Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille, 1809

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2024, The dung beetles of Venezuela (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): catalogue and updated distribution, European Journal of Taxonomy 959 (1), pp. 1-272 : 154-157

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.959.2677

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scientific name

Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille, 1809


Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille, 1809 View in CoL

Fig. 59B View Fig

Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille, 1809: 220 View in CoL , pl. 23 fig. 2 (original description). Type locality: Ecuador: Cotopaxi: San Francisco de Las Pampas, 1300‒1500 m. Name-bearing type: neotype (MZUF), designated by Rossini (2021), not examined.

Onthophagus minax Kirsch, 1866: 215 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Colombia: Cundinamarca: Bogotá. Name-bearing type: lectotype (SMTD), designated by Rossini (2021).

Onthophagus laevatus d’Orbigny, 1902: 69 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: unknown. The lectotype’s provenance label indicates “Delagoa”, i.e., Delagoa Bay, or, as the locality is modernly called, Maputo Bay, in Mozambique, but this is certainly incorrect, as the species is exclusively South American ( Rossini 2021). Name-bearing type: lectotype (MNHN), designated by Rossini (2021), not examined by us.

Onthophagus curvicornis View in CoL – Harold 1869d: 1028 (catalog, cited for Quito); 1880: 29 (distribution). — Taschenberg 1870: 184 (cited for Loja, Ecuador). — Bates 1886–1890: 66 (distribution). — Campos 1921: 57 (list for Ecuador). — Gillet & Boucomont 1927: 205 (catalogue). — Boucomont 1932: 308, 323 (synopsis, key). — Blackwelder 1944: 211 (list). — Guérin 1953: 262 (list). — Roze 1955: 45 (checklist for Venezuela). — Vulcano & Pereira 1967: 565 (key). — Blanco 1988: 47 (catalogue). — Havranek 1989: 61 (list). — Deloya 1992: 22 (list). — Zunino & Halffter 1997: 161 (classification). — Escobar 2000: 209 (checklist for Colombia). — Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 194 (checklist for Brazil). — Medina et al. 2001: 139 (checklist for Colombia); 2002: 182–185 (ecology). — Cancino & Blanco 2002: 120 (list). — Zunino 2003: 71 (cited for Mexico). — Noriega 2004: 40 (checklist for Tinigua Park, Colombia). — Ramírez & Locarno 2004: 61–62 (ecology, list). — Krajcik 2006: 99 (checklist of the world). — Pulido-Herrera & Zunino 2007: 101, 106 (cited as Onthophagus curvicornis var. incensus View in CoL ). — Pulido-Herrera et al. 2007: 307 (cited for Andean region of Colombia). — Orozco & Pérez 2008: 38–39 (list for Colombia). — Concha-Lozada et al. 2010: 43–44, 47–49, 52 (list for Popayán, Colombia). — Carvajal et al. 2011: 322–323 (checklist for Ecuador). — Deloya 2011: 386 (diversity). — Giraldo et al. 2011: 118 (comments). — Cultid-Medina et al. 2012: 39 (guide); 2015: 624 (comments). — Delgado et al. 2012: 331 (list). — Noriega et al. 2012: 43, 46–47 (list for Antioquia, Colombia). — Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 99–100, 109 (list). — Martínez-Revelo & Lopera-Toro 2014: 65–68 (cited for Nariño department, Colombia). — Pardo-Locarno & Camero 2014: 210, 212‒213, 215 (list for Chocó, Colombia). — Cultid-Medina & Medina 2015: 119‒133, 199, 201, 203 (list, Appendix 8, 11, 13). — Molina et al. 2016: 128–130 (cited for Valle del Cauca, Colombia). — Albuquerque et al. 2017: 211 (cited for Piura, Peru). — Rodríguez 2017: 20–22, 24–26 (biology). — Torres et al. 2017: 48–49, 67 (cited for Boyaca, Colombia). — Villada-Bedoya et al. 2017: 197, 200, 203 (ecology). — Chamorro et al. 2018: 97 (list for Ecuador); 2019: 186 (catalogue for Ecuador). — Giraldo et al. 2018: 104, 111, 132 (guide). — Girón et al. 2018: 83 (comments). — Rossini et al. 2018b: 9 (revision). — Martínez & Morales 2020: 1689 (checklist for the Eastern Andes, Colombia). — Nieto et al. 2020: 136 (report). — Carrión-Paladines et al. 2021: 9–10, 14, 16–17 (ecology). — Rossini 2021: 266 View Cited Treatment (revision).

Onthophagus minax View in CoL – Harold 1869d: 1028 (cited for Bogotá, cited as synonym of O. curvicornis View in CoL ). — Gillet & Boucomont 1927: 205 (catalogue). — Blackwelder 1944: 211 (list, cited as synonym of O. curvicornis View in CoL ). — Pulido-Herrera & Zunino 2007: 101 (cited as synonym of O. curvicornis View in CoL ). — Chamorro et al. 2019: 186 (catalogue for Ecuador).

Onthophagus laevatus View in CoL – d’Orbigny 1905: 437 (comments); 1913: 174, 640 (key, list). — Peringuey 1908: 587 (redescription). — Gillet & Boucomont 1927: 177 (catalogue). — Ferreira 1972: 666 (cited for Mozambique). — Daniel & Génier 2019: 28 (checklist for Mozambique).

Onthophagus (Onthophagus) curvicornis View in CoL – Vaz-de-Mello 2000: 194 (checklist for Brazil).

