Altovectura subcuprea ( Champion, 1914 ) Mayor & Gimmel, 2024

Mayor, Adriean J. & Gimmel, Matthew L., 2024, Two New Genera and Three New Species of Dasytinae (Coleoptera: Melyridae) from the Southwestern United States and Mesoamerica, The Coleopterists Bulletin 78 (1), pp. 33-52 : 43-44

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-78.1.33

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scientific name

Altovectura subcuprea ( Champion, 1914 )

comb. nov.

Altovectura subcuprea ( Champion, 1914) , new combination

( Figs. 18–22 View Figs , 24 View Figs , 32–34 View Figs )

Listrus subcupreus Champion 1914: 113 , 116. Amecocerus subcupreus : Pic 1937 a: 102 (catalog).

Diagnosis. (Based on lectotype and female paralectotype.) Length of lectotype 2.2 mm; relatively sparsely setose dorsally ( Fig. 32 View Figs ); male pro- and mesotibiae bowed, metatibia not bowed ( Fig. 32 View Figs ); male pro- and mesotrochanters each with spine; elytral apices with sharp, almost right sutural angles in both sexes ( Fig. 32 View Figs ); male ventrite 5 not emarginate ( Fig. 33 View Figs ); male pygidium broadly rounded apically, with minute, shallow medial emargination ( Fig. 18 View Figs ); male sternite VIII depigmented medially, apically not emarginate ( Fig. 13 View Figs ); spiculum gastrale Y-shaped ( Fig. 20 View Figs ); aedeagus ( Figs. 21, 22 View Figs , 24 View Figs ) with apical portion short, about one-quarter of total aedeagal length, outer apical lobes abruptly tapered at apex, inner lobes distinctly widened at base, basal piece of tegmen parallel-sided; female pygidium unobserved; female ventrite 5 rounded or with small, narrow, distinct emargination.

Types. Syntypes, Listrus subcupreus , 2♂♂, 3♀♀, deposited in BMNH : lectotype ♂ ( Figs. 32–34 View Figs ), here designated, “ SYN- \ TYPE [round, blue-rimmed printed label] // Guatemala \ City. \ Champion. [white printed label] // ♂ [white printed label] // B.C.A. Col. III.2. \ Listrus \ canescens, G. [white printed label] // Listrus \ subcupreus \ G Ch [white handwritten label] // Tr.Ent.S.L. 1914 \ Listrus \ subcupreus, Ch. [white printed label] // LECTOTYPE ♂ \ Listrus subcupreus \ Champion, 1914 \ des. Mayor & Gimmel [red printed label]”; paralectotype ♀, “ SYN- \ TYPE [round, blue-rimmed printed label] // Duenas, \ Guatemala \ G. C. Champion. // ♀ [white printed label] // B.C.A. Col. III.2. \ Listrus canescens , G. [white printed label] // Listrus \ subcupreus \ G Ch [white handwritten label] // Tr.Ent.S.L. 1914 \ Listrus \ subcupreus Ch. [white printed label]”; paralectotype ♀, “ SYN- \ TYPE [round, blue-rimmed printed label] // Capetillo, \ Guatemala. \ Champion. [white printed label] // ♀ [white printed label] // B.C.A. Col. III.2. \ Listrus canescens , G. [white printed label] // Listrus \ subcyaneus \ Gorh [white handwritten label] // Tr.Ent. S.L.1914 \ Listrus \ subcupreus Ch. [white printed label]”; paralectotypes , 1♂, 1♀, “ SYN- \ TYPE [two round, blue-rimmed printed labels] // Type \ H. T. [round, red-rimmed printed label] // Capetillo, \ Guatemala, \ Champion. [white printed label] // ♂ ♀ [white printed label] // B.C.A. Col. III.2. \ Listrus canescens , G. [white printed label] // Listrus \ subcyaneus \ Gorh [white handwritten label] // Tr.Ent.S.L. 1914 \ Listrus \ subcupreus Ch. [white printed label]”. All paralectotypes with label added “ PARALECTOTYPE \ Listrus subcupreus \ Champion, 1914 \ des. Mayor & Gimmel [yellow printed label]” .

