Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2024, The dung beetles of Venezuela (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): catalogue and updated distribution, European Journal of Taxonomy 959 (1), pp. 1-272 : 35-38

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.959.2677

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scientific name

Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859


Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859 View in CoL

Fig. 15B View Fig

Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859: 11 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: United States: Texas. Name-bearing type: syntype (MCZC), examined by FZVM.

Canthon sallei Harold, 1863: 174 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Nicaragua: Granada: near Granada city. Name-bearing type: syntypes (BMNH ‒ ex Sallé collection), examined by FZVM.

Canthon spinosus Harold, 1863: 174 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Mexico: Veracruz: Tuxpan. Name-bearing type: a single known syntype (MNHN ‒ ex Harold collection), examined by FZVM.

Canthon speciosus Harold, 1868a: 41 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Mexico. Name-bearing type: a single known syntype (MNHN ‒ ex Harold collection), examined by FZVM.

Canthon sallei gutticollis Schmidt, 1920: 123–124 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Colombia: “La Garita”; see Botero & Monné (2012) for details on this ambiguous locality. Name-bearing type: lectotype (NHRS), designated by Vaz-de-Mello & Cupello (2018), examined by FZVM.

Canthon sallei triangulatus Schmidt, 1920: 123–124 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Colombia: “La Garita”; see comments for the previous name. Name-bearing type: lectotype (NHRS), designated by Vaz-de-Mello & Cupello (2018), examined by FZVM.

Canthon cyanellus havranekae Martínez, 1988a: 89 View in CoL (original description). Type locality: Venezuela: Táchira: Cárdenas: Táriba: Finca La Alameda, “Carretera Vieja Cordero-San Cristóbal”. Name-bearing type: the holotype, having been originally deposited in Martínez’s personal collection ( Martínez 1988a), would now be expected to be in MACN (see Cupello & Vaz-de-Mello 2018), but it was not found there by MC in 2014.

Canthon spinosus View in CoL – Harold 1868a: 42 (monograph, redescription); 1869d: 990 (cited for Mexico). — Bates 1887: 27 (list, cited for Mexico). — Gillet 1911b: 29 (catalogue, cited for Mexico).

Canthon cyanellus View in CoL – Harold 1868a: 141 (monograph); 1869d: 990 (cited for Kansas). — Horn 1870: 44, 45 (key, cited for Mexico and Texas). — Blanchard 1885: 164, 166 (key, cited for Texas). — Gillet 1911b: 29 (catalogue, cited for Texas). — Leng 1920: 248 (catalogue, cited Mexico and Texas). — Schmidt 1920: 123 (contribution, comments); 1922: 74 (distribution). — Balthasar 1939a: 211 (key, distribution). — Islas 1942: 304–305, 333 (key, redescription, list). — Roze 1955: 41 (checklist for Venezuela). — Halffter 1961: 260 (redescription, distribution). — Vulcano & Pereira 1964: 609 (catalogue). — Martínez 1988a: 89 (list). — Amézquita et al. 1999: 119 (biodiversity). — Escobar 2000: 206 (checklist for Colombia). — Barbero 2001: 2 (list, cited for Nicaragua). — Estrada & Coates-Estrada 2002: 1911 (ecology). — Halffter & Arellano 2002: 147–148 (ecology). — Solís & Kohlmann 2002: 11 (redescription, distribution); 2012: 3 (checklist for Costa Rica). — Hernández et al. 2003: 96 (diversity). — Kohlmann et al. 2007: 28 (atlas). — Noriega et al. 2007: 81 (list). — Pulido-Herrera et al. 2007: 307 (cited for Andean region of Colombia). — Larsen et al. 2008: 1294 (list). — Medina & Pulido-Herrera 2009: 58 (diversity). — Cultid-Medina et al. 2012: 67 (guide). — Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 108 (list).

