Narcissus sect. Apodanthi, Fernandes, 1966

García, Pedro Escobar, 2018, A new species of Narcissus sect. Apodanthi (Amaryllidaceae) from the western Iberian Peninsula, Phytotaxa 345 (2), pp. 143-151 : 148

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Narcissus sect. Apodanthi


Key to the Iberian Narcissus sect. Apodanthi

1. Flowers subsessile or on a pedicel maximally 3.5 mm long ............................................................................................................ 2.

-. Pedicels longer than 5 mm ............................................................................................................................................................... 3.

2. Perianth tube 15–25 mm long, straight, corona deeply and irregularly lobed with lobes 0.5–3 mm long; flowers scented ............... .......................................................................................................................................................................................... N. rupicola View in CoL

-. Perianth tube 13–17 mm long, slightly curved, corona subentire or shallowly crenate-dentate, with lobes never exceeding 0.3 mm long; flowers odorless ................................................................................................................................................... N. vitekii View in CoL

3. Flowers solitary or rarely in pairs, tepals exceeding half of the corolla tube in length, flowers scented................. N. cuatrecasasii View in CoL

-. Flowers usually in groups of 3 or more, tepal length from one-third of the corolla tube to almost two-thirds, flowers odorless... 4.

4. Outer tepals 4.5–6 mm long, corona 3–4 mm long ...................................................................................................... N. scaberulus View in CoL

-. Outer tepals 6.5–10 mm long, corona 3.6–6 mm long .................................................................................................... N. calcicola View in CoL

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