Monastria itabuna Tarli, Grandcolas & Pellens, 2018

Tarli, Vitor Dias, Grandcolas, Philippe & Pellens, Roseli, 2018, Taxonomic revision of the genus Monastria Saussure, 1864 (Blattodea: Blaberidae Blaberinae) from the South American Atlantic forest, with the descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4524 (3), pp. 359-391 : 380-382

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.3.5

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scientific name

Monastria itabuna Tarli, Grandcolas & Pellens

sp. nov.

Monastria itabuna Tarli, Grandcolas & Pellens sp. n.

Male—Figure 13.

Female—Figure 12E–H.

Type material. Holotype ³, Brazil, Bahia, Itabuna. CEPLAC, Matinha. 14°46’20’’S, 39°13’18’’W. Elevation 46m, 11 V 2007, J. A. Rafael & F. F. Xavier F ( INPA) GoogleMaps . Allotype ♀, and 1 Paratype ³, same data as holotype ( INPA) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This species is characterized by having L1 sclerite with apical region having a lateral branch slightly curved with some spines that contact the crown in the posterior region. L2d sclerite, hook with short apical region, internal margin concave, lateral external margin strongly curved, with large sub-apical notch. R2 sclerite cleft curved inward with the apex directed forward. Sclerite N smaller in the dorsal region and with a large rough ventral surface. R3d narrow near R 2 in dorsal view and wider, rectangular in the distal region in ventral view. R 3v sclerite large, with quadrangular and truncated latero-distal end. Caudal branch long, wide in the center and narrow in the apex.

Description. Male. Head subtriangular, with narrow interocular space measuring approximately 1/6 of the distance between the antennal sockets. Ocelli developed and slightly deflected; frontal suture with a strong cuticular invagination. Clypeus distal half narrower transversally and orange brown (Fig. 13C). Pronotum transverse, pentagonal, dorsal surface rough with striae; anterior margin rounded; lateral margins slightly wider with sharp angles, round ends and a conspicuous small protuberance; hind margin nearly straight (Fig. 13B). Legs short and robust. Fore-femora ventro-anterior margins with 20 or 18 spines of the same size; ventro-posterior margins with 4 small spines. Middle-legs ventro-anterior margins with 5 or 4 large spines. Supra-anal plate quadrangular with setae on the surface, hind margin straight and slightly rounded laterally, bilobed with a slight invagination in the median portion. Subgenital plate asymmetrical with long styles, left funneled in the apical region, right with same caliper all along. L1 sclerite with apical region with two distinct parts, a lateral branch slightly curved with some spines that contact the crown in the posterior region (Fig. 13G, H). L2d sclerite, hook with short apical region, internal margin concave, lateral external margin strongly curved, with large sub-apical notch (Fig. 13F, I). R2 sclerite cleft curved inward with the apex directed forward (Fig. 13D). Sclerite N smaller in the dorsal region and with a large rough ventral surface. R3d narrow near R 2 in dorsal view and wider, rectangular in the distal region when in ventral view (Fig. 13D, E). R 3v sclerite large, with quadrangular and truncated latero-distal end. Caudal branch long, wide in the center and narrow in the apex (Fig. 13E).

FIGURE 13. Monastria itabuna sp. n., Holotype ³: A) Habitus, dorsal view; B) Pronotum, dorsal view; C) Head, ventral view; D) Right phallomere, dorsal view; E) Right phallomere, ventral view; F) Left phallomere (L2d), ventral view; G) Median sclerite (L1), dorsal view; H) Median sclerite (L1), detail; I) Left phallomere (L2d), dorsal view (see Fig. 5 for abbreviations). Scales: Habitus= 1cm, Pronotum= 5mm, Head= 2 mm, all others = 1 mm.

Female (Allotype). Head rounded, with wide interocular space measuring 1/2 the distance between the antennal sockets. Eyes with straight interocular margin. Ocelli developed and deflected. Frons broad, frontal suture with a cuticular invagination (Fig. 12H). Pronotum subtriangular, fore region rounded and slightly concave near the margins, dorsal region rough with deep striae, lateral margins rounded ending in a small corner, hind margin slightly curved in the median region (Fig. 12F). Tegmina with straight lateral anterior angle, hind margin truncated with a slight curvature in the region of radial vein; not extending further than the second abdominal tergite and lateral margin orange all along its extension (Fig. 12E). Legs short and robust. Fore-femora ventro-anterior margins with 19 small spines of the same size; ventro-posterior margins with 4 spines. Middle-legs ventro-anterior margins with 9 spines. Supra-anal plate bilobed with a median incision and each lobe slightly rounded (Fig. 12G). Tergites with nearly straight lateral angles (Fig. 12E).

Measurements (mm). Holotype ³: Body length 53.05; pronotum length 12.70 × 19.37 maximum width; tegmen length 40.40 × 15.55 width; interocular width 0.9; interantennal width between sockets 2.7. Paratype ³: Body length 54.09; pronotum length 12.22 × 21.02 maximum width; tegmen length 43.12 × 19.61 width; interocular width 0.5; interantennal width between sockets 2.8.

Allotype ♀: Body length 40.70; pronotum length 11.25 × 19.80 maximum width; tegmen length 12.30 × 13.00 width; interocular width—3.0; interantennal width between sockets 5.7.

Coloration. Holotype ³: General coloration dark brown (Fig. 13A). Pronotum dark brown with the anterior margin yellowish brown; central disk yellowish brown with scattered black marks (Fig. 13B). Head dark brown; clypeus and labrum yellowish brown. Antennae with basal segments dark pigmented and apical segments whitish yellow. Ocelli yellowish/pale brown (Fig. 13C). Legs and spines brown; tarsal claws, pulvilli and arolia yellowish brown. Tegmina and abdomen following general coloration of body but with tergites and sternites with brown posterior margin (Fig. 13A).

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality Itabuna, state of Bahia, northeast Brazil.

Distribution. Brazil (Bahia). See Fig. 17 for details.


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia















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