Canthon sallei View in CoL – Harold 1868a: 39 (monograph, redescription); 1869d: 993 (catalogue, cited for Nicaragua). — Kirsch 1873: 340 (comments, cited for Peru). — Bates 1887: 26 (list, distribution). — Gillet 1911b: 33 (catalogue, cited for Central America and Colombia). — Balthasar 1939a: 211 (key, distribution). — Martínez 1947b: 113 (correction: C. cyanellum var. sallei View in CoL ). — Robinson 1948b: 85 (revision, key). — Solís & Kohlmann 2012: 3 (checklist for Costa Rica, cited as synonym of Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859 View in CoL ).

Canthon speciosus View in CoL – Bates 1887: 27 (list, cited for Mexico and Guatemala). — Gillet 1911b: 29 (catalogue, cited for Mexico and Guatemala). — Solís & Kohlmann 2012: 3 (checklist for Costa Rica, cited as synonym of Canthon cyanellus View in CoL ).

Canthon cyanellus sallei View in CoL – Schmidt 1922: 74 (distribution). — Halffter 1961: 260 (redescription, distribution), 262, 265 (distribution, redescription). — Escobar 1997: 423 (list). — Martínez 1988a: 89 (list). — Barbero 2001: 2 (list, distribution, cited for Nicaragua). — Bustos-Gómez & Lopera-Toro 2003: 61 (diet). — Arias-Buriticá et al. 2011: 876 (cited).

Canthon cyanellus gutticollis View in CoL – Schmidt 1922: 74 (distribution). — Roze 1955: 41 (checklist for Venezuela). — Halffter 1961: 262 (distribution).

Canthon cyanellus triangulatus View in CoL – Schmidt 1922: 74 (distribution). — Halffter 1961: 262 (distribution).

Canthon cyanellus speciosus View in CoL – Balthasar 1939a: 211 (key, distribution). — Balthasar 1941: 343 (list). —

Balthasar 1951: 328 (list). — Halffter 1961: 262 (distribution). Canthon sallei gutticollis View in CoL – Balthasar 1939a: 212 (key, distribution). — Vaz-de-Mello & Cupello 2018:

51 (designation of lectotype). Canthon sallei triangulatus – Balthasar 1939a: 212 (key, distribution). Canthon cyanellum – Blackwelder 1944: 199 (checklist, cited for Mexico). Canthon cyanellum gutticollis – Blackwelder 1944: 199 (list). Canthon cyanellum sallei – Blackwelder 1944: 199 (list). Canthon cyanellum triangulatus – Blackwelder 1944: 199 (list). Canthon cyanellus havranekae – Blanco 1987: 42 (catalogue). — Havranek 1989: 61 (list). Canthon (Canthon) cyanellus – Padilla-Gil & Halffter 2007: 88 (comments). — Delgado et al. 2012:

327 (list). — Hielkema & Hielkema 2019: 61 (catalogue for the Guianas).

Material examined

VENEZUELA ‒ Barinas • 1 spec.; Otopún ; 28 Aug. 2006; in faeces; CEMT . ‒ Zulia • 1 spec.; Rosario de Perijá ; 18 Jul. 2016; in faeces; CEMT . ‒ Cojedes • 4 specs; Hato Piñero, Reserva Natural La Candelaria ; 30 Aug.–1 Sep. 1990; G.C. McGavin leg.; frog carcass pitfall trap; CEMT . ‒ Táchira • 2 specs; Rubio , La Tuquerena; 14 Apr. 1982; D. Havranek leg.; CEMT 2 specs; Palo Gordo, near San Cristobal , La Alameda Farm; 1000 m a.s.l.; Apr. 1987; D. Havranek leg.; CEMT .


From southern Texas ( United States) to Brazil ( Solís & Kohlmann 2002).

Subregions of Venezuela

Maracaibo Depression, Plains, System of hills and low sierras Lara-Falcón, System of hills and low piedmont mountains of the Guiana Shield, System of low mountains and hills Imataca-Cuyuní of Northeast Guiana Shield, Andes mountains, and Central Coast Mountain Range.

