Curimatidae, Gill, 1858

Grenand, Pierre, Chapuis, Jean, Cognat, André, Christinoi, Antonia, Davy, Damien, Grenand, Françoise, Jégu, Michel, Keith, Philippe, Martin, Emmanuel, Nemo, François, Pagezy, Hélène & Le Bail, Pierre-Yves, 2015, Revision of vernacular names for the freshwater fish of French Guiana, Cybium 39 (4), pp. 279-300 : 284

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Curimatidae View in CoL View at ENA (toothless characins)

Curimata cyprinoides (Linnaeus, 1758) : kalouérou (Maroni, Oyapock), karp-grojé (Maroni), yaya-grojé (Sinnamary) (C); kaleweli (K); kagiwu (P); puhak, alumasiman (Wa); maka fisi (B, S); branquinha-baião (Br).

Note: this species can be found in the lower Oyapock area but has never been reported beyond the first leaps. In the Maroni, on the contrary, it can be found all the way up to the Wayana region.

Curimatopsis crypticus Vari, 1982 : yaya (C).

Cyphocharax gouldingi Vari, 1992 : kululupi (Wi); kululu ipila (T); cyphocharax de Goulding (F); branquinha-miúda (Br).

Cyphocharax helleri (Steindachner, 1910) : yayakourimata (C); durunday (P); kulu (Wa); kululu ipila (T); kulu (B); koeloeloe (S); branquinha (Br).

Cyphocharax punctatus (Vari & Nijssen, 1986) : kulu (Wa); cyphocharax ponctué (F).

Cyphocharax spilurus (Günther, 1864) : coulimata, courimata (C); kulu (Wa; B); koeloeloe (S); branquinha (Br).

Cyphocharax aff. spilurus (Günther, 1864) : kulu (Wa).

Steindachnerina varii Géry, Planquette & Le Bail, 1991 : kalamu (Wa); alala ipila (Wi); steindachnerina de Vari (F).

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