Material examined

VENEZUELA ‒ Bolívar • 1 spec.; El Manteco; 2Aug. 2006; CEMT . ‒ Mérida • 1 ♀; La Muchuy, Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada; 2400 m a.s.l.; 13 Apr. 1995; CEMT • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Sucre, Jají; 08°39′39.05″ N, 71°23′55.85″ W; 2235 m a.s.l.; 8 Apr. 2009; CEMT. ‒ Táchira • 1 ♀; Pregonero, La Honda; 1100 m a.s.l.; 13 Feb. 1989; CEMT . ‒ Trujillo • 1 ♀; Trujillo; no further data; CEMT . ‒ Yaracuy • 1 ♂; Bolívar ,

Aroa; 10°23′06.1″ N, 68°58′45.45″ W; 1415 m a.s.l.; 19 Jul. 2009; CEMT. ‒ Zulia GoogleMaps 1 ♂; Miranda; 28‒30 Nov. 2005; CEMT .


Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador, and Peru ( Rossini 2021).

Subregions of Venezuela

System of hills and low sierras Lara-Falcón, Andes mountains, Sierra de San Luis and Cerro Santa Ana, Central Coast Mountain Range, and Oriental Coast Range.

Literature records

Harold 1880: 29 ( Venezuela). — Bates 1886–1890: 66 ( Venezuela). — Boucomont 1932: 308, 323 ( Venezuela). — Blackwelder 1944: 211 ( Venezuela). — Roze 1955: 45 ( Venezuela: Distrito Capital and Mérida). — Blanco 1988: 46–47 ( Venezuela: Táchira). — Havranek 1989: 61 ( Venezuela: Táchira). — Pulido-Herrera & Zunino 2007: 101 ( Venezuela). — Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 109 ( Venezuela: Mérida: La Azulita-Jají and Miranda:Altos de Pipe). — Chamorro et al. 2019: 186 ( Venezuela). — Rossini 2021: 266 ( Venezuela: Aragua, Falcón ,, La Guaira, Mérida, Monagas, Sucre, Táchira, Trujillo and Zulia).














Onthophagus curvicornis Latreille, 1809

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. 2024

Onthophagus (Onthophagus) curvicornis

Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2000: 194

Onthophagus laevatus

Daniel G. M. & Genier F. 2019: 28
Ferreira M. C. 1972: 666
Gillet J. J. E. & Boucomont A. 1927: 177
Peringuey L. 1908: 587
d'Orbigny H. 1905: 437

Onthophagus laevatus d’Orbigny, 1902: 69

d'Orbigny H. 1902: 69

Onthophagus curvicornis

Carrion-Paladines V. & Fries A. & Munoz A. & Castillo E. & Garcia-Ruiz R. 2021: 9
Rossini M. 2021: 266
Martinez D. C. & Morales I. 2020: 1689
Nieto M. J. A. & Giraldo E. C. & Quevedo V. C. J. & Chara J. & Medina A. C. 2020: 136
Chamorro W. & Marin-Armijos D. & Granda V. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2018: 97
Giraldo C. & Montoya S. & Escobar F. 2018: 104
Giron Y. & Calderon C. & Noriega J. 2018: 83
Rossini M. & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. & Zunino M. 2018: 9
Rodriguez J. M. M. 2017: 20
Torres E. D. & Gonzalez A. & Medina C. A. 2017: 48
Villada-Bedoya S. & Cultid-Medina C. A. & Escobar F. & Guevara R. & Zurita G. 2017: 197
Molina S. M. & Lopez L. M. I. & Gonzalez J. L. 2016: 128
Cultid-Medina C. A. & Medina A. C. 2015: 119
Martinez-Revelo D. E. & Lopera-Toro A. 2014: 65
Pardo-Locarno L. C. & Camero E. 2014: 210
Ferrer-Paris J. & Sanchez-Mercado A. & Rodriguez J. P. 2013: 99
Cultid-Medina C. A. & Medina C. A. U. & Martinez-Quintero B. G. & Escobar A. F. V. & Constantino L. M. C. & Betancur N. J. 2012: 39
Delgado L. & Mora-Aguilar E. F. & Escobar-Hernandez F. 2012: 331
Noriega J. A. & Palacio M. J. & Monroy-G. J. D. & Valencia E. 2012: 43
Carvajal V. & Villamarin S. & Ortega A. M. 2011: 322
Deloya A. C. L. 2011: 386
Giraldo C. & Escobar F. & Chara J. D. & Calle Z. 2011: 118
Concha-Lozada C. M. & Gallego M. C. & Pardo-Locarno L. C. 2010: 43
Pulido-Herrera L. A. & Zunino M. 2007: 101
Krajcik M. 2006: 99
Ramirez G. J. C. & Locarno P. L. C. 2004: 61
Zunino M. 2003: 71
Cancino E. R. & Blanco J. M. C. 2002: 120
Medina C. A. & Lopera-Toro A. & Vitolo A. & Gill B. 2001: 139
Escobar F. 2000: 209
Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2000: 194
Zunino M. & Halffter G. 1997: 161
Deloya C. 1992: 22
Havranek D. 1989: 61
Blanco J. 1988: 47
Vulcano M. A. & Pereira F. S. 1967: 565
Roze J. A. 1955: 45
Guerin J. 1953: 262
Blackwelder R. E. 1944: 211
Boucomont A. 1932: 308
Gillet J. J. E. & Boucomont A. 1927: 205
Campos F. 1921: 57
Taschenberg E. L. 1870: 184
Harold E. 1869: 1028

Onthophagus minax

Chamorro W. & Marin-Armijos D. & Asenjo A. & Vaz-De-Mello F. Z. 2019: 186
Pulido-Herrera L. A. & Zunino M. 2007: 101
Blackwelder R. E. 1944: 211
Gillet J. J. E. & Boucomont A. 1927: 205
Harold E. 1869: 1028

Onthophagus minax

Kirsch T. 1866: 215

Onthophagus curvicornis

Latreille P. A. 1809: 220
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