Literature records

Schmidt 1922: 74 ( Venezuela: Distrito Capital: Caracas). — Blackwelder 1944: 199 ( Venezuela). — Roze 1955: 41 ( Venezuela). — Vulcano & Pereira 1964: 609 ( Venezuela). — Martínez 1988a: 89 ( Venezuela: Táchira: Finca “La Alameda”). — Barbero 2001: 2 ( Venezuela). — Solís & Kohlmann 2002: 11 ( Venezuela: Táchira). — Padilla-Gil & Halffter 2007: 88 ( Venezuela: Táchira: Táriba and San Cristóbal). — Larsen et al. 2008: 1294 ( Venezuela: Bolívar: Lago Guri). — Arias-Buriticá et al. 2011: 876 ( Venezuela). — Ferrer-Paris et al. 2013: 108 ( Venezuela: Bolívar: Isla de Anacoco; Miranda: Altos de Pipe; Sucre: Araya; Yaracuy: Hacienda Guáquira; and Zulia: Rosario de Perijá).














Canthon cyanellus LeConte, 1859

Rosa, Cecilia Lozano De La, Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. 2024

Canthon cyanellus havranekae Martínez, 1988a: 89

Martinez A. 1988: 89

Canthon cyanellus speciosus

Balthasar V. 1941: 343
Balthasar V. 1939: 211

Canthon cyanellus sallei

Arias-Buritica J. A. & Delgado-Gomez P. & F. A & Vaz-de-Mello F. Z. 2011: 876
Bustos-Gomez L. & Lopera-Toro A. 2003: 61
Barbero E. 2001: 2
Escobar F. 1997: 423
Martinez A. 1988: 89
Halffter G. 1961: 260
Schmidt A. 1922: 74

Canthon cyanellus gutticollis

Halffter G. 1961: 262
Roze J. A. 1955: 41
Schmidt A. 1922: 74

Canthon cyanellus triangulatus

Halffter G. 1961: 262
Schmidt A. 1922: 74

Canthon sallei gutticollis

Schmidt A. 1920: 124

Canthon sallei triangulatus

Schmidt A. 1920: 124

Canthon speciosus

Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2012: 3
Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 29
Bates H. W. 1887: 27

Canthon speciosus

Harold E. 1868: 41

Canthon spinosus

Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 29
Bates H. W. 1887: 27
Harold E. 1868: 42

Canthon cyanellus

Ferrer-Paris J. & Sanchez-Mercado A. & Rodriguez J. P. 2013: 108
Cultid-Medina C. A. & Medina C. A. U. & Martinez-Quintero B. G. & Escobar A. F. V. & Constantino L. M. C. & Betancur N. J. 2012: 67
Medina C. A. & Pulido-Herrera L. A. 2009: 58
Larsen T. H. & Lopera A. & Forsyth A. 2008: 1294
Kohlmann B. & Solis A. & Ortwin E. & Soto X. & Russo R. 2007: 28
Noriega J. A. & Solis C. & Escobar F. & Realpe E. 2007: 81
Hernandez B. & Maes J. - M. & Harvey C. A. & Vilchez S. & Medina A. & Sanchez D. 2003: 96
Estrada A. & Coates-Estrada R. 2002: 1911
Halffter G. & Arellano L. 2002: 147
Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2002: 11
Barbero E. 2001: 2
Escobar F. 2000: 206
Amezquita S. J. & Forsyth A. & Lopera A. & Camacho A. 1999: 119
Martinez A. 1988: 89
Vulcano M. A. & Pereira F. S. 1964: 609
Halffter G. 1961: 260
Roze J. A. 1955: 41
Islas F. 1942: 304
Balthasar V. 1939: 211
Leng C. W. 1920: 248
Schmidt A. 1920: 123
Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 29
Blanchard F. 1885: 164
Horn H. 1870: 44
Harold E. 1868: 141

Canthon sallei

Solis A. & Kohlmann B. 2012: 3
Robinson M. 1948: 85
Martinez A. 1947: 113
Balthasar V. 1939: 211
Gillet J. J. E. 1911: 33
Bates H. W. 1887: 26
Kirsch T. 1873: 340
Harold E. 1868: 39

Canthon sallei

Harold E. 1863: 174

Canthon spinosus

Harold E. 1863: 174

Canthon cyanellus

LeConte J. L. 1859: 11
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