Dionysia splendens Alipour, Mehregan & Lidén, 2021

Alipour, S., Mehregan, I. & Lidén, M., 2021, DIONYSIA SPLENDENS (PRIMULACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM THE FARS PROVINCE OF IRAN, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 78 (397), pp. 1-5 : 2

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24823/EJB.2021.397

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scientific name

Dionysia splendens Alipour, Mehregan & Lidén

sp. nov.

Dionysia splendens Alipour, Mehregan & Lidén View in CoL , sp. nov.

Differs from all other Iranian species of Dionysia in its purplish-blue flowers in stalked inflorescences. – Type : Iran, Fars, Eqlid county , Khonjesht district : Kuh-e Musa-Khani SW of Kaftar (30°29′51′′N, 52°42′21′′E), 3300–3400 m, westward rocky clefts, 21 v 2020, S. Alipour s.n. (holotype IAUH-000015310!; isotypes TARI!, UPS!). Figure GoogleMaps .

Caespitose scapose suffrutescent chasmophyte. Perennating stems glandular-pubescent, reddish brown, terminating in dense rosettes with 10–20 leaves. Marcescent leaves pale grey, thin and fragile, probably not lasting for more than one extra season. Farina sparse (or absent) confined to inside of calyx and apical half of corolla tube. Leaves 15–22 × 4–6 mm, oblong without defined petiole, in apical half with 4 or 5 regular triangular teeth on each side; midvein very broad, pale, conspicuously raised below; margin flat. Whole leaf with rather dense erect mostly glandular hairs 0–1.5 mm. Inflorescence pedunculate with one or two tiers of flowers, 1–4 flowers in each. Peduncle 3–6 cm, ± pubescent with spreading glandular hairs. Bracts usually 3, 10–20 × 4–9 mm, ovate, acute, with sharply dentate margin. Pedicels 8–18 mm. Calyx 8–11 mm, divided to c.4/5 into linear acute erect lobes; pubescence like that of bracts and peduncle. Corolla tube 16–18 mm long, pale yellowish, conspicuously ridged, ± densely pubescent with glandular hairs up to 0.5 mm long, often farinose. Limb pinkish purple to pale purplish blue, often paler towards the centre, but without a marked eye, 20–24 mm in diameter, cut into obovate, narrowly and shallowly emarginate lobes, sometimes with a few apical teeth. Style in longistylous flowers usually slightly exserted; style of brevistylous flowers reaching halfway through the tube. Ovary with c.15 ovules; capsule rounded, 3–4 mm. Seeds almost black, ellipsoid, c.1.2 × 0.8–0.9 mm.

Altitudinal range. 3300–3400 m.

Ecology. On west-facing limestone cliffs.

Etymology. From Latin splendens (‘illustrious’).

Phenology. Flowering in May.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Provisional IUCN category. The restricted occurrence (a single locality with c.200 mature individuals is currently known) suggests the category Endangered (criterion D) according to the IUCN (2012). However, the species may well occur in other parts of the Kuh-e Mousa- Khani, and because we know of no immediate threat to the population, we list Dionysia splendens as LC (Least Concern).


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute


Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution, Botany Section (Fytoteket)













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