Goudotostes rasoamananae, Ballerio, 2021

Ballerio, Alberto, 2021, The Ceratocanthinae of Madagascar and Comoro Islands: a revision of the genera Synarmostes and Goudotostes, and of the flightless Philharmostes, with description of 64 new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea, Hybosoridae), Fragmenta entomologica 53 (2), pp. 105-282 : 196-198

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.13133/2284-4880/545

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scientific name

Goudotostes rasoamananae

sp. nov.

Goudotostes rasoamananae View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 43 View Fig a-m, 77) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1F597A6E-3595-4092-881D-8C79E4DC536D

Type series. Holotype, ♂, deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA, labelled as follows: / CASTYPE 20283 / CASENT 8135283 / Madagascar: Antsiranana forêt de Binara 9.1 km 233° SW Daraina elev. 650-800m 3 December 2003 / 13° 15’ 48” S 049° 36’ 12” E California Acad. of Sciences collector: B. L. Fisher, sifted litter (leaf mold, rotten wood) rainforest BLF9656 / Goudotostes rasoamananae n. sp. det. A. Ballerio 2020 GoogleMaps Holotypus ♂ / [distended, glued on card, dissected, male genitalia glued on a separate card, same pin]. Paratypes [1 ♂ dissected]: 2 ♂♂ (1 in ABCB and 1 in CASC): same collecting data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Goudotostes rasoamanane sp. nov. can be differentiated from all other species of Goudotostes by the following combination of characters: a) large size, b) dorsal ocular area present (vestigial), c) head with a strong tubercle on clypeal disc, d) pronotal anterior carina monolobate, e) pronotal anterior carina acutely triangular in frontal view, f) pronotal basal carina monolobate, g) pronotum saddle-shaped in lateral view, h) pronotal disc with gibbosities and lacking any distinct carinae and/or tubercles (apart from the monolobate anterior and posterior carinae), h) elytra with dense (distinct interstriae cannot be seen among tubercles and carinae) strongly raised tubercles and short longitudinal carinae, i) aedeagus with short strongly asymmetrical parameres. The species falls within the scabrosus group of species and can be differentiated by the other species of the group by the combination of characters b), c) h) as well as by the extremely divergent shape of parameres and median lobe of aedeagus.

Description. Size: HL = 1.1 mm; HW = 1.9 mm; PL = 1.7 mm; PW = 3.1 mm; EL = 3.2 mm; EW = 3.2 mm. Overall morphology as in generic diagnosis. Large-sized Goudotostes . Body strongly convex. Dark-brown with slight bronze/metallic green sheen, dorsum with fine short setae (50×), underside, tarsi and antennae dark reddish-brown, setation yellowish-brown. Head: W/L ratio = 1.42; clypeal apex obtuse, apical projection present and sexually dimorphic but weakly developed, sides almost rectilinear apart from slightly unaligned genae; dorsal ocular area present, genal canthus indistinct, ventral ocular area small-sized, genae acute, distinctly protruding outwards, genal suture indistinct; head dorsal surface uniformly covered by large impressed simple punctures, clypeus with a strongly raised irregular large tubercle with surface covered by large deep simple punctures. Interpunctural distance inferior than punctural diameter (punctures almost adjacent to each other). Pronotum: subrectangular (dorsal view) (W/L ratio = 1.80), convex and unevenly sculptured, base and sides broadly rounded, fore angles distinctly subtruncate; surface uniformly covered by dense deep large simple punctures, each one bearing a short fine seta in the middle, punctation very deep, with interpunctural intervals raised and narrow (interpunctural distance inferior than punctural diameter, punctures almost adjacent to each other) giving a granulose appearance to surface; monolobate anterior carina strongly and narrowly raised, portion raised having the shape of an inverted V in frontal view and of a longitudinal long and narrow carina in dorsal view, disc with a depression in the middle, sides of disc with one raised rounded tubercle, next to tubercle a transverse short carina reaching outer margin, monolobate basal carina distinctly raised, dorsally marked by an inverted V-shaped short tubercle. Pronotal bead not visible from above. Scutellum : surface covered by dense large transverse deep comma-shaped punctures, each one bearing a setigerous puncture internally. Elytra: longer than wide (W/L ratio = 0.93), subovoidal (dorsal view), strongly convex; humeral callus indistinct; elytral surface uniformly covered by large deep comma-shaped punctures becoming horseshoe-shaped with opening directed outwards on median and distal third, each one bearing a short fine seta internally; interpunctural distance inferior than punctural diameter; inferior sutural stria complete and deep; striated articular area hardly visible in lateral view, relatively narrow and short; marginal area medium-sized; elytral articular process developed, smooth and shiny. Elytral sculpturing as follows: elytral suture marked by a longitudinal row of raised tubercles and short carinae, base with one longitudinal short carina near apex of scutellum, next to it a longitudinal shorter, then another carina which marks the humeral area, remaining elytral surface with dense (distinct interstriae cannot be seen among tubercles and carinae) raised tubercles and short carinae, sides with denser and more irregular tubercles and short carinae. Sides of elytra with several irregular short rows of tubercles and short carinae. Wings: flightless. Male genitalia: aedeagus (L = 1.8 mm) with parameres as in Figs 43 View Fig g-m, spiculum gastrale as (L = 1.9 mm) in Fig. 43 f View Fig .

