Ismarus brevis Kim & Lee, 2018

Kim, Chang-Jun, Notton, David G., Ødegaard, Frode & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2018, Review of the Palaearctic species of Ismaridae Thomson, 1858 (Hymenoptera: Diaprioidea), European Journal of Taxonomy 417, pp. 1-38 : 6-10

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2018.417

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scientific name

Ismarus brevis Kim & Lee

sp. nov.

Ismarus brevis Kim & Lee sp. nov.

Fig. 3 View Fig


Ismarus brevis sp. nov. is quite distinct from other described Palaearctic species in antenna length and antennal segment ratios. The very short antenna and quadrate A5-A13 are distinct characters among Palaearctic Ismarus .


The specific epithet brevis is derived from the Latin adjective which means short.

Type material (5 ♂♂)


SOUTH KOREA: ♂, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Mungyeong-si, Gaeun-eup, Wonjang-ri, Mt. Songnisan, Beorimgijae , 36°40′59″ N, 127°57′07″ E, 21 May - 15 Jun. 2013, J.K. Choi leg. ( YNU) GoogleMaps .


SOUTH KOREA: 1 ♂, Busan-si, Sasang-gu, Gwaebeop-dong, Silla Univ. , 35°09′49″ N, 129°00′12″ E, 7- 22 May 2008, MT, J.W. Lee leg. ( YNU); GoogleMaps 1 ♂, Gyeongsangbuk Province, Cheongdo-gun, Unmunmyeon, Mt. Unmunsan , 35°38′45″ N, 128°57′33″ E, 23 May -6 Jun. 2008, MT, J.W. Lee leg. ( YNU); GoogleMaps 1 ♂, Gyeongsangnam Province, Uiryeong-gun, 35°24′9″ N, 128°18′37″ E, 21 Jun. 1991, J.W. Lee leg. ( YNU) GoogleMaps .

RUSSIA: 1 ♂, Far East , env. Vladivostok, Jul. 1992, A.Okulov leg., swept ( CNCI).


Male (holotype)

HEAD. Head in dorsal view much wider than long (58: 32), slightly wider than width of mesosoma (58: 48); POL: 13; LOL: 6; OOL: 10 ( Fig. 3C View Fig ); ocelli large, LOL slightly longer than diameter of lateral ocellus (6: 5); vertex behind ocelli nearly flat in lateral view; eye large and without setae; inner orbits, frons and temple with few sparse setae; above antennal sockets, face and cheek with numerous long setae; antenna much shorter than body length (2: 3); scape and pedicel with scattered setae, A3–A15 with dense and short setae; blade-like carina on A4, basal 0.7× length of segment ( Fig. 3A View Fig ); antennal segments in following proportions (length:width): 18: 6; 7: 8; 11:5; 10: 6; 8: 7; 8:7; 7:7; 7: 7; 7: 7; 7: 7; 7:7; 7: 7; 7: 7; 11: 7 ( Fig. 3A View Fig ).

MESOSOMA. Pronotum in dorsal view coarsely punctate and whitish long setae along the posterior margin; pronotal shoulders angled; upper part of lateral pronotum predominantly smooth and concave in the middle except upper margin coarsely punctate, lower part of lateral pronotum with irregular transverse striae; mesoscutum smooth and convex; notauli present anteriorly as large pits ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); humeral sulcus deep, longer than length of tegula (5: 4); scutellum smooth and slightly convex, posterior rim rounded ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); anterior scutellar pit large and deep, much shorter than remaining scutellar disc, nearly smooth at bottom, median keel weak ( Fig. 3D View Fig ); mesopleuron predominantly smooth with deep crenulate line along posterior margin ( Fig. 3B View Fig ); metapleuron rugose and covered with dense long setae.

WINGS. Fore wing with costal, subcostal, basal, marginal, postmarginal, radial and stigma veins tubular; medial vein pigmented; radial cell closed, as long as marginal vein and 3.1× its height.

LEGS. Fore and mid legs slender; hind tibiae gradually swollen.

METASOMA. Petiole short and expanded (2: 3), irregular longitudinal carinae dorsally; tergites completely smooth, with scattered setigerous punctures; base of second tergite with several short costae basally and long and deep median furrow, extending 0.60 × length of second tergite; sutures between tergites complete and deeply impressed.

COLOUR. Body black; antennae yellowish brown except apical segment brown; legs and tegulae yellowish brown to brown; wings hyaline, covered with brown setae.

MEASUREMENTS. Head length 0.43 mm, width 0.73 mm; mesosoma length 0.90 mm, width 0.62 mm; metasoma length 1.02 mm; fore wing length 2.41 mm; total body length 2.35 mm.




Body length 2.00- 2.61 mm; body colour dark brown to black, antenna yellowish brown with A15 or A14-A15 or A12-A15 dark brown; median furrow extending 0.60-0.75 × length of second tergite.




Russia (Primorsky Krai) , South Korea.


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canadian National Collection of Insects


Yokohama National University


Canadian National Collection Insects













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