Nemacerota paizhenensis, Da & Ronkay & Han, 2020

Da, Wa, Ronkay, László & Han, Huilin, 2020, Description a new species of Nemacerota Hampson, [1893] (Lepidoptera Thyatiridae) from the Xizang Autonomous Region, China, Zootaxa 4810 (2), pp. 389-394 : 390-391

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4810.2.13

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scientific name

Nemacerota paizhenensis

sp. nov.

Nemacerota paizhenensis sp. n.

( Figs 1 View FIGURES 1–3 , 4 View FIGURES 4–6 )

Type materials. Holotype: male, China, Xizang Autonomous Region (= Tibet), Milin County, Paizhen , altitude 3010m, 9. viii. 2015, leg. Wang M. Q., gen. prep. no. hhl-4216-1, coll. IZCAS . Paratype: 1 male, with the same data as the holotype, coll. IZCAS .

Diagnosis. The male of Nemacerota paizhenensis sp. n. is similar to male of N. inouei ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–3 ) and N. pectinata ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–3 ), however it can be distinguished from both related taxa by its larger size (wingspan 44–45 mm vs 38–39 mm in N. inouei [coll. MWM] and 35–38 mm in N. pectinata [coll. NHMUK]); more indistinct forewing antemedial and postmedial cross-lines, somewhat broader pale whitish-grey median area, and the marginal area of hindwing with the broader and more uniformly darkened.

The male genitalia of N. paizhenensis sp. n. ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 4–6 ) are more similar to those of N. pectinata ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 4–6 ) than of N. inouei ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 4–6 ). The shared features of N. paizhenensis sp. n. and N. pectinata , in comparison with by those of N. inouei , are the rather short uncus, the thinner and distally less dilated, less drumstick-like socii, the longer subbasal process of sacculus, the smaller and less flap-like subbasal costal lobe, the smaller and less hooked ventral carinal extension and the weaker, finer cornuti of the vesica. The new species can be distinguished from N. pectinata by the little longer uncus, finer and thinner socii, shorter valva with straighter costa and more obtuse apex, longer and thinner subbasal sacculus process and the shorter and more arched hook of the ventral carinal plate.

The fourth species of the species-group, N. owadai , is easily separable from the other three species by its generally darker forewing with much narrower pale median area and certain features of the genitalia of both sexes, e.g. finer, thinner uncus and socii, conspicuously longer and stronger basal saccular process, short and strong, triangular subapical costal extension, long and only slightly sinuous, not prominently hooked ventral carinal process (males); much larger and stronger sclerotized ostium bursae-antrum complex (females) considering the female of the newly described species is unknown.

Description. Adult male ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–3 ). Wingspan 44–45 mm. Head light greyish-yellow; labial palpi greyish-brown. Thorax white, mixed finely with greyish-yellow; abdomen grey. Forewing elongated, triangular; dorsal ground colour light greyish-white; basal and marginal areas suffused with variably dark grey to blackish-grey scales; subbasal line short, double, its inner line black, broad and distinct, outer line greyish-black, thin and indistinct; antemedial line thin, double, smoothly curved, partly blackish filled; medial line double reduced, represented by diffuse smoky black patch at costa, and fine, indistinct line, leaning outwards at vein M 3; postmedial line double, inner line black, distinct, straight at costa to vein M 2, leaning downwards to vein Cu 2, then sinuous towards inner margin; subterminal line indistinct, fine, light greyish; terminal line blackish to smoky black; orbicular stigma poorly visible, black

and rounded; reniform stigma poorly visible shuttle-shaped. Hindwing rounded, dorsal inner area white or grey-

ish-white; marginal area broadly suffused by dark brownish-grey; postmedial line diffuse, only slightly darker than

marginal area; terminal line same as forewing. Female unknown.

Male genitalia. ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 4–6 ). Tegumen broadly trapezoidal (ladder-shaped), sclerotized, with a bulge at middle of ventral edge. Vinculum rather short U-shaped, moderately sclerotized with well-developed saccus. Uncus short, thickly lanceolate slightly arched and bulged medially; socii slender, finely arched inwards, relatively long (ca twothird as longer than uncus), apically not or only slightly dilated. Juxta more or less quadrangular with sclerotized lateral edges and membranous medial plate. Valva broadly band-shaped with rather straight costa, rounded outer margin and obtuse apex; subbasal costal lobe weakly sclerotized and finely arched; medial section of costa smoothly leaning inwards and forming long and thin lobe parallel with costa and fine and broad, triangular subapical process; basal process of sacculus long and slender, stick-shaped, extending towards middle of valva, apically finely dentate; sacculus broad, ca. three-fifths longer than valva, more sclerotized along ventral margin, posterior ventral process reduced. Aedeagus long, tubular, slightly curved at middle and tapering towards distal end; carinal plate heavily sclerotized, with small and broad apical hook; vesica membranous, relatively short and upturned, then dorsally recurved, with ovate medial diverticulum, and narrow, soft distal cornuti plate.

Distribution. China (Xizang: Paizhen) ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–8. 7 ).

Etymology. The species name “ paizhenensis ” refers to the type locality.

Bionomics. The new species inhabits coniferous and broad-leaved forest areas over 3000 m in the south-eastern part of the Xizang Autonomous Region (= Tibet) of the Southeast Himalayas ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–8. 7 ). Both holotype and paratype specimens were collected in August .


Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences













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