Xenochara Mulsant & Rey

Park, Jong-Seok & Ahn, Kee-Jeong, 2010, Korean species of Aleochara Gravenhorst subgenus Xenochara Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae), ZooKeys 60, pp. 21-36 : 21

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scientific name

Xenochara Mulsant & Rey


Xenochara Mulsant & Rey

Xenochara Mulsant and Rey 1874: 60; Ganglbauer 1895: 32; Fenyes 1920: 403; Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz 1926: 781; Palm 1972: 426; Seevers 1978: 137.

Polychara Mulsant and Rey 1874: 64; Ganglbauer 1895: 34; Fenyes 1920: 408; Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz 1926: 785; Portevin 1929: 237; Seevers 1978: 136.

Isochara Bernhauer 1901: 440, 461.

Type species:

Aleochara decorata Aubé.


The subgenus Xenochara can be distinguished by a combination of the following characters: body compact, robust, pubescent; antennomere 4 usually longer than wide (except Aleochara tristis , transverse); carina on each side of midline of ventral surface of head present, attaining or almost attaining gular suture (arrows, Figs 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a; Klimaszewski 1984: Figs 313, 319, 321); maxillary palpomere 4 usually long (1/3 to 3/4 length of palpomere 3); labral b-seta sharpened or rounded apically (arrows, Figs 1c, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5b); mandibular internal tooth absent or weakly present; β-seta of labial palpi long (Figs 1e, 2e, 3e, 4d, 5d); mesoventrite completely or almost completely carinate (Figs 1a, 2a, 3a); pronotum evenly pubescent; spines of lateral margins of fore- and meso-tibia present but absent in meta-tibia.


This diagnosis is modified from Klimaszewski (1984: 35). New diagnostic characters based on mouthparts are added, and these are consistent at the subgenus level.

Key to the Aleochara (Xenochara) species from Korea


See Klimaszewski (1984) for complete synonymy and references.







