Villiersicoris, DELATTRE, 1950

Namyatova, Anna A. & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2016, Systematic revision and phylogeny of the plant bug tribe Monaloniini (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae) of the world, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176 (1), pp. 36-136 : 126-127

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Marcus (2021-08-29 06:21:27, last updated 2021-08-29 06:21:37)

scientific name




Figures 7, 17 AD–AG, 23

Villiersicoris Delattre, 1950: 263 (gen. nov.; type species: Villiersicoris sessensis Delattre, 1950 by monotypy); Carvalho, 1952: 60 (cat.); Carvalho, 1955: 42 (key to gen.); Carvalho, 1957: 149 (cat.); Odhiambo, 1962: 311 (descr. disc.); Schuh, 1995: 533 (cat.); Schuh, 2002 –2013 (cat.).

Diagnosis: Villiersicoris is recognized by the following characters: presence of row of punctures on clavus and R + M (as in fig. 11C, D in Namyatova et al., in press); eyes stylate; ASII incrassate towards apex; AS III–IV clavate, ASIV only slightly shorter than ASIII; calli upraised; pronotum punctate, scutellum impunctate; claval commissure subequal to scutellum length; membrane cell forming right angle (as in fig. 13B Namyatova et al., in press); genital capsule without outgrowth on left-hand side ( Fig. 17 AG); and sclerotized part of phallotheca wide basally and tapering towards apex ( Fig. 17 AD).

Redescription: Male: Body length 6.9. COLORATION ( Fig. 7). Ground colour of body is yellow and orange, with brown and reddish markings; antennae dark brown or reddish brown. TEXTURE. Body without tubercles; flattened areas on head absent; pronotum with shallow punctures and wrinkles; scutellum without punctures, with shallow wrinkles; pair of punctures between mesoscutum and scutellum, striations on lateral margin of scutellum and row of punctures on clavus and R + M present (as in fig. 11C, D as in Namyatova et al., in press); punctures on depression delimiting calli posteriorly absent; semicircular depression between scutellum and mesoscutum absent; hemelytron rugose. VESTITURE. Body clothed with dense suberect pale setae, setae on head, pronotum and legs mostly longer than hind tibia width; femora and tibiae with black spinules, those on tibia placed in rows (as in fig. 18D in Namyatova et al., in press); tibiae not very densely setose. STRUCTURE. Head. Distance between eye and pronotum shorter than eye diameter; occipital region delimited with shallow depression; longitudinal depression on vertex distinct, as long as eye length; eyes stylate, directed outwards, c. 0.2× as wide as head; distance between antennal fossa 3× as long as antennal fossa diameter; frons distinctly swollen, without ridges, outgrowths or longitudinal depression; anterior view of head c. 1.7–1.8× as wide as high; eye slightly shorter than distance from eye to apex of clypeus; inferior margin of antennal fossa placed near inferior margin of eye; base of clypeus placed near inferior half of eye, delimited with distinct depression; in lateral view head flat dorsally; gula subequal to length of buccula, slightly convex. Labium. Reaching posterior margin of mesosternum; LSI distinctly not reaching posterior margin of head; LSII slightly longer than LSI, LSIII slightly longer than LSII. Antenna. Reaching apex of clavus; ASI subequal to quarter of head width, twice as long as wide, widened basally; ASII 3–4× as long as ASI, with apical one third swollen, without swellings basally or medially; ASIII c. 0.6× as long as ASII, clavate, slightly longer than half of ASII; ASIV clavate, slightly shorter than ASIII. Thorax. Collar more or less delimited posteriorly, flat; calli separated, distinctly upraised, rounded; depression delimiting callosite region distinct laterally and medially; humeral angles of pronotum not dilated; posterior margin of pronotum slightly concave; scutellum only slightly upraised, acute apically, without outgrowth, medial ridge or depression; metepimeron enlarged, angulate (as in Fig. 13E); metasternum with medial projection to abdominal segment II (as in fig. 17A in Namyatova et al., in press). Hemelytron. Costal margins straight, subparallel, claval commissure as long as scutellum, straight; R + M distinct, reaching posterior margin of corium; medial fracture strongly inclined towards midline; corium without swelling posteriorly; cuneus c. 1.25× as long as wide, c. 0.7× as long as pronotum, with medial margin straight (as in fig. 13A in Namyatova et al., in press); cuneus shorter than pronotum, base of cuneus slightly longer than half of its length; its medial margin almost straight; membrane cell slightly surpassing apex of cuneus, forming right angle (as in fig. 13B in Namyatova et al., in press), c. 0.8–0.9× as long as pronotum, auxiliary vein absent; distance from cell apex to apex of membrane c. 0.7–0.8× as long as cell length. Legs. Forecoxae contiguous (as in fig. 17A in Namyatova et al., in press); forefemora indistinctly swollen, middle and hind femora distinctly swollen; femora straight, not curved; foretibia shorter than head and pronotum combined; segment I of hind tarsus longer than segments II and III; claw with basal tooth elongate. Genitalia ( Fig. 17 AD–AG). Genital capsule as long as wide, without outgrowth(s); left paramere 3× as long as right paramere, distinctly r-shaped; phallobase sclerite of primary gonopore subtriangular, straight apically, without outgrowth(s); ductus seminis not sclerotized basally or apically, longer than phallotheca, with coils forming wide tube, attached to phallobase medially; sclerotized part of phallotheca triangular, occupying half of dorsal side, acute apically, without ridge or outgrowth; endosoma with a number of medium-sized spicules, some of them serrate.

Female: Body length 7.6. COLORATION ( Fig. 7). Similar to male, but paler. TEXTURE, VESTITURE AND STRUC- TURE. As in male. Generally larger than male. Genitalia. Spermathecal gland placed close to the midpoint of DLP.

Distribution: Liberia and Uganda ( Fig. 23).

Host plants: Unknown.

Carvalho JCM. 1952. On the major classification of the Miridae (Hemiptera). (With keys to subfamilies and tribes and a catalogue of the world genera). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 24: 31 - 110.

Carvalho JCM. 1955. Keys to the genera of Miridae of the world (Hemiptera). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Zool 11: 1 - 151.

Carvalho JCM. 1957. A catalogue of the Miridae of the world. Part I. Arquivos do Museu Nacional 44: 1 - 158.

Delattre R. 1950. Description d'un Bryocorinae (Hem. Miridae) nouveau d'Afrique Occidentale. Bulletin du Musee National d'Histoire Natural, Paris 22: 263 - 265. (1951).

Odhiambo TR. 1962. Review of some genera of the subfamily Bryocorinae (Hemiptera: Miridae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 2: 245 - 331.

Schuh RT 2002 - 2013. On-line systematic catalog of plant bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae). Available at: http: // research. amnh. org / pbi / catalog.









