Glandular oesophagus 1,119 long, maximum width 78 at midlength. Nerve-ring 213 from anterior extremity. Vulva 5.1 mm from anterior extremity. Ovejector posteriorly directed, 589 long ( Fig. 4E View Fig. 4 ). Didelphic, amphidelphic. Eggs oval, 31–35 9 15–18 (33 9 16) (n = 10), containing developing embryo ( Fig. 4F View Fig. 4 ).


Acuaria attenuata ( Rudolphi, 1819) was described from Delichon urbicum (L.) ( Hirundinidae : Passeriformes ) (see Rudolphi, 1819). In the same work, Rudolphi (1819) mentioned that the same species had been registered in the Helminthological Catalogue of the Vienna Museum from two other hosts, Hirundo rustica (L.) and Riparia riparia (L.). According to Dujardin (1845), the type-series of A. attenuata consisted of one male 6.8 mm long and one female 11.3 mm long. Subsequently, this species has been reported in various small passerine birds of the families Alaudidae , Hirundinidae , Muscicapidae , Acrocephalidae , Motacillidae and Sylviidae in Europe (for survey, see Jögis, 1971; Smogorzhevskaya, 1990). Jögis (1971, 1977) considered A. tenuis ( Dujardin, 1845) , A. muscicapae , A. papillifera , A. dollfusi Chabaud & Petter, 1961 and A. paragalliardi Chabaud & Petter, 1961 as junior synonyms of A. attenuata based on material collected from Delichon urbicum (L.), Muscicapa striata (Pallas) (Muscicapidae) , Saxicola rubetra (L.), Acrocephalus arundinaceus (L.), Acrocephalus palustris (Bechstein) , Motacilla alba L. and Anthus trivialis (L.) in Kaliningradskaya Oblast’ (Russia). However, these specimens were characterised b y short cordons (not extending posteriorly beyond the midlength of the muscular oesophagus) and dissimilar left and the right spicule having lengths in the range of 134–140 lm and 92–101 lm, respectively ( Jögis, 1971). The other few records of A. attenuata accompanied by morphological descriptions, i.e. from D. urbicum in Germany (von Linstow, 1877) (reported as A. tuberculata , see below), from H. rustica , R. riparia and D. urbicum in Poland ( Jaroń, 1969), and H. rustica and R. riparia in the Ukraine ( Smogorzhevskaya, 1990), were also characterised by short cordons and dissimilar spicules. Therefore, we could not confirm any of the subsequent records of A. attenuata as conspecific with the type-material of the species.

Williams (1929) described Acuaria minuta Williams, 1929 , Acuaria minor Williams, 1929 and Acuaria pattoni Williams, 1929 from hosts of the family Icteridae in the USA, which, similarly to A. attenuata , have a delicate body, long cordons and spicules similar in size and shape. Acuaria coloradensis Sherwin & Schmidt, 1988 , from Tachycineta thalassina (Swainson) (Hirundinidae) in Colorado, USA, as described by Sherwin & Schmidt (1988), has cordons extending beyond the oesophago-intestinal junction and spicules dissimilar in length (left 140 lm; right 125 lm) but resembling by shape those of A. attenuata .













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