Etymology. Noun in the genitive case. Named after Nicole Rasoamanana ( Madagascar Biodiversity Center, Antananarivo), member of the Malagasy lab team of CAS.

Distribution and habitat. Known only from the type locality in eastern Madagascar. The type series was collect- ed by sifting leaf litter and rotten wood in rainforest. The vegetation cover consists of “medium altitude moist evergreen forest” ( Goodman et al. 2018) also known as “humid forest” ( Moat & Smith 2007). The collecting locality represents a small patch of rainforest situated in the south-western portion of the protected area “Paysage harmonieux protégé de Loki Manabato”, situated between the Eastern humid and Western dry phytogeographical domains, con- taining a dozen forested massifs in a deforested matrix.

Goudotostes rugatulus sp. nov.

( Figs 41 View Fig a-k, 77) http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:58395357-3900-4130-B1A9-193D5B354F05

Type series. Holotype, ♂, deposited in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco ,

CA, USA. Madagascar: / CASTYPE 20284 / CASENT 8135438 / Madagascar: Toamasina Prov., Reserve Betampona Camp Rendrirendry 34.1 km 332° Toamasina el. 390 m 28 November 2005 / 17° 55’ 26” S 049° 11’ 59” E California Acad. of Sciences coll. Brian L. Fisher et al. sifted litter, rainforest collection code: BLF 13125/ Goudotostes rugatulus n. sp. det. A. Ballerio 2020 Holotypus ♂ [distended, glued on card, dissected, male genitalia glued in DMHF resin on a separate card, same pin]. Paratypes [1 ♂ dissected]: 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀ (2 in CASC and 1 in ABCB), same collecting data as holotype .

Diagnosis. Goudotostes rugatulus sp. nov can be differentiated from all other species of Goudotostes by the following combination of characters: a) medium size, b) dorsal ocular area absent, c) pronotal disc completely covered by a series of short transverse blunt irregular carinae giving a wrinkeld appearance, d) pronotal anterior carina bilobate, e) pronotal basal carina bilobate, f) body dorsum covered by long erect clavate setation, g) elytral longitudinal carinae distinctly blunt, h) aeadeagus with right paramere having inner margin distinctly serrate. None of the known Goudotostes has pronotum with wrinkled sculpturing and such an uniform erect long clavate setation.

Description. Size: HL = 0.8 mm; HW = 1.3 mm; PL = 1.5 mm; PW = 2.5 mm; EL = 2.5 mm; EW = 2.4 mm. Overall morphology as in generic diagnosis. Medium-sized Goudotostes . Body strongly convex. Dark brown with bronze to green metallic sheen especially on tubercles and carinae, shiny, dorsum with setigerous punctures bearing a long clavate seta (50×), underside, tarsi and antennae dark reddish-brown, setation yellowish-brown. Head: W/L ratio = 1.75; clypeal apex obtuse, apical projection strongly developed and sexually dimorphic, sides gently and regularly rounded, apart from abruptly unaligned genae; dorsal ocular area absent, ventral ocular area medium-sized, genae acute, distinctly protruding outwards, genal suture indistinct; head dorsal surface strongly sculptured, with one raised small tubercle at clypeofrontal border, remaining surface covered by dense impressed irregular lines giving a wrinkled appearance. Pronotum: subrectangular (dorsal view) (W/L ratio = 1.66), convex, base and sides broadly rounded, fore angles broadly subtruncate; surface covered by irregular deep lines, surface between lines swollen and smooth, giving pronotal disc a wrinkled appearance. Pronotal bead complete apart from fore angles, and not visible at base; pronotal base distinctly raised in correspondence with scutellum; sculpturing made of large raised carinae as follows: bilobate anterior margin weakly raised, basal bilobate carina strongly raised (lobes convergent), disc with two parallel longitudinal rows of smooth weakly raised carinae, each side with two transverse carinae, the inner one being longer and more raised than the outer one, which reaches the outer pronotal margin. Scutellum : few sparse deep transverse comma-shaped punctures, sides and apical third smooth. Elytra: longer than wide (W/L ratio = 0.94), subovoidal (dorsal view), strongly convex; humeral callus indistinct (apart from the presence of a tubercle); elytral surface covered by large longitudinally oriented comma-shaped punctures mixed to some horseshoe-shaped punctures with opening directed outwards or backwards having a setigerous pore inside; striated articular area hardly visible in lateral view, relatively narrow and short; inferior sutural stria complete; marginal area narrow; elytral articular process well developed, smooth and shiny. Elytral sculpturing as follows: elytral suture marked by a row of longitudinal short weakly raised carinae of irregular size, base with one large oblique raised carina near apex of scutellum, next to it another oblique short carina marking humeral area, each one of the basal carinae marks the beginning of a row of short longitudinal strongly raised carinae, of irregular size, elytral sides with two other irregular longitudinal rows of short longitudinal carinae. Surface of carinae smooth and shiny. Wings: flightless. Male genitalia: aedeagus (L = 1.5 mm) with parameres as in Figs 41 View Fig h-k, spiculum gastrale (L = 1.5 mm) as in Fig. 41 g View Fig .

Etymology. Latin adjective in the nominative singular, meaning “a little wrinkled”, due to the pattern of pronotal sculpturing.

Distribution and habitat. Known only from the type locality. Collected by sifting leaf litter in rainforest. For details on the collecting locality see under Synarmostes compactus sp. nov..













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