Other Specimens Examined. GUATEMALA: JALAPA: 4 km E of Mataquescuintla , 14.52987, − 90.14908 ±200 m, 2,600 m, 1 June 2009, ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest on ridge top, LLAMA09, Wa-B-07-1-all (5♂♂, 7♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52950, − 90.14802 ±254 m, cloud forest, Wm-B- 07-1-01 (1♂, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.53023, −90.14926 ± 25 m, Wm-B-07-1-02 (1♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52951, −90.14805 ± 34 m, Wm-B- 07-1-03 (1♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52780, − 90.14671 ±105 m, 2,655 m, 2 June 2009, Wm-B- 07-1-04 (2♂♂, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52705, − 90.14671 ±105 m, 2,660 m, Wm-B-07-1-05 (1♂, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52943, − 90.14775 ±105 m, 2,620 m, Wm-B-07-1-06 (2♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52780, −90.14671 ± 55 m, 2,655 m, Wm- B-07-1-07 (1♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.53492, − 90.15386 ±105 m, 2,355 m, 3 June 2009, Wm-B- 07-1-09 (1♂, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 4 km E of Mataquescuintla , 14.52943, −90.14811 ± 5 m, 2,615 m, 1–4 June 2009, Malaise trap, cloud forest, LLAMA09, Ma-B-07-1-01 (1♂, 2♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52939, −90.14756 ± 4 m, 2,625 m, Ma-B-07-1-02 (2♂♂, 4♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.53599, −90.15559 ± 10 m, 2,385 m, 2–5 June 2009, dis- turbed cloud forest, Ma-B-07-2-02 (1♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 4 km E of Mataquescuintla , 14.52780, −90.14671 ± 55 m, 2,655 m, 2 June 2009, beating vegetation, cloud forest, LLAMA09, Go-B-07-2-01 (3♂♂, 4♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; 4 km E of Mataquescuintla , 14.52943, −90.14811 ± 5m, 2,615 m, 1–4 June 2009, flight intercept trap, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Ft-B-07-1- 01 (1♂, 2♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except 14.52939, −90.14756 ± 4 m, 2,625 m, Ft-B-07-1-02 (3♂♂, 1♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; SACATEPÉQUEZ: 5 km SE of Antigua , 14.53725, −90.69475 ± 4 m, 2,125 m, 10–13 June 2009, Malaise trap, hardwood forest, LLAMA09, Ma-B-08-1-01 (1♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; SOLOLÁ / TOTONICAPÁN: Cumbre de Alaska , el. 3,215 m, N14°49′19′′, W91°24′31′′, 19 May 2016, D. Yanega (1♂, 2♀♀, UCRC) GoogleMaps ; TOTONICAPÁN: nr. Nueva Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan, V. Zunil , 29 July 2008, C. W. and L. B. O’Brien, F. Skillman (2♀♀, FSCA) ; 1 mi. SE of Totonicapán, 2,591 m, 28 July 1974, C. W. and L. O’Brien, G. B. Marshall (1♀, FSCA) . MEXICO: CHIAPAS: Huitepec, San Cristóbal , 16.75181°N, 92.68267°W, 2,480 m, 30 May 2008, beating vegetation, cloud forest, LLAMA08, Go-A-05-2-01 (5♀♀, SEMC) GoogleMaps ; same except sifted leaf litter, Wm-A-05-2-all (2♀♀, SEMC) ; same except 16.75070°N, 92.68270°W, 2,480 m, 29 May 2008, Wa-A-05-2-all (1♂, SEMC) GoogleMaps .

Geographic Distribution. This species is known from the highlands of the Sierra Madre in Guatemala and Mexico (Chiapas) (new country record for Mexico).

Remarks. Three localities in Guatemala were listed in the original description ( Champion 1914: 116), “ Guatemala city [14°37′, −90°30′, 4,850 ft], Dueñas [14°32′, −90°47′, 4,700 ft], Capetillo [14°29′, −90°48′]” (coordinates in brackets are from Selander and Vaurie 1962). Champion (1914: 116) noted that the type series consisted of “ Two males and three females, found mixed with the series named L. canescens by Gorham”, which refers to an initial misidentification of these specimens as Listrus canescens (Mannerheim, 1843) by Gorham (1882).


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


University of California, Riverside


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Altovectura subcuprea ( Champion, 1914 )

Mayor, Adriean J. & Gimmel, Matthew L. 2024

Listrus subcupreus

Champion, G. C. 1914: 113
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF