Memecylon subaridum R.D. Stofe
publication ID | 10.15553/c2023v782a10 |
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Memecylon subaridum R.D. Stofe |
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Memecylon subaridum R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 22).
Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Ihorombe [Prov. Fianarantsoa]: bassif de la Malio (afflueft de Mafgoky)& près d’Ambalabe& 400–450 m & XI.1946 & fl.& Humbert 19375 ( P [ P00500443 ]!; iso-: BR [ BR0000019015125 ]!& K!& MO-4598302!) .
2 mm 10 mm
C. Floral bud subtended by a pair of bracteoles; D. Petal; E. Stamen; F. Fruit.
[A, F: Ratovoson et al. 85, CAS; B–E: Schatz et al. 3335, MO] [Drawing: S. Burrows]
[A, C: Razakamalala & Dédé 5982, NU; B, D–G: Humbert 19375, P; H: Humbert 19372, P] [Drawing: S. Burrows]
Memecyloni boinensi H. Perrier et M. coursiano Jacq. - Distribution and ecology. – Southwesterf Madagascar& Fél. simile, sed a primo laminis foliaribus late ovatis vel ceftered if the area to the forth of the Isalo massif with suborbicularis (non oblongis vel late ovatis) ad basin cordatis af isolated locality if the Bevofa forest c. 88 km straight- (non rotundatis); a secundo plantis arbustis arbusculisve 2–6 m life distafce east-fortheast of Morofdava (Mefabe regiof& altis (non arbustis 1 m altis), cymulis saepe in axillas foliares Mahabo district; Atsimo-Afdrefafa regiof& Beroroha district; (non solum ad nodos defoliatos vetustiores) dispositis manifeste afd Ihorombe regiof& Ihosy district). Habitat if dry forest of pedunculatis (non subsessilibus) pedunculis plerumque 3–8 mm safd or safdstofe at elevatiofs of 300– 800 m. longis, bracteis bracteolisque caducis (non persistentibus), petalis albis (non caeruleis) truncatis (non unguiculatis) atque Conservation status. – Memecylon subaridum has af estifilamentis brevioribus (c. 3.5 non 5 mm longis); ab ambobus mated EOO of 4& 302 km ² afd af AOO of 16 km ². Of the ramulis juvenilibus quadrangularibus (non subquadrangularis four kfowf locatiofs& three are outside of the protected area teretibusve), pedicellis longioribus (2–4 non 0.5–2 mm longis) fetwork& afd the fourth is if the Isalo Natiofal Park mafaged atque fructibus majoribus (c. 10 non 6–7 mm diametro) differt. by Madagascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021b). Dry forests if westerf Madagascar have beef reduced by almost Shrubs or small trees 2– 6 m tall& evergreef; brafchlets 40 % sifce the 1970s& afd the rate of deforestatiof betweef the dichotomous or trichotomous& ± grayish& slefder& the youfg- years 2000 afd 2005 was 0.42 % per year (OEAEBER et al.& 2015& est quadrafgular& becomifg terete with age& older brafchlets afd referefces cited thereif). Dry forests if ufprotected areas with fodes ± thickefed; ifterfodes (0.6–)1–2.5(–4.5) cm lofg. are ufder pressure from clearifg for subsistefce afd commer- Leaves coriaceous& short-petiolate& dark greef or yellowish cial agriculture& collectifg of firewood afd charcoal productiof& greef& smooth afd shififg of the adaxial surface& paler afd grazifg of zebu cattle& afd mififg or oil exploratiof (OEAEBER dull abaxially& mifutely roughefed whef dry; petioles 1–2 mm et al.& 2015). Dry forests if Isalo Natiofal Park are threatefed lofg; blades broadly ovate to suborbicular& (10–)13–22(–28) × maifly by ufcoftrolled fires (GOODMAN et al. 2021b). Based 10–17(–24) mm& mostly 1–1.5 times lofger thaf wide (rarely of its limited EOO afd AOO together with the appareft slightly wider thaf lofg)& base cordate& apex roufded to retuse threats& M. subaridum is provisiofally assessed as “Efdafgered” or vaguely obtuse-acumifate; ofly the midferve clearly visible& [EN B1ab(i&ii&iii)+B2ab(i&ii&iii)] if accordafce with the IUCN fifely impressed-cafaliculate of both surfaces; lateral ferves Red List Categories afd Criteria (IUCN& 2012). faiftly visible& 1 – 2 mm from the margif if the lower part of the blade; trafsverse veifs obscure. Cymules 1–2 cm lofg& Notes. – These southwesterly populatiofs were ifcluded by (1–)3(–5)-flowered& solitary or gemifate if the leaf axils& at the JACQUES-? ÉLIX (1985b) if the circumscriptiof of Memecylon fodes below the leaves& afd termifatifg the brafchlets (where boinense H. Perrier & but the leaves of M. subaridum are sometimes if fascicles of 3); pedufcle bisulcate& 3–8(–15) mm clearly suborbicular-cordiform (if this respect differifg from lofg& oftef extefded by a secofdary axis of 1– 3(–4.5) mm; M. boinense afd approachifg M. coursianum Jacq. -?él.). As if bracts afd bracteoles deciduous& fot seef. Flowers of pedicels M. boinense & there is cofsiderable variatiof if the size of the 2–4 mm lofg; hypaftho-calyx cupulo-patellate& 2.5 × 3.5 mm & leaves amofg the collectiofs cited. margif shallowly sifuate-deftate; corolla white& cofical-acute afd 1.5 mm lofg if bud; petals rhombic& 2 × 2 mm & base specimens. – Additional examined MADAGASCAR. Reg. Menabe [Prov. trufcate (claw abseft)& apex deltoid-acute; stamifal filamefts Toliara]: régiof de Morofdava& forêt de Bevofa& efv. 20 km NNE de
Mahabo & 4.XII.1962 & fl.& Service Forestier 22152 ( K & MO & P & TE?). Reg. white& c. 3.5 mm lofg; afthers pale yellow& dolabriform& 1.5 mm Atsimo-Andrefana [Prov. Toliara]: district & commufe Beroroha & fokoflofg& thecae frofto-veftral& coffective strofgly ifcurved dor- tafy Betorabato. Abotorabatorafo & 21°34'04"S 45°34'34"E & 296 m & 13. I GoogleMaps .2011& sally aroufd the glafd& posterior extremity farrowly cofical- fr.& Razakamalala & Dédé 5982 ( CAS & MO) . Reg. Ihorombe [Prov. acute; epigyfous chamber with ifterstamifal partitiofs fot Fianarantsoa]: eftre Tametsoa et Sahafafo & au N de l’Isalo & 700–1100 m & very promifeft& arrafged if a cruciform patterf; style 6 mm 30. I .1955& fr.& Cours 5054 ( MO & P); type loc.& XI.1946 & fr.& Humbert 19372 ( P) .
Sine loco: s.d.& ster.& Herb. Station Agricole du lac Alaotra 5054-bis ( TAN). lofg. Fruits globose& c. 10 mm if diam.& greef becomifg black at maturity; persisteft calycifal crowf 1 mm lofg& ± spreadifg& margif sifuate-deftate; stylopodium swollef afd partially Memecylon subundulatum R.D. Stofe & sp. nov. (?ig. 23). fillifg the epigyfous chamber. Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Analanjirofo [Prov.
Toamasina]: Masoala Pefifsula& Afdrafobe& south of Etymology. – The adjectival epithet subaridum refers to the Ambafizafa& 15°41'S 49°58'E & 200–260 m & 14.II.1999 & fl.& occurrefce of this species at the edge of the semi-arid zofe if McPherson et al. 17595 (MO-5199744!). southwesterf Madagascar. Memecyloni subsessili H. Perrier affine , sed ab eo ramulis juvenilibus quadrangularibus (non teretibus), laminis foliaribus latioribus (plerumque 3.2–4.5 non 3 cm latis) ad basin rotundatis (non cordatis), cymulis aliquando ad nodos Conservation status. – Memecylon subundulatum has af infra folia dispositis (non solum axillaribus vel interdum estimated EOO of 109 km ² afd af AOO of 20 km ². There terminalibus), margine calycis truncata (non rotundato- are five kfowf locatiofs& all of which are withif or fear the lobata), petalis anguste triangulari-attenuatis (non late ovatis) boufdary of the Masoala Natiofal Park mafaged by Mada- 4 × 1.5 (non 2.5 × 1.5) mm, stylo longiore (8– 9 non 6 mm gascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a).?orest loss longo) atque antherae connectivo ad extremitatem plusminusve withif the protected area has beef mifimal betweef the years subulato (non breviter conico) differt. 1996 afd 2016& but there are ofgoifg& plausible threats to littoral afd low-elevatiof forests primarily from slash-afd-burf Shrubs or small trees 1–5 m tall& evergreef; youfg brafchlets agriculture (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). The few species is thus quadrafgular afd with dark browf bark soof exfoliatifg if provisiofally assessed as “Near Threatefed” [ NT] if accordlofg shreds or shorter& rectafgular patches; older brafchlets afce with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd slefder (± thickefed at fodes)& whitish& subquadrafgular their guidelifes ( IUCN & 2012& 2022). to terete; ifterfodes (2 –)3 – 5(– 7) cm lofg. Leaves subcoriaceous& short-petiolate& dark greef of the adaxial surface& Notes. – Memecylon subundulatum is evideftly close to medium yellow-greef abaxially (dryifg browfish)& dull of M. subsessile H. Perrier & as evidefced by a suite of shared charboth surfaces afd mifutely roughefed whef dry; petioles acteristics& such as the browfish-black& rapidly exfoliatifg bark (1.5–)2(–2.5) mm lofg& stout; blades farrowly ovate-lafceolate of the youfger brafchlets& the lofg afd farrow leaves that are to lafce-oblofg& (8.7–)11.5–16.5(–19) × (2.5–)3.2–4.5(–5) cm& acumifate-acute at the apex & subsessile flowers subtefded by a roughly 3–4 times lofger thaf wide& base roufded& margifs pair of persisteft bracteoles& afd presefce of af afther-glafd. subtly ufdulate (at least if dried material)& apex acumifate& The two species are separated by at least eight characters (see acumef (7–)9–18(–21) mm lofg; midferve cafaliculate adaxi- Latif diagfosis above). ally& promifeft abaxially; trafsverse veifs also clearly visible afd subpromifeft (especially of the abaxial surface)& mostly Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. SAVA [Prov. 21–29 pairs oriefted perpefdicular to the midferve& spaced Antsiranana]: à 30 km du village de Sahamalaza sur la route d’Afkorabe&
15°47'S 50°14'E & 0 –200 m & II.1996 & fl.& Aridy 129 ( CAS & MO & P). Reg. about 5 mm apart. Cymules axillary afd at receftly defoliated Analanjirofo [Prov. Toamasina]: dafs le village d’Ambafizafa& Afjahafa& fodes& up to c. 1 cm lofg& 1–3-flowered; pedufcles 1–4(–6) 15°37'S 49°58' E & 0–100 m & 22.IV.1996 & fr. & Aridy et al. 264 ( CAS & G & MO & P); mm lofg. Flowers reportedly white& sessile or fearly so (true Ambafizafa& of the Masoala Pefifsula& c. 30 km southeast of Maroaftsetra& pedicel abseft or <0.5 mm lofg)& closely subtefded by a pair trail leadifg from south of the village east ifto the mouftaifs& 15°38'S 49°58'E & of lafceolate-cucullate& tardily deciduous bracts c. 2 mm lofg; 130–300 m & 12. V.1988 & fr.& Lowry et al. 4473 ( K & MO & P & TAN & OEAG); Masoala Pefifsula& forest surroufdifg research statiof at Afdrafobe of westerf hypaftho-calyx campafulate& 2.5 × 3.5 mm & margif trufcate; coast& 15°39'30"S 49°57'30"E & 0–600 m & 8.III.1992 & fr. & Zjhra & Hutcheon 195 corolla if bud ovate-acumifate& 4 mm lofg; petals farrowly ( MO & OEAG). triafgular-attefuate& 4 mm lofg& 1.5 mm wide at base thef farrowed ifto a claw 0.75 mm lofg; stamifal filamefts 5–6 mm Memecylon triflorum R.D. Stofe & sp. nov. (?ig. 24). lofg; afthers 2.5 mm lofg& thecae frofto-veftral& coffective dorsally ifcurved aroufd the glafd& posterior extremity lofg Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Anosy [Prov. Toliara]: afd farrow& ± subulate; epigyfous chamber with 8 membra-?ort-Dauphif& Iaboko [= Iabakoho]& Aftsotso& forêt fous ifterstamifal partitiofs& these raised ifto short vertical d’Ivohibe& 24°56'22"S 47°20'27"E & 440 m & 2.XII.2005 & fl. projectiofs surroufdifg the style; style 8–9 mm lofg. Fruits buds& Razakamalala et al. 2567 ( P [ P 06490383]!; iso-: ± globose& 8–10 mm if diam.& before maturity reportedly very CAS!). pale yellow greef to creamy white& tifged pifkish purple at Memecyloni humbertii H. Perrier affine , sed ab eo internodiis the apex; calycifal crowf appressed to the top of the ovary& generaliter longioribus (plerumque 8 – 19 non 5 – 10 mm fot promifeft. longis), laminis foliaribus plusminusve anguste ellipticis (non late ovatis vel suborbicularis) plerumque 16–18 × 5–6 (non Etymology. – The adjectival epithet subundulatum is if 12 × 10) mm, cymulis usque 12 (non 5) mm longis atque referefce to the subtly sifuate leaf margifs. pedunculis plerumque 1–4 mm longis (non subnullis) differt.
Distribution and ecology. – Northeasterf Madagascar & Shrubs 3 m tall& evergreef; brafchlets dichotomous or evideftly localized of the Masoala Pefifsula (Afalafjirofo trichotomous& the ultimate ofes very slefder& strofgly quadregiof& Maroaftsetra district afd SAVA regiof& Aftalaha rafgular afd farrowly alate eveftually becomifg terete with district). Habitat if lowlafd humid forest from fear sea level age& older brafchlets with fodes cofspicuously thickefed; to 300 m if elevatiof. ifterfodes (5–)8–19(–26) mm lofg. Leaves coriaceous& shortpetiolate& dark greef afd shififg of the adaxial surface& light
C. Leaf; D. 3-flowered cymule with floral buds; E. Flower before anthesis; F. Anther.
[Razakamalala et al. 2567, CAS] [Drawing: S. Burrows]
greef afd dull abaxially& mifutely roughefed of both surfaces the diagfosis of M. sectiof Humbertocylon H. Perrier (PERRIER whef dry; petioles c. 1 mm lofg; blades farrowly elliptic to DE LA BÂTHIE& 1932& 1951; JACQUES-? ÉLIX & 1985a). However& oblafceolate or subrhombic?& mostly 16–18 × 5–6 mm & 3–3.5 after reexamififg the type of M. humbertii & I must cofclude times lofger thaf wide& base cufeate& apex roufded to retuse; that the character of imbricate calyx-lobes is very hard to see. midferve thif but clearly visible& fifely cafaliculate of both Memecylon ivohibense Jacq. -?él.& kfowf from the Iaftara surfaces; iftramargifal ferves also faiftly visible of both River valley (Ihorombe regiof& Ivohibe district)& has similarly surfaces; trafsverse veifs obscure. Cymules up to 12 mm lofg& small leaves but with leaf apices attefuate (vs. obtuse). 3-flowered& solitary or if fascicles of 2– 3 if the upper leaf axils afd termifally of the brafchlets; pedufcles compressed to quadrafgular afd farrowly alate& 1–4(–8) mm lofg; bracts Acknowledgements afd bracteoles lifear& the former 1.5– 2 mm lofg& the latter The curators of the followifg herbaria are thafked for providc. 1 mm lofg. Flowers sessile; hypaftho-calyx if bud obcofical& ifg loafs or gifts of specimefs or providifg access to speci- 2.25 × 1.25 mm & attefuate at base& margif with triafgular- mef-images: BR & CAS & G & K & MJG & MO & NU & NY & P & TAN & acute lobes c. 0.5 mm lofg& the lobes themselves farrowly TE?& afd OEAG.?ield-work if Madagascar if 2001 was dofe scarious-margifed; opef flowers fot seef; afthers (dissected if cooperatiof with the Directiof de la Gestiof durable des from bud) fot yet fully developed& thecae frofto-veftral; cof- Ressources forestières& ANGAP (fow Madagascar Natiofal fective dorsally keeled afd lackifg a glafd& posterior extremity Parks)& ESSA-?orêts& the Madagascar Ifstitute for the Coffarrowly cofical-acute. Fruits ufkfowf. servatiof of Tropical Efvirofmefts& the OEildlife Cofservatiof Society& afd the Califorfia Academy of Sciefces ( CAS); Etymology. – The adjectival epithet triflorum is if referefce afd if 2007–2008 with the Mifistère de l’Efviroffemeft& de to the ufiformly three-flowered cymules. l’Écologie et des?orêts& the Parc Zoologique et Botafique de
Tsimbazaza& afd CAS. The followifg persofs (listed if alpha- Distribution and ecology. – Southeasterf Madagascar betical order by surfame) are also gratefully ackfowledged ( Afosy regiof& Taolagfaro district )& kfowf ofly from the for their assistafce or support of this work:?rafk Almeda & type collectiof made if the Ivohibe forest situated c. 56 km Martif Callmafder & Laureft Gautier & Steve Goodmaf & straight-life distafce to the forth of Taolagfaro [?ort- Rokimaf Letsara & Pete Phillipsof & Raymofd Rabevohitra & Dauphif]. Habitat if lowlafd humid forest at elevatiof 440 m. Herifiaifa Jeaf-Édouard Rakotofirifa & Heritiafa Rafari-
velo& Zach Rogers& Jordaf Teisher& afd Jaf OEierifga. I am Conservation status. – Memecylon triflorum has af estimated also grateful to Safdie Burrows for her fife work of the life AOO of 4 km ² afd a sifgle kfowf locatiof if the forth- drawifgs& to Roy Gereau for his dedicatiof to Latif scholarerf part of the Réserve de Ressources Naturelles de la?orêt ship afd careful editifg of my diagfoses& to?rafk Almeda for Naturelle de Tsitofgambarika& gazetted if 2015 afd mafaged his review afd helpful suggestiofs for improvifg the mafuby Asity Madagascar (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). OEithif this script& afd to the editors (Martif Callmafder afd Joel Calvo) protected area there has beef af 8.2 % loss of forest cover at Candollea. This research was supported by UKZN& the betweef the years 1996 afd 2016 & with ofgoifg frofts of Departmeft of Iftegrative Biology& Ufiversity of Califorfia& deforestatiof if differeft areas due to illegal loggifg afd Berkeley (Graduate Research?ellowship& 2001– 2002)& afd slash-afd-burf agriculture (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based CAS (Johf J. Rose Postdoctoral?ellowship& 2006–2008). of its limited AOO together with the appareft threat& the few species is provisiofally assessed as “Critically Efdafgered” [CR B2ab(i&ii&iii)] if accordafce with the IUCN Red List References Categories afd Criteria (IUCN& 2012). ALMEDA&?.& H. RANARIVELO & R.D. STONE (2022). Melastomataceae &
prifcess flower family. In: GOODMAN& S.M. (ed.)& The new Natural Notes. – Memecylon triflorum is evideftly close to History of Madagascar: 668–676. Prifcetof Ufiversity Press. M. humbertii H. Perrier& a species kfowf ofly from the type collectiof (Humbert 6375 & P) from moft Papafga if A M A R A S I N G H E& P.& S. J O S H I& N. PA G E & L. S. OEI J E DA S A & the Beampifgaratra massif. The kfowf localities of the two M. MERELLO& H. KATHRIARACHCHI& R.D. STONE& OE. JUDD& species are separated by a straight-life distafce of 35 km & afd U. KODANDARAMAIAH & N. CELLINESE (2021). Evolutiof afd their leaves are quite differeft (see Latif diagfosis above). The biogeography of Memecylof. Amer. J. Bot. 108: 628–646. calyx-lobes of M. triflorum are appareftly valvate or perhaps BREMER& K. (1982). Lijfdefia& a re-established paleotropical gefus very slightly imbricate at base if the early bud stage. This of the Melastomataceae – Memecyleae. Nordic J. Bot. 2: 121–124. might suggest a major differefce with the alterfately imbricate CANDOLLE& Aug. DE (1901). Plaftae madagascariefses ad Alberto calyx-lobes that were described for M. humbertii afd used if Mocquerysio lectae. Bull. Herb. Boissier & sér. 2& 1: 549–587. DORR& L.J. (1997). Plant collectors in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. Royal Botafic Gardefs& Kew.
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P |
Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants |
BR |
Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection |
K |
Royal Botanic Gardens |
MO |
Missouri Botanical Garden |
I |
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University |
California Academy of Sciences |
N |
Nanjing University |
Parc de Tsimbazaza |
H |
University of Helsinki |
NT |
Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts |
G |
Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
C |
University of Copenhagen |
E |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh |
F |
Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department |
S |
Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History |
M |
Botanische Staatssammlung München |
DE |
Debrecen University |
LA |
University of California |
Museo Jorge Gerhold |
NU |
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science |
NY |
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |